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(green) Attempt to give levels interactivity, which requires making t…
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…heir keys accessible, which requires reworking some plumbing and some tests. I'm not sure about this kludge here...
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MaxWilson committed Jan 11, 2024
1 parent fa8a996 commit 173389b
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Showing 4 changed files with 66 additions and 52 deletions.
60 changes: 31 additions & 29 deletions src/Core/Menus.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ type Key = KeySegment ReversedList
type MenuOutput =
| Either of label: string option * options: MenuSelection list
| And of label: string option * grants: MenuOutput list
| Leveled of label: string * level: int
| Leveled of label: string * Key * level: int
| Leaf of label: string
member this.DisplayText =
Expand All @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ type MenuOutput =
| Either(Some label, children) -> $"Either({label}, {show children})"
| And(None, grants) -> $"And({show grants})"
| And(Some label, grants) -> $"And({label}, {show grants})"
| Leveled(label, level) -> $"Leveled({label}, {level})"
| Leveled(label, key, level) -> $"Leveled({label}, {key}, {level})"
| Leaf(label) -> $"Leaf({label})"
and MenuSelection = bool * Key * MenuOutput

Expand All @@ -35,8 +35,9 @@ type OfferConfigCore = { // the core, public part of the offerConfig that we can
explicitUnselectedLabel: string option
with static member blank = { key = None; label = None; explicitUnselectedLabel = None }

type 't OfferConfig = { inner: OfferConfigCore; toString: ('t -> string) option } // specialized OfferConfig with extra information about creating labels
let blankStringConfig() = { inner = OfferConfigCore.blank; toString = None }
let blank() = { inner = OfferConfigCore.blank; toString = None }
type OfferInput = {
selected: Map<Key, MaybeLevel>
prefix: KeySegment ReversedList
Expand All @@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ type OfferInput = {
member input.extend (config: OfferConfigCore) = { input with prefix = input.fullKey config }
member input.extend (segment: KeySegment option) = { input with prefix = input.fullKey segment }
member this.has (key: Key) = key = [] || this.selected.ContainsKey key
member this.getKey (key: Key) = if key = [] then Some Flag else this.selected.TryFind key
member this.lookup (key: Key) = if key = [] then Some Flag else this.selected.TryFind key

type 't Offer = { config: OfferConfigCore; func: (OfferConfigCore -> OfferInput -> 't * MenuOutput) }
Expand All @@ -62,13 +63,11 @@ type 't Offer = { config: OfferConfigCore; func: (OfferConfigCore -> OfferInput
type 't ListOffer = ('t list) Offer
type 't OptionOffer = ('t option) Offer

open type OfferConfigCore

type 'reactElement RenderApi = {
checked': string * Key * ('reactElement list) -> 'reactElement
unchecked: string * Key -> 'reactElement
unconditional: string * ('reactElement list) -> 'reactElement
leveledLeaf: string * int -> 'reactElement
leveledLeaf: string * Key * int -> 'reactElement
combine: 'reactElement list -> 'reactElement

Expand All @@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ let render (render: 'reactElement RenderApi) (menus: MenuOutput list) =
| And(label, grants) ->
let childReacts = grants |> (recur true render.unconditional)
renderMe(defaultArg label "And:", childReacts)
| Leveled(name, lvl) -> render.leveledLeaf(name, lvl)
| Leveled(name, key, lvl) -> render.leveledLeaf(name, key, lvl)
| Leaf(name) -> renderMe(name, [])
menus |> (recur true render.unconditional) |> render.combine

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,32 +140,35 @@ type Op =
offer(configDefaultBoth config.inner (render v), fun config input -> Some v, (Leaf (defaultArg config.label (render v))))

