Is from Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary
Works for PyBites
Is from Indonesia
Works for @sensiblecodeio @ebmdatalab
@sensiblecodeio @ebmdatalab
Works for Pure Storage
Pure Storage
Works for FabFilter
Works for @BelityApp
Is from Kharkiv - Ukraine, Glory to Ukraine
Kharkiv - Ukraine, Glory to Ukraine
Works for Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Works for Co-Founder & CTO @zkorum
Co-Founder & CTO @zkorum
Works for Samsung
Is from ಬೆಂದಕಾಳೂರು, ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ, ಭಾರತ
ಬೆಂದಕಾಳೂರು, ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ, ಭಾರತ
Is from Minneapolis
Is from Boston, MA, USA
Boston, MA, USA
Works for Freelancer / Ruby on Rails Consultant
Freelancer / Ruby on Rails Consultant
Is from Alicante, Spain
Alicante, Spain
Is from New York, NY
New York, NY
Works for @Shopify
Is from Dimension X
Dimension X
Is from Los Angeles, CA, USA
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Is from Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles, California
Works for @rbilabs
Works for @intel-private
Is from United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Is from Hangzhou
Is from Durham, NC
Durham, NC
Is from The Netherlands
The Netherlands
Is from Midwest, USA
Midwest, USA
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