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(red) proto1 test is correctly detecting lack of implementation for
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detecting whether an offer is selected or not.

unit1 test (green) is correctly detecting a partial implementation though.
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MaxWilson committed Jan 6, 2024
1 parent 3878da5 commit e15be65
Showing 1 changed file with 165 additions and 21 deletions.
186 changes: 165 additions & 21 deletions test/Chargen.Accept.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,20 +19,33 @@ type 't Output = 't * MenuOutput
type 't ListOutput = ('t list) Output
type 't OptionOutput = ('t option) Output

type Key = string
type KeySegment = string
type 't ReversedList = 't list
type Key = KeySegment ReversedList
type OfferConfig = {
key: KeySegment option
label: string option
with static member blank = { key = None; label = None }
type OfferInput = {
selected: Set<Key>
prefix: KeySegment ReversedList
with static member fresh = { selected = Set.empty }
type 't Offer = Offer of (OfferInput -> 't)
static member fresh = { selected = Set.empty; prefix = [] }
member input.fullKey config =
input.fullKey config.key
member input.fullKey (segment: KeySegment option) =
match segment with Some k -> k::input.prefix | None -> input.prefix
member input.extend (config: OfferConfig) = { input with prefix = input.fullKey config }
member input.extend (segment: KeySegment option) = { input with prefix = input.fullKey segment }

type 't Offer = { config: OfferConfig; func: (OfferConfig -> OfferInput -> 't * MenuOutput) }
member this.recur input = this.func this.config input
type 't ListOffer = ('t list) Offer
type 't OptionOffer = ('t option) Offer

type OfferConfig = {
key: Key option
label: string option
with static member blank = { key = None; label = None }
open type OfferConfig

type 'reactElement RenderApi = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,15 +84,80 @@ let render (render: 'reactElement RenderApi) (menus: MenuOutput list) =
menus |> (recur true render.unconditional) |> render.combine

type Op =
static member skill v: 't OptionOffer = notImpl()
static member trait' v: 't OptionOffer = notImpl()
static member offer(config, func) = { config = config; func = func }
static member offer func = Op.offer(OfferConfig.blank, func)

static member skill (name: string, level: int): _ OptionOffer =
Op.skill({ OfferConfig.blank with label = Some $"{name} %+d{level}" }, (name, [level]))
static member skill (name: string, levels: int list): _ OptionOffer =
Op.skill(OfferConfig.blank, (name, levels))
static member skill (config, (name: string, levels: int list)): _ OptionOffer =
Op.offer(config, fun config input -> None, (Leaf (defaultArg config.label (toString name))))

static member trait' (v: 't): 't OptionOffer =
Op.trait'({ OfferConfig.blank with key = Some (toString v) }, v)
static member trait' (config, v): 't OptionOffer =
Op.offer(config, fun config input -> Some v, (Leaf (defaultArg config.label (toString v))))

static member budgeted v: 't ListOffer = notImpl()
static member either v : 't OptionOffer = notImpl()
static member and' v : 't OptionOffer = notImpl()
static member eitherN v : 't ListOffer = notImpl()
static member andN' v : 't ListOffer = notImpl()
static member promote (o: 't OptionOffer): 't ListOffer = notImpl()
static member evaluate (state: OfferInput) (offers: _ Offer list) = notImpl()

static member either options : 't OptionOffer =
Op.either(OfferConfig.blank, options)
static member either (config, options: 't OptionOffer list) : 't OptionOffer =
fun config input ->
let children = [
for o in options do
let (value, menu) = o.recur input
let key = o.config.key |> Option.orElse o.config.label
let fullKey = input.fullKey key
let selected = key.IsSome && input.selected.Contains fullKey
value, (selected, menu)
let selectedValue = children |> List.tryPick fst // if this were eitherN we'd return them all but since it's regular either we return the first one, if any
let childMenus = children |> snd
selectedValue, Either(config.label, childMenus)

static member eitherN (options: 't OptionOffer list) : 't ListOffer =
Op.eitherN(OfferConfig.blank, options)
static member eitherN (options: 't ListOffer list) : 't ListOffer =
Op.eitherN(OfferConfig.blank, options)
static member eitherN (config, options: 't OptionOffer list) : 't ListOffer =
Op.eitherN(config, options |> (fun o -> Op.promote o))
static member eitherN (config, options: 't ListOffer list) : 't ListOffer =
fun config input ->
let children = [
for o in options do
let (value, menu) = o.recur input
let key = o.config.key |> Option.orElse o.config.label
let fullKey = input.fullKey key
let selected = key.IsSome && input.selected.Contains fullKey
value, (selected, menu)
let selectedValues = children |> List.collect fst
let childMenus = children |> snd
selectedValues, Either(config.label, childMenus)
static member and' (offers: 't OptionOffer list) : 't ListOffer =
Op.and'(OfferConfig.blank, offers)
static member and' (offers: 't ListOffer list) : 't ListOffer =
Op.and'(OfferConfig.blank, offers)
static member and' (config, offers: 't OptionOffer list) : 't ListOffer = notImpl()
static member and' (config, offers: 't ListOffer list) : 't ListOffer = notImpl()
static member promote (o: 't OptionOffer): 't ListOffer =
fun config input ->
let (v, menu) = o.recur input
List.ofOption v, menu
static member evaluate (state: OfferInput) (offer: _ Offer) =
offer.recur state

