Blazing fast, Rock-Hard stability.
To get started with the Makos sources, you'll need to get familiar with Git and Repo.
You will need to set up some directories in your build environment.
To create them run:
mkdir -p ~/bin
mkdir -p ~/makos
Enter the following to download the "repo" binary and make it executable:
curl > ~/bin/repo && chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
You may need to reboot for these changes to take effect. Now enter the following to initialize the repository:
cd ~/makos
For initializing repo use:
repo init -u -b n-oms
Syncing repo:
repo sync -j2 | -j4 |-j8 | -j32 (# of CPUs x2)
Set up environment:
. build/
If your device is officially supported by MakOS, you can do now:
breakfast <device_codename> automatically pull all missing repositories. Then:
brunch <device_codename> start compilation process.
If you want to be official maintainer and add MakOS support for a new device you have to create these two files in device tree:
# Inherit from those products. Most specific first.
$(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/ -- only for 64bit phones
$(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/
# Inherit from device
$(call inherit-product, device/<path>/ -- path to main device makefile
# Inherit common product files.
$(call inherit-product, vendor/makos/config/
# Set those variables here to overwrite the inherited values.
PRODUCT_NAME := makos_device
# Root options (root apps = substratum, adaway, kernel adiutor)
WITH_SUPERSU := true -- if you want to ship SuperSU (rooted rom, with su, supersu and root apps)
WITHOUT_SU := true -- if you don't want su and root apps (unrooted rom, without su and root apps)
# by default su and root apps are being compiled
# Use the latest approved GMS identifiers unless running a signed build
ifneq ($(SIGN_BUILD),true)
BUILD_FINGERPRINT=specific for your device \
PRIVATE_BUILD_DESC="specific for your device"
Also you need to specify which camera app you want to use with:
# Camera
Camera2 \
in one of your device's makefiles. Using the example above will give you both cameras installed.
"repository": "MakOS-TEAM/android_kernel_<name>",
"target_path": "kernel/path",
"branch": "n"
"repository": "MakOS-TEAM/proprietary_vendor_<name>",
"target_path": "vendor/path",
"branch": "n"
"repository": "LineageOS/android_device_<name>", -- if you need to use repos from another source
"target_path": "device/path",
"branch": "cm-14.1" -- you can also change the branch