static member level (name: string, spec: LevelSpec<int, 't>, levels: int list): 't OptionOffer =
Op.level(OfferConfigCore.blank, (name, spec, levels))
Op.level({ blank() with toString = Some spec.toString }, (name, spec, levels))
static member level (config, (name: string, spec: LevelSpec<int, 't>, levels: int list)): 't OptionOffer =
let config = { config with key = config.key |> Option.orElse (Some name); explicitUnselectedLabel = config.explicitUnselectedLabel |> Option.orElse (Some $"{spec.ctor levels[0] |> spec.toString }") }
offer(config, fun config input ->
let fullKey = input.prefix // no need to extend the prefix because only one key is possible--we're not in an either here
let config = {
inner.key = config.inner.key |> Option.orElse (Some name) // use the generic name as the key, not the specific level which changes over time as the user clicks
inner.explicitUnselectedLabel = config.inner.explicitUnselectedLabel |> Option.orElse (Some $"{spec.ctor levels[0] |> spec.toString }")
offer(config.inner, fun config input ->
let fullKey =
match config.key, input.prefix with
// code smell: there's probably a more elegant way to separate the either/level interactions with key
| Some key, head::_ when key = head -> input.prefix // if we're inside an either then it has already added our key to its prefix
| _ -> input.fullKey config.key // otherwise kludge: if we're not inside an either, we need to extend the prefix so we can have unique data for this control
let level ix =
let level = levels[ix] // e.g. if this is skill("Rapier", [+5..+8]) then ix 0 means level = +5 and value = Rapier +5
let value = spec.ctor level
Some value, Leveled(defaultArg config.label $"{spec.toString value}", ix)
match input.getKey fullKey with
Some value, Leveled(defaultArg config.label $"{spec.toString value}", fullKey, ix)
match input.lookup fullKey with
| Some (Level lvl) when lvl < levels.Length -> level lvl
| Some Flag when levels.Length >= 1 -> // we are permissive in the input we accept, partly to make testing easier. Flag means "default to the lowest value", e.g. Rapier +5-+7 defaults to Rapier +5.
| _ when levels.Length >= 1 -> // we are permissive in the input we accept, partly to make testing easier. Flag means "default to the lowest value", e.g. Rapier +5-+7 defaults to Rapier +5.
level 0
| _ ->
let label =
match config.label, levels with
| Some label, _ -> label
| None, lvl::_ -> $"{spec.ctor lvl}" // tell the user what they'll get if they pick the lowest level
| None, levels -> shouldntHappen "A levelled option with no levels is nonsense"
None, (Leaf label)
| _ -> shouldntHappen "A levelled option with no levels is nonsense"

static member budget (budgetF, offers: 't ListOffer list) =
Op.budget(blankStringConfig(), budgetF, offers)
Op.budget(blank(), budgetF, offers)
static member budget (budgetF, offers: 't OptionOffer list) =
Op.budget(blankStringConfig(), budgetF, offers |> Op.promote)
Op.budget(blank(), budgetF, offers |> Op.promote)
static member budget (config, budgetF: 't list -> int, offers: 't OptionOffer List) : 't ListOffer =
Op.budget(config, budgetF, offers |> Op.promote)
static member budget (config, budgetF: 't list -> int, offers: 't ListOffer List) : 't ListOffer =
Expand All @@ -183,7 +185,7 @@ type Op =
eitherF (|Fulfilled|Partial|Fallback|) [] offers config

static member either options : 't OptionOffer =
Op.either(blankStringConfig(), options)
Op.either(blank(), options)
static member either (config, options: 't OptionOffer list) : 't OptionOffer =
let (|Fulfilled|Partial|Fallback|) (children: ('t option * MenuSelection) list) : 't option EitherPattern =
match children |> List.tryFind (function _, (true, _, _) -> true | _ -> false) with
Expand All @@ -193,9 +195,9 @@ type Op =
eitherF (|Fulfilled|Partial|Fallback|) None options config

static member eitherN (options: 't OptionOffer list) : 't ListOffer =
Op.eitherN(blankStringConfig(), 1, options)
Op.eitherN(blank(), 1, options)
static member eitherN (options: 't ListOffer list) : 't ListOffer =
Op.eitherN(blankStringConfig(), 1, options)
Op.eitherN(blank(), 1, options)
static member eitherN (config, n: int, options: 't OptionOffer list) : 't ListOffer =
Op.eitherN(config, n, options |> (fun o -> Op.promote o))
static member eitherN (config, n: int, options: 't ListOffer list) : 't ListOffer =
Expand All @@ -207,9 +209,9 @@ type Op =
eitherF (|Fulfilled|Partial|Fallback|) [] options config

static member and' (offers: 't OptionOffer list) : 't ListOffer =
Op.and'(blankStringConfig(), offers)
Op.and'(blank(), offers)
static member and' (offers: 't ListOffer list) : 't ListOffer =
Op.and'(blankStringConfig(), offers)
Op.and'(blank(), offers)
static member and' (config, offers: 't OptionOffer list) : 't ListOffer =
Op.and'(config, offers |> (fun o -> Op.promote o))
static member and' (config: 't OfferConfig, offers: 't ListOffer list) : 't ListOffer =
Expand Down
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions src/UI/DFRPG/Chargen.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,13 +54,14 @@ type DFRPGCharacter = { // stub
with static member fresh = { traits = Set.empty }

