A list of awesome papers and cool resources on WiFi CSI sensing. Link to the Github if available is also present.
You are very welcome to suggest resources via pull requests.
- Benchmark
- Papers
- Platforms
- Datasets
- Libraries & Codes
- Book Chapter
- SenseFi: A Library and Benchmark on Deep-Learning-Empowered WiFi Human Sensing | [Github]
A comprehensive benchmarking for deep learning models in WiFi sensing.
*Highly Recommended as a Tutorial with Codes
Papers are ordered by theme and inside each theme by publication date (submission date for arXiv papers).
WiFi CSI sensing methods have enabled many applications, which can be divided into three categories:
- Learning-based methods learn the mapping functions from CSI data to the corresponding labels by machine learning and deep learning.
- Modeling-based methods are based on physical theories like the Fresnel Zone model, or statistical models like the Rician fading model.
- Hybrid methods derive the strengths from learning-based and modeling-based methods.
- Toward Integrated Sensing and Communications in IEEE 802.11bf Wi-Fi Networks | [Github] IEEE Communications Magazine (2023)
- WiFi Sensing with Channel State Information: A Survey ACM Computing Surveys (2019)
- Device-Free WiFi Human Sensing: From Pattern-Based to Model-Based Approaches IEEE Communications Magazine (2017)
- From RSSI to CSI: Indoor Localization via Channel Response ACM Computing Surveys (2013)
- WiFi-enabled occupancy monitoring in smart buildings with a Self-Adaptive mechanism Proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP symposium on applied computing (2023)
- A Machine Learning Approach to Passive Human Motion Detection Using WiFi Measurements From Commodity IoT Devices IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2023)
- Intelligent Wi-Fi Based Child Presence Detection System IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (2022)
- Machine Learning empowered Occupancy Sensing for Smart Buildings IEEE ICML Climate Change Workshop (2019)
- FreeDetector: Device-Free Occupancy Detection with Commodity WiFi IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON Workshops) (2017)
- Exposing Data Leakage in Wi-Fi CSI-Based Human Action Recognition: A Critical Analysis Inventions (2024)
- Critical Analysis of Data Leakage in WiFi CSI-Based Human Action Recognition Using CNNs Sensors (2024)
- SHARP: Environment and Person Independent Activity Recognition with Commodity IEEE 802.11 Access Points | [Github] IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2023)
- SiMWiSense: Simultaneous Multi-Subject Activity Classification Through Wi-Fi Signals (2023) | [Github] IEEE 24th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM)
- CSI-based location-independent Human Activity Recognition with parallel convolutional networks Computer Communications (2023)
- CSI-Based Location-Independent Human Activity Recognition Using Feature Fusion IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2022)
- Wi-Fi-Based Location-Independent Human Activity Recognition with Attention Mechanism Enhanced Method Electronics (2022)
- Multimodal CSI-based Human Activity Recognition using GANs IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2021)
- Two-Stream Convolution Augmented Transformer for Human Activity Recognition | [Github] AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (2021)
- Improving WiFi-based Human Activity Recognition with Adaptive Initial State via One-shot Learning IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (2021)
- Data Augmentation and Dense-LSTM for Human Activity Recognition Using WiFi Signal IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2021)
- DeepSeg: Deep-Learning-Based Activity Segmentation Framework for Activity Recognition Using WiFi | [Github] IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2021)
- Robust CSI-based Human Activity Recognition using Roaming Generator IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA) (2020)
- CsiGAN: Robust Channel State Information-Based Activity Recognition With GANs | [Github] IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2019)
- BeSense: Leveraging WiFi Channel Data and Computational Intelligence for Behavior Analysis IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (2019)
- WiFi CSI Based Passive Human Activity Recognition Using Attention Based BLSTM IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2019)
- Deep Learning Networks for Human Activity Recognition with CSI Correlation Feature Extraction IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (2019)
- Device-free Occupancy Sensing Platform using WiFi-enabled IoT Devices for Smart Homes IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2018)
- DeepSense: Device-Free Human Activity Recognition via Autoencoder Long-Term Recurrent Convolutional Network IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (2018)
- CareFi: Sedentary Behavior Monitoring System via Commodity WiFi Infrastructures IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2018)
