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City Super Mod

The City Super Mod is a Minecraft mod that adds a variety of new realistic blocks and items to your world. Open-source and free to use, the City Super Mod is designed to be compatible with other mods and provide a realistic city-building experience in Minecraft.

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Wiki/Player Information

Information about the City Super Mod can be found on the City Super Mod Wiki

Wiki topics include:

  • Supported Minecraft Versions
  • Player and Developer Safety
  • Downloading and Running the City Super Mod
  • Help and Support
  • Website and Discord

Developer Information


The preferred development environment/IDE for the City Super Mod is IntelliJ IDEA. It is recommended to use the latest version of IntelliJ IDEA for the best development experience.

Making Changes

To make changes to the City Super Mod, you will need to clone the project from the GitHub repository and open it in your preferred IDE.

To learn more about the version control system, Git, please see

If you are using IntelliJ IDEA as your preferred IDE, you may use the built-in Git integration to clone the project from the GitHub repository. To learn more about using Git integration with IntelliJ IDEA, please see

Adding a Block

Adding a block looks different depending on the blockstate format, model format, or other features. In general, the following steps should be followed:

  • Create a new block class file within src/main/java/com/micatechnologies/minecraft/csm.
    • Block classes shall extend an appropriate base class, listed below.
    • Block classes shall be named in CamelCase.
    • Block classes shall be placed in the appropriate package based on the inventory tab.
    • Block classes shall contain a unique registry name in the format snake_case.
  • Create a blockstate file in src/main/resources/assets/csm/blockstates.
    • Blockstate files shall be named using the block's registry name.
    • Blockstate files shall reference the block's model and any additional properties.
  • Create or copy any required base block models to src/main/resources/assets/csm/models/custom.
    • Block model base files shall use a descriptive name.
    • Block model base files shall be referenced by block models, not blockstate files.
    • Block model base files shall only be used when necessary to reduce duplication.
  • Create or copy any required block models to src/main/resources/assets/csm/models/block.
    • Block models shall be named using the block's registry name.
    • Block models shall reference the block's texture(s) and any additional properties, or any block model base file(s), if applicable.
  • Create or copy any required texture files to src/main/resources/assets/csm/textures/block.
    • Texture files shall be named using a descriptive name.
    • Texture files shall be referenced by block models.
    • Texture files shall be PNG format and have a power of two resolution (16x16, 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, etc.).
  • Create a block lang entry in src/main/resources/assets/csm/lang/en_us.lang.
    • Block lang entries shall be named using the block's registry name.
    • Block lang entries shall contain a human-readable name for the block.

If the blockstate file does not define an inventory variant, an item model must be created for the block to properly be displayed in the inventory or player's hand. If required, create an item model within src/main/resources/assets/csm/models/item which references the block model.

  • Block item models shall be named using the block's registry name.
  • Block item models should reference the block model, if possible.
    • If the block model is suitable for use as an item model, the item model should reference the block model. For example:
        "parent": "csm:block/[block_registry_name]"
    • If the block model is not suitable for use as an item model, a separate item model may be created.
Block Base Classes
  • AbstractBlock: The base class for all blocks in the City Super Mod, including the base classes below.
  • AbstractBlockFence: The base class for all blocks in the City Super Mod that are fences.
  • AbstractBlockStairs: The base class for all blocks in the City Super Mod that are stairs.
  • AbstractBlockSlab: The base class for all blocks in the City Super Mod that are slabs.
  • AbstractBlockSetBasic: The base class for all blocks in the City Super Mod that generate as a set of basic blocks (fence, stairs, slab).
  • AbstractBlockRotatableNSEW: The base class for all blocks in the City Super Mod that are horizontally rotatable (north, south, east, west).
  • AbstractBlockRotatableNSEWUD: The base class for all blocks in the City Super Mod that are horizontally and vertically rotatable (north, south, east, west, up, down).
  • AbstractBlockRotatableHZEight: The base class for all blocks in the City Super Mod that are horizontally rotatable in eight directions (north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest).
  • AbstractPoweredBlockRotatableNSEWUD: The base class for all blocks in the City Super Mod that are powered and are horizontally and vertically rotatable (north, south, east, west, up, down).