type Msg = RefreshedOutput of DFRPGCharacter
type Msg =
| SetKey of Key * MaybeLevel option
type Model = {
currentOutput: DFRPGCharacter Option
selections: Map<Key, MaybeLevel>

let init _ = { currentOutput = None; selections = Map.empty }
let init _ = { selections = Map.empty }
let update msg model =
match msg with
| RefreshedOutput output -> { model with currentOutput = Some output }
| SetKey(key, None) -> { model with selections = model.selections |> Map.remove key }
| SetKey(key, Some v) -> { model with selections = model.selections |> Map.add key v }
29 changes: 20 additions & 9 deletions src/UI/DFRPG/ChargenView.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,37 +5,48 @@ open UI.DFRPG.Chargen

module private Impl =
let button (txt: string) onClick = Html.button [ prop.text txt; prop.onClick onClick ]
let checkbox (txt: string) checked' (onChange: bool -> unit) =
let combine = function [] -> React.fragment [] | [v] -> v | vs -> Html.ul [ [style.listStyleType.none; style.listStylePosition.outside]; prop.children vs]
let toggle dispatch (key: Key) (newValue: bool) =
if newValue then dispatch (SetKey(key, Some Flag))
else dispatch (SetKey(key, None))
let changeLevel dispatch key (newLevel: int) =
let checkbox (txt: string) checked' (onChange: bool -> unit) children =
let id = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() [
Html.input [ prop.type'.checkbox; id; prop.isChecked checked'; prop.onChange onChange ]
Html.label [ prop.htmlFor id; prop.text txt ]
match children with
| [] -> ()
| children ->
combine children
let reactApi: ReactElement RenderApi =
let combine = function [] -> React.fragment [] | [v] -> v | vs -> Html.ul [ [style.listStyleType.none; style.listStylePosition.outside]; prop.children vs]

let reactApi dispatch: ReactElement RenderApi =
let toggle = toggle dispatch
checked' = fun (label, key, children) -> checkbox label true ignore
unchecked = fun (label, key) -> checkbox label false ignore
leveledLeaf = fun (label, level) -> class' "" [ button "-" ignore; button "+" ignore; Html.text label ]
checked' = fun (label, key, children) -> checkbox label true (toggle key) children
unchecked = fun (label, key) -> checkbox label false (toggle key) []
leveledLeaf = fun (label, key, level) -> class' "" [ button "-" (thunk3 changeLevel dispatch key (level-1)); button "+" (thunk3 changeLevel dispatch key (level+1)); Html.text label ]
unconditional = fun (label, children) -> class' "" [ Html.text label; combine children ]
combine = combine
let eval selections (template: Trait ListOffer list) =
let eval dispatch selections (template: Trait ListOffer list) =
let value, menus =
for offer in template do
evaluate { OfferInput.fresh with selected = selections } offer
|> List.unzip
let react = render reactApi menus
let react = render (reactApi dispatch) menus
value |> List.collect id, react
open Impl

let View() =
let model, dispatch = React.useElmishSimple init update
let profession = swash
let value, react = eval model.selections profession // value will be used later for things like enabling/disabling the Save button
let value, react = eval dispatch model.selections profession // value will be used later for things like enabling/disabling the Save button
Html.div [
Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions test/Chargen.Accept.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Example UX flow:

type Trait' = CombatReflexes | Skill of string * int
type Trait = CombatReflexes | Skill of string * int
member this.DisplayText =
match this with
Expand All @@ -46,15 +46,15 @@ type Trait' = CombatReflexes | Skill of string * int

let makeSkill name = { ctor = (fun bonus -> Skill(name, bonus)); toString = fun skill -> skill.DisplayText }
let skill(name:string, level: int) =
Op.trait'(Skill(name, level))
Op.trait'({ blank() with toString = Some (fun (t:Trait) -> t.DisplayText)}, Skill(name, level))
let skillN(name:string, levels: int list) =
Op.level(name, makeSkill name, levels)

type Pseudoreact =
| Checked of string * Key * Pseudoreact list
| Unchecked of string * Key
| Unconditional of string * Pseudoreact list
| NumberInput of string * int
| NumberInput of string * Key * int
| Fragment of Pseudoreact list

