The books in this repository are selected for references according to my own three-year experience as an Undergraduate of Mathematics for Statistics at Imperial College London.
- Apostol - Calculus
- Thomas - Calculus
- Apostol - Mathematical Analysis
- Rudin - Principles of Mathematical Analysis
- Polya - Problems and Theorems in Analysis
- Tao - Analysis
- Munkres - Topology
- Armstrong - Basic Topology
- Bertsekas - Introduction to Probability
- Stirzaker - Elementary Probability
- Anderson - Introduction to Probability
- Strang - Introduction to Linear Algebra
- Meckes - Linear Algebra
- Rogers - An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
- Braun - Differential Equations and Their Applications
- Kolmogorov - Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis
- Folland - Real Analysis Modern Techniques and Their Applications
- Stein - Real analysis
- Nelson - Probability, Stochastic Processes and Queueing Theory
- Grimmett - Probability and Random Processes
- Grimmett - One Thousand Exercises in Probability
- DeGroot - Probability and Statistics
- Casella - Statistical Inference
- Matthes - Python Crash Course
- Downey - Think Python
- Goldrei - Propositional and predicate calculus a model of argument
- Mendelson - Introduction to Mathematical Logic
- Lang - Real and Functional Analysis
- Bogachev - Real And Functional Analysis
- Kirillov - Theorems and Problems in Functional Analysis
- Shiryaev - Probability
- Malliavin - Integration and Probability
- Fuller - Introduction to Statistical Time Series
- Hamilton - Time Series Analysis
- Martino - Independent Random Sampling Methods
- Asmussen - Stochastic Simulation-Algorithms and Analysis
- Robert, Casella - Monte Carlo Statistical Methods
- James - An Introduction to Statistical Learning
- Hastie - The Elements of Statistical Learning
- VanderPlas - Python Data Science Handbook
- Mckinney - Python for Data Analysis