- Google Docs Version - same list, but in google docs
- Personal Favorites
- Biology
- Paleontology and Anthropology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- General Science
- Anatomy and Medicine
- Science Experiments and Building Stuff
- Math
- Electronics
- Engineering
- Computer Science
- Coding
- Space
- Lectures
- General Explanation
- Iconic
- Motivation
- Music
- Chill
- Outdoors
- Travel
- History
- Documentaries
- Workshop
- Blue Collar
- Comedy
- Philosophy
- Gaming
- Cooking
- Houseplants and Terrariums
- Other
- Lemmino
- melodysheep
- NileRed - chemistry
- Veritasium - general science
- Primitive Technology
- Real Engineering - engineering
- StuffMadeHere - engineering
- Sebastian Lague - game dev/comp sci
- Ben Eater - computer science
- Exurb1a - philosophy
- Casually Explained - comedy, kinda
- styropyro - lasers
- 3Blue1Brown - math
- Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell
- EngineerGuy - engineering
- Applied Science - science experiments
- Periodic Videos - chemistry
- Journey to the Microcosmos - microbiology, microscopy
- Deep Look - biology
- Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't - botany
- Deep Sky Videos - space
- Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
- Marc Rebillet - music
- Hsinchuen Lin - ceramics
- Cooking With The Blues - cooking
- SethEverman
- Indigo Traveller - travel
- Journey to the Microcosmos - microbiology, microscopy
- Deep Look
- Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't - botany
- Animalogic
- Nick Zentner - geology
- Fraser Valley Rose Farm - botany
- Natural World Facts
- Dr. Plants
- zefrank1
- Basin79 - spiders
- Ben G Thomas
- AntsCanada - ants
- Andrew Millison - permaculture
- Anthill Art
- TierZoo
- Made in the Wild - zoology
- Stated Clearly
- MBARI - marine biology
- Anthöny Pain
- Nature on PBS
- BBC Earth
- Microbehunter - microscopy, microbiology
- Quaoar Power - entomology
- Animal Fact Files
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- Planet Fungi - mycology
- Atlas Pro
- Amoeba Sisters
- GeologyHub
- Kate Tectonics - geology
- EVNautilus - marine biology
- InsecthausTV - insects
- Plants Insider
- Climate Town - climate
- Neural Academy - biology songs
- Biologybyme
- This Glorious Clockwork
- Simon Clark - climate
- PBS Eons
- History of the Earth
- The Budget Museum
- Animal Origins
- Moth Light Media
- NORTH 02
- Stefan Milo
- Your Dinosaurs Are Wrong
- Past Eons Productions
- Minutephysics
- PBS Space Time
- The Science Asylum
- Physics with Elliot
- Physics Girl
- Fermilab
- Physics Videos by Eugene
- ScienceClic English
- Xenosum
- DrPhysicsA
- For the Allure of Physics
- ViaScience - quantum mechanics, thermodynamics
- XylyXylyX - general relativity
- Sixty Symbols
- PhysicsHigh
- Parth G
- Looking Glass Universe
- Arvin Ash
- Physics Explained
- The Biggest Ideas in the Universe - playlist
- Eigenchris - relativity, tensors
- Flipping Physics
- Physics Explained
- Professor M does Science
- NileRed
- Periodic Videos
- Tyler DeWitt
- NurdRage
- NileRed Shorts
- NileBlue
- Extractions&Ire
- Explosions&Fire
- ChemicalForce
- Rhodanide
- Tom's Lab
- ReactiveChem
- David Sherrill - computational chemistry
- TMP Chem
- Chemistry in a Nutshell - lectures
- The Organic Chemistry Tutor - lectures
- Veritasium
- Domain of Science
- Sabine Hossenfelder
- The Action Lab
- Steve Mould
- Be Smart
- Science Channel
- NightHawkInLight
- Branch Education
- Science Marshall
- Sciencephile the AI
- Sci Show
- Minute Earth
- Real Science
- Alpha Phoenix
- Arxiv Insights
- Nottinghamscience
- BackstageScience
- Verge Science
- The Royal Institution
- World Science Festival
- Up and Atom
- SmarterEveryDay
- Kyle Hill
- StarTalk
- Armando Hasudungan
- Wendy Riggs
- Medicosis Perfectionalis
- Institute of Human Anatomy
- Chubbyemu
- Ninja Nerd
- Alice Roberts - embryology
- Sam Webster
- Applied Science
- Thought Emporium
- StuffMadeHere
- Jeremy Fielding
- Tech Ingredients
- Sam Zeloof
- Mark Rober
- Cody's Lab
- Michael Reeves
- colinfurze
- TheBackyardScientist
- The Post Apocalyptic Inventor
- Tom Stanton
- PeterSripol
- rctestflight
- Huygens Optics
- Teslista555 - high voltage
- Breaking Taps
- Robert Murray-Smith
- 3Blue1Brown
- Numberphile
- PBS Infinite Series
- Eddie Woo
- Vihart
- Stand-up Maths
- Mathologer
- patrickJMT
- Tipping Point Math
- Think Twice
- blackpenredpen
- MindYourDecisions
- Richard E. BORCHERDS - advanced math
- Dr. Trefor Bazett
- Professor Leonard - lectures
- Tibees
- Michael Penn
- zhuli
- Mr Carlson's Lab
- Simply Electronics
- Technology Connections
- SeanHodgins
- styropyro - lasers
- How To Mechatronics
- DiodeGoneWild
- bigclivedotcom
- GreatScott!