- Towards Occupant Activity Driven Smart Buildings via WiFi-enabled IoT Devices and Deep Learning Energy and Building (2018)
- Poster:WiFi-based Device-free Human Activity Recognition via Automatic Representation Learning Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing, MOBICOM-17 (2017)
- Understanding and Modeling of WiFi Signal Based Human Activity Recognition Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing (MOBICOM) (2017)
- A contactless authentication system based on WiFi CSI ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (2023)
- CAUTION: A Robust WiFi-based Human Authentication System via Few-shot Open-set Gait Recognition IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2022)
- WiONE: One-Shot Learning for Environment-Robust Device-Free User Authentication via Commodity Wi-Fi in Man–Machine System IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (2021)
- Gate-ID: WiFi-based human identification irrespective of walking directions in smart home IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2020)
- Wifi-based Human Identification via Convex Tensor Shapelet Learning AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence AAAI-18 (2018)
- NeuralWave: Gait-Based User Identification Through Commodity WiFi and Deep Learning | [Github] Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) (2018)
- Non-Intrusive Biometric Identification for Personalized Computing Using Wireless Big Data | [Github] IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (2018)
- WFID: Passive Device-free Human Identification Using WiFi Signal International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MOBIQUITOUS) (2016)
- WiWho: WiFi-Based Person Identification in Smart Spaces ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) (2016)
- WiFi-ID: Human Identification Using WiFi Signal International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS) (2016)
- Pa-count: passenger counting in vehicles using wi-fi signals IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2023)
- Passive People Counting using Commodity WiFi IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) (2020)
- Device-free Occupancy Detection and Crowd Counting in Smart Buildings with WiFi-enabled IoT Energy and Building (2018)
- FreeCount: Device-Free Crowd Counting with Commodity WiFi IEEE Global Communications Conference (2017)
- WiCount: A Deep Learning Approach for Crowd Counting Using WiFi Signals IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (ISPA/IUCC) (2017)
- A Trained-once Crowd Counting Method Using Differential WiFi Channel State Information International on Workshop on Physical Analytics (WPA) (2016)
- Electronic frog eye: Counting crowd using WiFi IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) (2014)
- WiHF: Enable User Identified Gesture Recognition with WiFi IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) (2020)
- Learning Gestures from WiFi: A Siamese Recurrent Convolutional Architecture IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2019)
- Robust WiFi-Enabled Device-Free Gesture Recognition via Unsupervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation | [Github] IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN) (2018)
- WiFi-enabled Device-free Gesture Recognition for Smart Home Automation IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA) (2018)
- SignFi: Sign Language Recognition Using WiFi | [Github] ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (2018)
- WiFinger: leveraging commodity WiFi for fine-grained finger gesture recognition ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc) (2016)
- WiGeR: WiFi-Based Gesture Recognition System ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (2016)
- WiG: WiFi-Based Gesture Recognition System International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN) (2015)
- SiFall: Practical Online Fall Detection with RF Sensing SenSys'22 20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (2022)
- DeFall: Environment-Independent Passive Fall Detection Using WiFi IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2022)
- A WiFi-Based Smart Home Fall Detection System Using Recurrent Neural Network IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (2020)
- RT-Fall: A Real-Time and Contactless Fall Detection System with Commodity WiFi Devices IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2017)
- FallDeFi: Ubiquitous Fall Detection using Commodity Wi-Fi Devices the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (2017)
- M2-Fi: Multi-person Respiration Monitoring via Handheld WiFi Devices The 43rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)(2024)
- Device-Free Multi-Person Respiration Monitoring Using WiFi IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2020)
- Sleepy: Wireless Channel Data Driven Sleep Monitoring via Commodity WiFi Devices IEEE Transactions on Big Data (2020)
- WiFi-Based Real-Time Breathing and Heart Rate Monitoring during Sleep IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) (2019)
