A simple web based coffee (menu can be modified for any beverage) ordering system with the ESP32 for cafés, parties, or weddings. Full video here.
The ESP32 hosts a local and basic user interface where a customer can fill out a form for how they would like their beverage. When the it is submitted, the form data is sent from the ESP32 via serial to a laptop running a Python script. The normal Python script (run.py
) allows the barista to overview orders. The Mac script (mac.py
) - for Macbooks, allows the Python to talk the orders as they come in as well as view them.
The ESP32 hosts a local website. This website can only be viewed if connected to the same WiFi connection as the ESP32 (declared in the C++).
- Café ordering systems
- Parties/wedding beverage systems
Please note, mac.py
runs on MacOS and might possibly run on other operating systems, however it's uncertain. Use run.py
The C++ code is uploaded to the ESP32. This code contains the form which allows users to customise their coffee order.
First, download Python from the offical Python website.
To start with the project, clone the folder using Git Clone: (or download it as a ZIP)
git clone https://github.com/MataiMoorfield/Coffee-Ordering-System-with-ESP32.git
cd Coffee-Ordering-System-with-ESP32/main
Install the necessary libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: If you are using macOS, use pip3
Update the WiFi information for your network in the main.ino
const char* ssid = "RouterName";
const char* password = "wifi_password";
Upload the code to the ESP32. View the serial monitor to make sure it's connected to WiFi. It will give the local IP of the ESP32. For example:
Connecting to WiFi...
Connected to WiFi
Enter the IP address to a search engine (Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.) and the order form will appear.
The Python script allows the barista/café owner to view the orders from the form in a graphic user interface.
Don't run the Python script with the Arduino IDE open. The Python will ot be able to use the serial port as the Arduino IDE is using it. Close the serial monitor or quit Arduino IDE. Infomation about running the Python scrip is below.
If you are using macOS, use python3
to run the mac.py
. This allows the Python to talk as the orders come in. Before running the Python script, double check the ESP32 port is correct (this can change from operating system). Use the Mac command ls /dev/cu.*
, Windows command wmic path Win32_PnPEntity where "Caption like '%(COM%'" get Caption,DeviceID
, or Linux command ls /dev/tty*
. It should look like /dev/cu.usbserial-0001
, COM3
, or /dev/ttyUSBx
How to run Mac python script:
cd Python
python3 mac.py
If you aren't using an Apple computer/Macbook, run the run.py
script while the ESP32 is plugged in.
cd Python
python run.py
C++ code on ESP32 → USB → Computer → Python → GUI
ESP32 hosts HTML → User sumbits form → Serial via USB → Python → GUI and speech (on mac.py
Enter the IP of the ESP32 in a web browser. A simple ordering form opens. When the form is completed and submitted, the order will appear on the Python GUI. When selected, the order can be completed and disappears.

Above: The Pyhton GUI
Below: The web coffee ordering system
serial.serialutil.SerialException: [Errno 2] could not open port /dev/cu.usbserial-0001: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/cu.usbserial-0001'
This bug comes from not having the EPS32 plugged in. Double check the ESP32 is plugged.
serial.serialutil.SerialException: [Errno 16] could not open port /dev/cu.usbserial-0001: [Errno 16] Resource busy: '/dev/cu.usbserial-0001'
This bug comes from having Arudino IDE or another prgram using the ESP32. Close whatever program is doing this.
line 11, in read_serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/cu.usbserial-0001', 115200)
AttributeError: module 'serial' has no attribute 'Serial'
Make sure you have isntalled the serial module (using the requirements.txt
file). If you already have, but are still getting this message, uninstall and reinstall the module using
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall pyserial
(Use pip3
for Mac etc.)
If you are having difficulties, please email [email protected] and I'll be more than happy to help you out.
- HTML user interface for handling orders and better interface for forms
- QR code generator for ordering form
- Making worldwide instead of local host
- Removing ESP32 and creating a server on a laptop
- Barista menu for either the QR code, order form, and order handling