- Afrotechmods
- Zilipoper
- Vidduley
- JerryRigEverything
- ElectroBOOM
- The Signal Path
- Esperantanaso
- Techmoan
- EEVblog
- EdisonTechCenter
- Moritz Klein
- w2aew
- CuriousMarc
- Tesla500
- Alan Yates
- Mikeselectricstuff
- Jeri Ellsworth
- Marques Brownlee - new tech
- FesZ Electronics
- Ali Hajimiri
- Electronoobs
- EngineerGuy
- Real Engineering
- Practical Engineering - civil
- The Efficient Engineer
- The Engineering Mindset
- Engineering Explained
- Kyle.Engineers
- AgentJayZ
- The B1M - civil
- Found And Explained - aerospace
- Lesics
- Dejmian XYZ Simulations
- Art of rendering - mechanical renders
- WolfShaft - mechanical renders
- Jeff Hanson - lectures
- Gregory Michaelson - statics, structural analysis
- Ben Eater
- Sebastian Lague
- Two Minute Papers
- george hotz archive
- Computerphile
- LiveOverflow
- jdh
- Reducible
- PwnFunction
- CS Dojo
- sentdex
- Fireship
- javidx9
- Welch Labs
- CodeParade
- DevTips
- ExplainingComputers
- Neso Academy
- The Coding Train
- Nemean
- Brackeys
- Code Bullet
- DeepMind - applied computer science
- Creel
- Techquickie
- Linus Tech Tips
- Scrimba - learn how to code interactively [website]
- Mike Dane - every language
- freeCodeCamp - every language
- mCoding - python
- Programming with Mosh - java, python
- Bro Code
- Corey Schafer - mainly python, pandas, django
- TheCodex - java, SQL, python
- John Hammond
- Stephen Grider
- JavaScript Mastery
- Kevin Powell - HTML & CSS
- The Net Ninja
- Mr. P Solver - python
- Ihatetomatoes
- Coding Addict
- IAmTimCorey - C#
- Computer Science
- Alex Lee - java
- Dev Ed - react, JS, node JS, web design
- Ari Pxl - figma, HTML, CSS
- DesignCode - UI/UX, figma, swift
- Web Dev Simplified - CSS, JS, React, Node
- Anton Petrov
- Deep Sky Videos
- Everyday Astronaut
- John Michael Godier
- Dr. Becky
- Isaac Arthur
- Sci Show Space
- Astrum
- Cool Worlds
- Scott Manley
- David Butler
- History of the Universe
- Event Horizon
- Launch Pad Astronomy
- Chandra X-ray Observatory
- Primal Space
- The Vintage Space
- ParallaxNick
- Crash Course
- Khan Academy
- AK Lectures
- Michel van Biezen
- MIT OpenCourseWare
- Bozeman Science - physics, biology
- YaleCourses
- Harvard Physics
- Professor Dave Explains - chemistry, anatomy
- Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell
- Lemmino
- melodysheep
- Mike Boyd
- Wendover Productions
- Joe Scott
- D!NG
- Half as Interesting
- Tom Scott
- Primer
- New Mind
- Vsauce
- Vsauce2
- TED-Ed
- Atomic Frontier
- Facts in Motion
- Jared Owen
- Koranos
- Art of the Problem
- RealLifeLore
- Vox
- CGP Grey
- Geographics
- Biographics
- 12tone - music theory
- Tony Ann - piano
- Kyle Landry - piano
- Paul Davids - guitar
- Alex Ball - synths
- Ichika Nito - guitar
- ibi - piano
- Mariana Froes - singing covers
- CharlesBerthoud - bass
- Daniel Thrasher
- The Dooo - electric guitar
- Harry Mack - freestyle rap
- Fkj
- Markus Veltri - piano
- Marc Rebillet - improv music
- DOMi & JD Beck
- Lara6683 - piano
- Majestic Casual
- MrSuicideSheep
- Steezyasfuck
- Adam Neely
- David Bruce Composer
- Sideways - music analysis
- 8-bit Music Theory
- Captain Pikant
- Electrónicos Fantásticos!