let newKey txt = $"{txt}-{System.Guid.NewGuid()}"
let label txt = { blank with label = Some txt }
open type Op
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,15 +185,15 @@ let swash(): Trait' ListOffer list = [
skill("Acrobatics", [1..3])
let mainWeapons = ["Rapier"; "Broadsword"; "Polearm"; "Two-handed sword"] |> (fun name -> name, newKey name)
let weaponsAt (bonus: int) = mainWeapons |> (fun (name, key) -> skill({ blank with key = Some key }, name, bonus))
let weaponsAt (bonus: int) = mainWeapons |> (fun (name, key) -> skill({ blank with key = Some key }, (name, [bonus])))
eitherN [
either(label "Sword!", weaponsAt +5) |> promote
andN'(label "Sword and Dagger", [either(weaponsAt +4); skill("Main-gauche", +1)])
andN'(label "Sword and Shield", [either(weaponsAt +4); skill("Shield", +2)])
and'(label "Sword and Dagger", [either(weaponsAt +4); skill("Main-gauche", +1)])
and'(label "Sword and Shield", [either(weaponsAt +4); skill("Shield", +2)])
eitherN [
skill("Fast-draw (Sword)", +2) |> promote
andN'([skill("Fast-draw (Sword)", +1); skill("Fast-draw (Dagger)", +1)])
and'([skill("Fast-draw (Sword)", +1); skill("Fast-draw (Dagger)", +1)])

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,8 +233,74 @@ let pseudoReactApi = {
combine = Fragment

let evalFor (selections: string list) offers =
let parseKey (key: string) : Key =
key.Split("-") |> List.ofArray |> List.rev
let keys: Set<Key> = selections |> parseKey |> Set.ofSeq
evaluate { OfferInput.fresh with selected = keys } offers |> snd
let units = testList "Unit.Chargen" [
testCase "basic either" <| fun () ->
test <@ either[trait' "Fight"; trait' "Hide"] |> evalFor [] = Either(None, [false, Leaf "Fight"; false, Leaf "Hide"]) @>
test <@ either[trait' "Fight"; trait' "Hide"] |> evalFor ["Fight"] = Either(None, [true, Leaf "Fight"; false, Leaf "Hide"]) @>
testCase "nested either with list" <| fun () ->
let nestedEither = eitherN [
either(label "Sword!", [skill("Rapier", +5); skill("Broadsword", +5); skill("Shortsword", +5)]) |> promote
and'(label "Sword and Dagger", [
either [skill("Rapier", +4); skill("Broadsword", +4); skill("Shortsword", +4)]
skill("Main-gauche", +1)
and'(label "Sword and Shield", [
either [skill("Rapier", +4); skill("Broadsword", +4); skill("Shortsword", +4)]
skill("Shield", +2)
let empty =
Either(None, [
true, Either(Some "Sword!", [
false, Leveled("Rapier", +5)
false, Leveled("Broadsword", +5)
false, Leveled("Shortsword", +5)
test <@ nestedEither |> evalFor [] =
Either(None, [
false, Either(Some "Sword!", [])
false, Either(Some "Sword and Dagger!", [])
false, Either(Some "Sword and Shield!", [])
]) @>
test <@ nestedEither |> evalFor ["Sword!"] =
Either(None, [
true, Either(Some "Sword!", [
false, Leveled("Rapier", +5)
false, Leveled("Broadsword", +5)
false, Leveled("Shortsword", +5)
]) @>
test <@ nestedEither |> evalFor ["Sword!"; "Sword!-Rapier"] =
Either(None, [
true, Either(Some "Sword!", [
true, Leveled("Rapier", +5)
]) @>
test <@ nestedEither |> evalFor ["Sword and Dagger"] =
Either(None, [
true, Either(Some "Sword and Dagger", [
true, And(None, [
Either(None, [
false, Leveled("Rapier", +5)
false, Leveled("Broadsword", +5)
false, Leveled("Shortsword", +5)
Leveled("Main-gauche", +1)
]) @>
let selectFight = { OfferInput.fresh with selected = Set.ofList [["Fight"]] }
test <@ either[trait' "Fight"; trait' "Hide"] |> evaluate selectFight |> snd = Either(None, [true, Leaf "Fight"; false, Leaf "Hide"]) @>
let proto1 = testCase "proto1" <| fun () ->
let actual = swash() |> evaluate OfferInput.fresh // shouldn't actually use OfferInput.fresh here. Need to pick the options we want to show up in pseudoActual.s
let actual = swash() |> (evaluate OfferInput.fresh >> snd) // shouldn't actually use OfferInput.fresh here. Need to pick the options we want to show up in pseudoActual.s
let pseudoActual = // pseudo-actual because actual will be created from templates + OfferInput (i.e. selected keys), not hardwired as Menus, but that's still TODO
let menus = [
Leveled("Climbing", 1)
Expand Down

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