Adding an Item

Adding an item looks different depending on the model format, item type, or other features. In general, the following steps should be followed:

  • Create a new item class file within src/main/java/com/micatechnologies/minecraft/csm/item.
    • Item classes shall extend an appropriate base class, listed below.
    • Item classes shall be named in CamelCase.
    • Item classes shall be placed in the appropriate package based on the item type.
    • Item classes shall contain a unique registry name in the format snake_case.
  • Create or copy any required base items models to src/main/resources/assets/csm/models/custom.
    • Item model base files shall use a descriptive name.
    • Item model base files shall only be used when necessary to reduce duplication.
  • Create an item model in src/main/resources/assets/csm/models/item.
    • Item models shall be named using the item's registry name.
    • Item models shall reference the item's texture and any additional properties, or any item model base file(s), if applicable.
  • Create or copy any required texture files to src/main/resources/assets/csm/textures/item.
    • Texture files shall be named using a descriptive name.
    • Texture files shall be referenced by item models.
    • Texture files shall be PNG format and have a power of two resolution (16x16, 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, etc.).
  • Create an item lang entry in src/main/resources/assets/csm/lang/en_us.lang.
    • Item lang entries shall be named using the item's registry name.
    • Item lang entries shall contain a human-readable name for the item.
Item Base Classes
  • AbstractItem: The base class for all items in the City Super Mod.
  • AbstractItemSpade: The base class for all items in the City Super Mod that are shovels/spades.

Registering a Block or Item

After creating a block or item class, the block or item must be registered with the game. To register a block or item, an entry must be added to the appropriate tab class file within the src/main/java/com/micatechnologies/minecraft/csm/tabs package folder.

  • If the block or item is intended to be unlisted, it shall be registered with the CsmTabNone tab class file.
  • If a new tab is required for the block or item, a new tab class file shall be created using the process outlined in the Adding a Tab section below.

Adding a Tab

Adding a tab is a fairly simple process. To add a tab, follow these steps:

  • Copy/duplicate an existing tab class file within the src/main/java/com/micatechnologies/minecraft/csm/tabs package folder.
    • It is recommended to copy the CsmTabNovelties tab class file, as it is the simplest tab class file.
  • Ensure the copied/duplicated tab class file has a unique name in CamelCase.
  • Update the value of the CsmTab.Load annotation to reflect the new tab's load order.
    • The load order value should be positive, unique and sequential, as it determines the order in which tabs are loaded and displayed in-game.
  • Update the values of the following methods in the tab class file:
    • getTabName(): The human-readable name of the tab.
    • getTabIcon(): The block or item that represents the tab in the creative inventory.
    • getTabSearchable(): Whether the tab is searchable in the creative inventory.
    • getTabHidden(): Whether the tab is hidden from the creative inventory.
  • Populate the initTabElements() method with the blocks and items that should be displayed in the tab.
    • Ensure cleanup/removal of any existing blocks or items from the copied/duplicated tab class file.
    • Blocks and items shall be added to the tab using the initTabBlock() and initTabItem() methods, respectively.
    • Blocks and items shall be added in the order they are to be displayed in the tab.

Submitting Changes

After making changes, you can push your modifications to GitHub on a new branch. To protect the working code, modification of the main branch is not permitted except through pull request.


Active Developers

Name: Alex
GitHub Username: mica-alex
Minecraft Username: Akselhok

Name: Brandon
GitHub Username: AngelWingsPanda
Minecraft Username: AngelWingsPanda


The City Super Mod began as an MCreator project. While the project has since been migrated to a standalone project, the development team would like to acknowledge the MCreator project and its developers for their contributions to the Minecraft modding community.