- Dolomuse
- Listening In
- Tantacrul
- Charles Cornell
- David Bennett Piano
- Reid Gower - feynman, sagan
- Hsinchuen Lin - ceramics
- Ingleton Pottery
- Yukikawae - sand drawing
- Macro Room
- Primitive Technology
- Self Sufficient Me - gardening
- Kraig Adams - hiking
- Alaska to Argentina on Honda 90's
- Beau Miles
- Bertram - Craft and Wilderness
- Patagonia
- AlfieAesthetics
- Learn Your Land
- Yellow Elanor
- Paul Stamets - mycology
- MCQBushcraft
- Nagualero
- Primitive Skills
- Bound For Nowhere
- Foresty Forest
- Jungle Survival - fake, but cool
- Primitive Survival Tool - fake, but cool
- Indigo Traveller
- Gabriel Traveler
- Karl Watson
- Christoph Rehage - asia, europe
- c90adventures - north, south, and central america
- Only in Japan
- travelling the unknown
- The Tim Traveller
- Eli from Russia
- Rick Steves' Europe
- Kurt Caz
- bald and bankrupt
- Sam O'Nella Academy
- History Matters
- toldinstone
- Dan Carlin
- TimeGhost History
- Kings and Generals
- The History Guy
- Jay Foreman
- The Operations Room
- Historia Civilis
- ConeOfArc
- Paper Skies
- Dan Davis History
- History Buffs
- Military History Visualized
- HistoryMarche
- OverSimplified
- Fire of Learning
- The Great War
- Drachinifel
- Lindybeige
- InRangeTV
- Invicta
- Forgotten Weapons
- Fall of Civilizations
- Tasting History with Max Miller
- Weird History
- Real Crusades History
- The Chieftain
- Knowledgia
- Extra Credits
- Rex's Hangar
- WW1 [Playlist]
- WW2 [Playlist]
- Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan
- FRONTLINE PBS | Official
- All Gas No Brakes
- Kimgary
- DW Documentary
- Matthias Wandel - woodworking
- AvE
- Blondihacks - machining
- Dan Gelbart - machining
- Simone Giertz
- Cosmas Bauer
- This Old Tony
- Mrpete222
- Myfordboy
- Luckygen1001
- Tips from a Shipwright
- EngelsCoachShop
- The Luminary Shoppe
- Machine Thinking - machining
- MIT Machine Shop - machining
- Joe Pieczynski
- Clickspring
- Peter Brown - resin
- WhyKnot - knots
- First Class Amateur - knots
- ChrisFix - automotive
- HVAC-R Videos
- Speedkar99 - automotive
- AC Service Tech LLC - HVAC
- HVAC School
- Word of Advice TV - HVAC, plumbing
- MikeHoltNEC - electrical
- Project Farm - tools, DIY
- Electrician U
- Essential Craftsman - construction
- RR Buildings - construction
- Perkins Builder Brothers - construction
- Insider Carpentry
- Fix This Build That
- Vlog Creations
- Casually Explained
- Alex Ernst - apple cider vinegar
- Lessons in Meme Culture
- SomethingAboutChickens
- Kill Tony - stand up
- Just For Laughs Gags
- schmoyoho
- Berd
- Internet Comment Etiquette
- surreal entertainment
- twomad
- Jelle's Marble Runs
- Tico & the Man Frank Maglio
- Cart Narcs
- Cooking With The Blues
- J. Kenji López-Alt
- Chaplin's Classics
- Chinese Cooking Demystified
- Yeung Man Cooking
- Tasting History with Max Miller
- Joshua Weissman
- Babish Culinary Universe
- Adam Ragusea
- MinuteFood
- PLANTERINA - houseplants
- Nick Pileggi - houseplants
- SerpaDesign - terrariums
- Asu - terrariums
- Jartopia - terrariums
- MD Fish Tanks
- Internet Historian
- Bionerd23
- Vagrant Holiday
- VLSkate - skateboarding
- LockPickingLawyer - lock picking
- EdwardCurrent
- The Slow Mo Guys
- Objectivity
- Incognito Mode
- Sharkee
- Mikasacus
- Thomas Schwenke
- Seeker
- BG Kumbi
- Disrupt
- Company Man
- Booking Hunter TV
- Simply Explained
- Captain Disillusion
- Robin Baumgarten
- Daily Dose Of Internet
- Sciencium
- Rare Earth
- hochelaga
- Not Just Bikes
- blancolirio
- Grand Illusions
- Biblaridion
- Fran Blanche
- Nerdwriter1
- Shawn Woods - mouse traps
- Mark Novak - firearms
- Strange Parts
- Louis Rossmann
- Calum
- Jarett Gross - 3D printed houses