let pseudoReactApi = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ let testFors (selections: string list) expected offers =
failtest $"Actual diverged from expected! After: \n{same}\n\nExpected: \n{expected}\n\nbut got:\n{actual}"

type FightHide = Fight | Hide
let label txt = let blank = blankStringConfig() in { blank with toString = Some (thunk ""); inner.label = Some "" }
let label txt = let blank = blank() in { blank with toString = Some (thunk ""); inner.label = Some txt }

let units = testList "Unit.Chargen" [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ let units = testList "Unit.Chargen" [
nestedEither |> testFor ["Sword!"] (
Either(None, [
true, key "Sword!", Either(Some "Sword!", [
false, key "Sword!-Rapier", Leaf "Rapier +5" // note how Leveled is only Leveled if selected. When unselected it's a Leaf just like anything else.
false, key "Sword!-Rapier", Leaf "Rapier +5" // note how Leveled is only Leveled if selected. When unselected it's a Leaf just like anything else. Note also that the key is the generic "Rapier" and not the specific level, which changes as the user clicks.
false, key "Sword!-Broadsword", Leaf "Broadsword +5"
false, key "Sword!-Shortsword", Leaf "Shortsword +5"
Expand All @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ let units = testList "Unit.Chargen" [
nestedEither |> testFor ["Sword!"; "Sword!-Rapier"] (
Either(None, [
true, key "Sword!", Either(Some "Sword!", [
true, key "Sword!-Rapier", Leveled("Rapier +5", 0) // it's a Levelled, not a Leaf, because it's currently selected. Note that the level is 0, not +5, because it's the lowest level out of +5 to +5.
true, key "Sword!-Rapier", Leveled("Rapier +5", key "Sword!-Rapier", 0) // it's a Levelled, not a Leaf, because it's currently selected. Note that the level is 0, not +5, because it's the lowest level out of +5 to +5.
Expand All @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ let tests =
let pseudoActual = // pseudo-actual because actual will be created from templates + OfferInput (i.e. selected keys), not hardwired as Menus, but that's still TODO
// swash is not a MenuOutput but it can create MenuOutputs which can then be either unit tested or turned into ReactElements
// think of swash as an offer menu
let swash(): Trait' ListOffer list = [
let swash(): Trait ListOffer list = [
let budgetStub n = fun _ -> n // currently budgetF is hardwired to always think there's another n in the budget. TODO: make it aware of the current selections somehow
skill("Climbing", 1) |> promote
skillN("Stealth", [1..3]) |> promote
Expand All @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ let tests =
let offers = swash()
let expectedMenus = [
Leaf "Climbing +1" // Leaf not Level because swash() template is only using trait', not level
Leveled("Stealth +1", 0) // Leveled because it can go up to +3
Leveled("Stealth +1", key "Stealth", 0) // Leveled because it can go up to +3
Either(None, [
false, key "Combat Reflexes", Leaf "Combat Reflexes"
false, key "Acrobatics", Leaf "Acrobatics +1"
Expand All @@ -196,13 +196,13 @@ let tests =
let (|Checked|) = function Checked(label, key, children) -> Checked(label, key, children) | v -> fail "Checked" v
let (|Unchecked|) = function Unchecked(label, key) -> Unchecked(label, key) | v -> fail "Unchecked" v
let (|Unconditional|) = function Unconditional(label, children) -> Unconditional(label, children) | v -> fail "Unconditional" v
let (|NumberInput|) = function NumberInput(label, value) -> NumberInput(label, value) | v -> fail "NumberInput" v
let (|NumberInput|) = function NumberInput(label, key, value) -> NumberInput(label, key, value) | v -> fail "NumberInput" v
let (|Fragment|) = function Fragment(children) -> Fragment(children) | v -> fail "Fragment" v
let (|Expect|_|) expect actual = if expect = actual then Some () else fail expect actual
match pseudoActual with
| Fragment([
Unconditional(Expect "Climbing +1", [])
NumberInput(Expect "Stealth +1", Expect 0)
NumberInput(Expect "Stealth +1", Expect ["Stealth"], Expect 0)
Unconditional(Expect "Choose one:", [
Unchecked(Expect "Combat Reflexes", Expect ["Combat Reflexes"])
Unchecked(Expect "Acrobatics +1", Expect ["Acrobatics"]) // note: Acrobatics is the key here, not Acrobatics +1, because it's leveled.
Expand Down

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