- Contactless Respiration Monitoring Via Off-the-Shelf WiFi Devices IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2016)
- Human respiration detection with commodity wifi devices: do user location and body orientation matter? Ubicomp (2016)
- Car-Sense: Vehicle Occupant Legacy Hazard Detection Method Based on DFWS MDPI Applied Sciences (2022)
- CARIN: Wireless CSI-based Driver Activity Recognition under the Interference of Passengers ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (2020)
- WiCAR: WiFi-based in-Car Activity Recognition with Multi-Adversarial Domain Adaptation IEEE/ACM 27th International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS) (2019)
- WiDriver: Driver Activity Recognition System Based on WiFi CSI International Journal of Wireless Information Networks (2018)
- Adapose: Towards cross-site device-free human pose estimation with commodity wifi IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2024)
- Metafi++: Wifi-enabled Transformer-based Human Pose Estimation for Metaverse Avatar Simulation IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2023)
- MetaFi: Device-Free Pose Estimation via Commodity WiFi for Metaverse Avatar Simulation The 8th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (2022)
- 3D Human Pose Estimation Using WiFi Signals ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys) (2021)
- Towards 3D human pose construction using wifi Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM) (2020)
- Person-in-WiFi: Fine-Grained Person Perception Using WiFi IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) (2019)
- RF Sensing in the Internet of Things: A General Deep Learning Framework IEEE Communications Magazine (2018)
- Passive Indoor Localization Based on CSI and Naive Bayes Classification IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (2018)
- CSI-Based Fingerprinting for Indoor Localization: A Deep Learning Approach IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2017)
- CSI-Based Indoor Localization IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (2013)
- Device-free Occupancy Sensing Platform using WiFi-enabled IoT Devices for Smart Homes IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2018)
- EfficientFi: Towards Large-Scale Lightweight WiFi Sensing via CSI Compression | [Github] IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2022)
- AutoFi: Towards Automatic WiFi Human Sensing via Geometric Self-Supervised Learning arXiv:2205.01629 (2022)
- RobustSense: Defending Adversarial Attack for Secure Device-Free Human Activity Recognition arXiv:2204.01560 (2022)
- CSITime: Privacy-preserving human activity recognition using WiFi channel state information Neural Networks, (2022)
- WiFederated: Scalable WiFi Sensing using Edge Based Federated Learning IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2021)
- A Lightweight Deep Learning Algorithm for WiFi-Based Identity Recognition IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2021)
- An Experimental Study of CSI Management to Preserve Location Privacy | [Github] ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & Characterization (WiNTECH) (2020)
- Privacy-Preserving Cross-Environment Human Activity Recognition IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (2021)
- Consensus Adversarial Domain Adaptation AAAI-19 (2019)
- CrossSense: Towards Cross-Site and Large-Scale WiFi Sensing Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM) (2018)
- Towards Environment Independent Device Free Human Activity Recognition Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM) (2018)
- Joint Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Resilient WiFi-Enabled Device-Free Gesture Recognition IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (2018)
- Fine-Grained Adaptive Location-Independent Activity Recognition using Commodity WiFi IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (2018)
- MM-Fi: Multi-Modal Non-Intrusive 4D Human Dataset for Versatile Wireless Sensing NeurIPS-23 Track on Datasets and Benchmarks (2023)
- WiFE: WiFi and Vision based Intelligent Facial-Gesture Emotion Recognition arXiv:2004.09889 (2020)
- WiFi and Vision Multimodal Learning for Accurate and Robust Device-Free Human Activity Recognition IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops (2019)
- Can WiFi Estimate Person Pose? | [Github] arXiv:1904.00277 (2019)
- XModal-ID: Using WiFi for Through-Wall Person Identification from Candidate Video Footage Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM) (2019)
- CSI-Net: Unified Human Body Characterization and Pose Recognition | [Github] arXiv:1810.03064 (2018)
- [Intel 5300 NIC] Pioneered CSI tool enables Intel 5300 NIC to extract CSI data. It supports 30 subcarriers for a pair of antennas running on 20MHz.
- [Atheros CSI Tool] Revamped CSI tool enables various Qualcomm Atheros NIC to extract CSI data. It supports 114 subcarriers for a pair of antennas running on 40MHz.
- [Nexmon CSI Tool] Mobile CSI Tool enables mobile phone and embedded device (RasPi) to extract CSI data of up to 256 subcarriers for a pair of antennas running on 80MHz.
