- Quick start
go build -o GBT-MIS
This method is to start 4 blockchain nodes locally
- General form
./GBT-MIS -f <config_file>
You can modify the configuration file according to the actual situation or use the configuration file generation tool under common/config.go to generate a new configuration file. If it fails to run, please check whether the MongoDB database service is enabled. If it is not enabled, you can use the following command to enable it:
sudo service mongod start
If MongoDB has not been installed, please refer to the following webpage to install it:
go env -w GO111MODULE="on"
2、Update code. After pulling the latest code, Goland will prompt you to detect Go Moudule. You need to click Enabled. Note: The following environment can be filled in or not.
3、Change Go Proxy
go env -w GOPROXY="https://proxy.golang.com.cn"
4、Update go mod
go mod tidy
By default (quick start), four blockchain nodes are running locally, with an IP address of, blockchain communication ports 5010, 5011, 5012, 5013
, and service ports 8010, 8011, 8012, 8013
for the management front-end.
The connection establishment ports provided for vpn-management-server are 9999, 10000, 10001, 10002
, and the ports for normal communication are 6666, 6667, 6668, 6669
Module division
AccountManager | Account management module Message | Message management module MetaData | Definition of metadata format Database | Database module Network | Network module Blockchain | Program core module TransactionPool | Transaction pool module security | Security module common | Configuration file management module utils | Toolkit module
Configuration file description
"LogToFile" Whether to output the log to a file
"LogPath" Log file path
"Level" Log display level: Panic 0,Fatal 1,Error 2,Warn 3,Info 4,Debug 5,Trace 6
"WorkerList" IP and port of bookkeepers
"WorkerCandidateList" IP and port of candidate bookkeepers
"VoterList" IP and port of voters
"BcManagementServerList" Servers of blockchain management
"ServerNum" Servers number of blockchain management
"SingleServerNodeNum" Number of nodes running on this machine
"IP" Local IP address
"PubIP" Local public network address (Set to empty if none)
"Port" Local port
"Hostname" Local node name
"Areaname" Name of the region where the node is located
"Countryname" Name of the country where the node is located
"Longitude" Longitude of the node's location
"Latitude" Latitude of the node's location
"CacheTime" Duration of caching node status information, in minutes
"IsNewJoin" Indicates whether it is a newly joined node
"PubkeyList" Public key of the node running on this machine
"PrikeyList" Private key of the node running on this machine
"MyPubkey" Reserved configuration
"MyPrikey" Reserved configuration
"GenesisDutyWorker" Node number that generated the genesis block
"WorkerNum" Number of bookkeepers
"VotedNum" Number of voters
"BlockGroupPerCycle" Rotation cycle of bookkeepers
"Tcut" Overtime time
"GenerateBlockPeriod" Length of Generate block cycle
"TxPoolSize" Size of transaction pool
"SqlitePath" File path sqlite database
"DefaultExpiration" Default validity period of the session, in minutes
"CleanupInterval" Cleaning cycle of a session, in minutes