- William Osman
- Allen Pan
- I did a thing
- CNC Kitchen
- Knowing Better
- Maker's Muse
- Stewart Hicks
- Jazza
- acapellascience - science songs
- Jungle Survival - fake, but cool
- Primitive Survival Tool - fake, but cool
- NationSquid
- Lex Fridman - long form podcasts with the world's greatest minds
- Materialism - material science
- Radiolab - investigative journalism with sexy sound design
- Invention - exploring different inventions
- This podcast will kill you - disease and epidemiology
- Hardcore History - history in depth
- Ologies - interviewing people with different science jobs
- Big Biology - biology
- Astronomy Cast - astronomy
- Stuff to blow your mind - random cool stuff
- Origin Stories - evolution, anthropology
- Life's Little Mysteries - general science
- The Anthropocene Reviewed - reviewing aspects of earth on a 5 star scale
- 50 things that made the modern economy
- Speaking of bitcoin - general cryptocurrency discussion
- 30 animals that made us smarter
- Huberman Lab - neuroscience
- After On - Rob Reid - science and technology
- Unscrypted Podcast - explanation of cryptocurrency
- TWIV - the current state of virology
- Daniel and Jorge explain the universe - cosmology, particle physics
- Planetary Radio - space exploration, astronomy
- Planetary Radio: Space Policy Edition
- Safety Third - hosted by popular science YouTubers
- The Biologic Podcast
- Talk Nerdy with Cara
- The Skeptics Guide to the Universe
- SciHub - remove academic paper paywalls
- KhanAcademy - learn anything
- AnnasArchive - books/textbooks
- Soap2Day - movies/shows
- Firmoo - buy prescription glasses for cheap ($20 USD+)
- CostPlusDrugs.com - affordably purchase medicine without insurance
- Wikipedia Years in Science - key discoveries over the years
- FutureMe - send emails/letters to yourself in the future
- GitHub - find and share code
- CodePen - GitHub but for web developers
- Outline - removes some article paywalls
- Vocabulary.com - simple definitions for hard words
- Goodreads - find, rate, and review books
- Friendspire - social media for ranking movies, books, etc.
- SyncTube - watch YouTube videos together
- MusicMap - find similar music artists
- Find papers, articles, and books
- Dark Reader - turn any webpage dark themed
- Toby - manage tabs and bookmarks
- Remove article paywalls - removes paywalls for all news articles
- Video Speed Controller - speed up any web videos by custom threshold
- Webtime Tracker - track how much time you spend on sites
- Distill Web Monitor - monitor websites/blogs for updates
- Image Downloader - download any image from webpage
- Earth View - google earth image for each new tab
- I don't care about cookies - auto accept cookies
- Blocksite - block distracting sites
- Unhook - remove YouTube recommended
- Enhancer for YouTube - loads of customization for YouTube
- KhanAcademy - learn anything
- Scrimba - learn how to code interactively
- LumenLearning
- Coursera
- uDemy
- edX
- SkillShare
- MIT OpenCourseware
- Everything - search files on computer instantaneously
- Calibre - eBook manager
- F.lux - custom screen tinting/remove blue light
- CPUID - detailed system information
- Obsidian - note taking with a twist
- WinDirStat - visualize disk usage/mange space
- Macrium - backup computer image
- Notepad++ - better version of notepad
- Lightshot - screenshots
- Bulk Rename Utility - batch rename files
- Fontbase - font manager
- Synthesia - learn piano from MIDI files
- Wallpaper Engine - animated desktop/mobile wallpapers
- DALLE - AI art generation
- OneSimpleWish - charity to purchase items for foster kids
- RandomWebsite - goes to a random website