- [ESP32 CSI Tool] The ESP32 CSI Toolkit provides researchers access to Channel State Information (CSI) directly from the ESP32 microcontroller.
- [Software Defined Radio (SDR)] platforms, such as Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) and Wireless Open Access Research Platform (WARP), provide CSI measurements at 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 60GHz.
- [MM-Fi] The MM-Fi dataset is a large-scale multimodal dataset including CSI, RGB-D, LiDAR, mmwave Radar. It consists of 40 human subjects across 4 different scenarios, with over 20 categories of actions.
- [NTU-Fi] The NTU-Fi dataset is the only CSI dataset with 114 subcarriers per pair of antennas, collected using Atheros CSI tool. It consists of 6 human activities and 14 human gait patterns.
- [WiFi-80MHz] The data is collected by two Netgear X4S AC2600 IEEE 802.11ac routers with 256 subcarriers (practically 242 available). It includes 10 subjects and 3 applications.
- [Widar 3.0] The Widar 3.0 project is a large dataset designed for use in WiFi-based hand gesture recognition, collected using Intel 5300 NIC (30 subcarriers). The dataset consists of 258K instances of hand gestures with a duration of totally 8,620 minutes and from 75 domains.
- [WiAR] The WiAR dataset contains sixteen activities including coarse-grained activity and gestures performed by ten volunteers with 30 times every volunteer.
- [UT-HAR] The dataset is collected in ''A Survey on Behaviour Recognition Using WiFi Channel State Information''. It consists of continuous CSI data for 6 activities without golden segmentation timestamp for each sample.
- [SignFi] Channel State Information (CSI) traces for sign language recognition using WiFi.
- [SenseFi] Deep learning libraries for WiFi CSI sensing (PyTorch) (Model Zoo)
- MM-Fi: Multi-Modal Non-Intrusive 4D Human Dataset for Versatile Wireless Sensing | [Github] (Python) (2023)
- EfficientFi: Towards Large-Scale Lightweight WiFi Sensing via CSI Compression | [Github] (Python) (2022)
- DeepSeg: Deep-Learning-Based Activity Segmentation Framework for Activity Recognition Using WiFi | [Github] (Python) (2021)
- Two-Stream Convolution Augmented Transformer for Human Activity Recognition | [Github] (Python) (2021)
- An Experimental Study of CSI Management to Preserve Location Privacy | [Github] (Python) (2020)
- CsiGAN: Robust Channel State Information-Based Activity Recognition With GANs | [Github] (Python) (2019)
- Can WiFi Estimate Person Pose? | [Github]
- CSI-Net: Unified Human Body Characterization and Pose Recognition | [Github]
- Robust WiFi-Enabled Device-Free Gesture Recognition via Unsupervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation | [Github] (Python) (2018)
- NeuralWave: Gait-Based User Identification Through Commodity WiFi and Deep Learning | [Github] (Python) (2018)
- Non-Intrusive Biometric Identification for Personalized Computing Using Wireless Big Data | [Github] (MATLAB) (2018)
- SignFi: Sign Language Recognition Using WiFi | [Github] (MATLAB & Python) (2018)
- Keystroke Recognition by Machine Learning and DTW (MATLAB & Python)
- Gait Recognition by SVM (MATLAB)
- BiLSTM for Human Activity Recognition (Tensorflow 2.0)
- LSTM for Human Activity Recognition (Pytorch)
- SVM for Human Activity Recognition (MATLAB)
- Gesture Data Collection Tool for Nexmon CSI Tool (Python)
- Smart Wireless Sensing: From IoT to AIoT Springer (2021)
- Deep Learning and Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for WiFi-based Sensing "Generalization with Deep Learning", World Scientific (2021)
If you think that this github project is helpful for your research, please cite the following paper that includes the above works before 2022.
title={SenseFi: A Library and Benchmark on Deep-Learning-Empowered WiFi Human Sensing},
author={Yang, Jianfei and Chen, Xinyan and Wang, Dazhuo and Zou, Han and Lu, Chris Xiaoxuan and Sun, Sumei and Xie, Lihua},