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Add arrow tool that can move single points
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Moving contours not yet implemented. Have to figure out double clicks
with `winit`.

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ctrlcctrlv committed Sep 17, 2020
1 parent 642e30d commit 27e2f23
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Expand Up @@ -16,15 +16,24 @@ Qglif is the premier program of the Modular Font Editor Q project. This project

To make this as easy as possible to build, and cross-platform without hassle, the icon is compiled right into the binary via the Rust `include_str!` macro.

## Building

### Mac users

Apple charges a fee to "notarize" applications and without this "notarization" Qglif will not run correctly, or in some cases, at all. So, for the foreseeable future, you must _build Qglif from source on OS X_. This is not as hard as it sounds! :-)

* Download and install the [Vulkan SDK](

### For everyone

* Download and install [`rustup`](, selecting the `nightly` toolchain.
* Pull this repository, and finally
* Run the below command to get started.

### Errors?

If you previously pulled the repository and get errors related to `glifparser`, `mfeq-ipc`, or another local unstable dependency, try running `cargo update` to force Cargo to pull the latest versions from GitHub.

## Contributing

I typically build and run Qglif like this:
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9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/events/
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Expand Up @@ -2,13 +2,20 @@ pub mod prelude;
use self::prelude::*;

pub mod console;

pub mod pan;
pub mod pen;
pub mod select;
pub mod zoom;

pub use self::zoom::{zoom_in_factor, zoom_out_factor};

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct MouseMeta {
pub modifiers: ModifiersState,
pub button: MouseButton,

// Generic events
pub fn center_cursor(winit_window: &Window) -> Result<(), winit::error::ExternalError> {
let mut center = winit_window.outer_size();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,7 +73,7 @@ pub fn update_mousepos<T>(

pub fn mode_switched(from: Mode, to: Mode) {
assert!(from != to);
PEN_DATA.with(|v| v.borrow_mut().contour = None);
TOOL_DATA.with(|v| v.borrow_mut().contour = None);

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36 changes: 5 additions & 31 deletions src/events/
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Expand Up @@ -3,39 +3,13 @@ use super::prelude::*;

use glifparser::{self, Contour, Handle, Outline, Point, PointType};

// $e of type RefCell<State<T>>
macro_rules! get_outline_mut {
($e:expr) => {
macro_rules! get_outline {
($e:expr) => {

pub fn mouse_moved(
position: PhysicalPosition<f64>,
v: &RefCell<state::State<Option<PointData>>>,
) -> bool {
let mposition = update_mousepos(position, &v, false);

PEN_DATA.with(|vv| {
TOOL_DATA.with(|vv| {
let contour = vv.borrow().contour;
match contour {
Some(idx) => {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,11 +41,11 @@ pub fn mouse_moved(
pub fn mouse_pressed(
position: PhysicalPosition<f64>,
v: &RefCell<state::State<Option<PointData>>>,
button: MouseButton,
meta: MouseMeta,
) -> bool {
let mposition = v.borrow().mousepos;

PEN_DATA.with(|vv| {
TOOL_DATA.with(|vv| {
let contour = vv.borrow().contour;
match contour {
Some(idx) => {
Expand All @@ -97,11 +71,11 @@ pub fn mouse_pressed(
pub fn mouse_released(
position: PhysicalPosition<f64>,
v: &RefCell<state::State<Option<PointData>>>,
button: MouseButton,
meta: MouseMeta,
) -> bool {
let mposition = v.borrow().mousepos;

PEN_DATA.with(|vv| {
TOOL_DATA.with(|vv| {
//vv.borrow_mut().contour = None;
if let Some(idx) = vv.borrow().contour {
get_outline_mut!(v)[idx].last_mut().map(|point| {
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12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions src/events/
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@@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
// Our stuff
pub use super::MouseMeta;
pub use super::{center_cursor, mode_switched, update_mousepos, update_viewport};

pub use crate::renderer::constants::*;
pub use crate::renderer::points::calc::*;
pub use crate::state;
pub use crate::{CONSOLE, PEN_DATA, STATE};
pub use state::{Mode, PenData, PointData};
pub use crate::util;
pub use crate::{CONSOLE, STATE, TOOL_DATA};
pub use state::{Mode, PointData, ToolData};

// Skia/Winit stuff
pub use skulpin::skia_safe::{Canvas, Matrix};
pub use skulpin::skia_safe::Contains as _;
pub use skulpin::skia_safe::{Canvas, Matrix, Point as SkPoint, Rect as SkRect};
pub use skulpin::winit;
pub use skulpin::winit::dpi::{PhysicalPosition, PhysicalSize};
pub use skulpin::winit::event::MouseButton;
pub use skulpin::winit::event::{ModifiersState, MouseButton};
pub use skulpin::winit::window::Window;

// std
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@@ -1,39 +1,215 @@
// Select
use super::prelude::*;
use crate::state::Follow;
use glifparser::{Handle, WhichHandle};

/// Get indexes stored by clicked_point_or_handle and move the points they refer to around.
pub fn mouse_moved<T>(position: PhysicalPosition<f64>, v: &RefCell<state::State<T>>) -> bool {
let mposition = update_mousepos(position, &v, false);
v.borrow_mut().corner_two = Some(mposition);
if !v.borrow().mousedown {
return false;

let x = calc_x(mposition.x as f32);
let y = calc_y(mposition.y as f32);
let follow = TOOL_DATA.with(|p| p.borrow().follow);
let contour = TOOL_DATA.with(|p| p.borrow().contour);
let cur_point = TOOL_DATA.with(|p| p.borrow().cur_point);
let which_handle = TOOL_DATA.with(|p| p.borrow().handle);

let single_point = match (contour, cur_point, which_handle) {
// Point itself is being moved.
(Some(ci), Some(pi), WhichHandle::Neither) => {
let (cx, cy) = (get_outline!(v)[ci][pi].x, get_outline!(v)[ci][pi].y);
let (dx, dy) = (cx - x, cy - y);

get_outline_mut!(v)[ci][pi].x = x;
get_outline_mut!(v)[ci][pi].y = y;

match follow {
// ForceLine makes no sense in this context, but putting it here prevents us from
// falling back to the No branch.
Follow::Mirror | Follow::ForceLine => {
let a = get_outline!(v)[ci][pi].a;
let b = get_outline!(v)[ci][pi].b;
match a {
Handle::At(hx, hy) => {
get_outline_mut!(v)[ci][pi].a = Handle::At(hx - dx, hy - dy)
Handle::Colocated => (),
match b {
Handle::At(hx, hy) => {
get_outline_mut!(v)[ci][pi].b = Handle::At(hx - dx, hy - dy)
Handle::Colocated => (),
_ => (),

// A control point (A or B) is being moved.
(Some(ci), Some(pi), wh) => {
let handle = match wh {
WhichHandle::A => get_outline!(v)[ci][pi].a,
WhichHandle::B => get_outline!(v)[ci][pi].b,
WhichHandle::Neither => unreachable!("Should've been matched by above?!"),

// Current x, current y
let (cx, cy) = match handle {
Handle::At(cx, cy) => (cx, cy),
_ => panic!("Clicked non-existent handle A! Cidx {} pidx {}", ci, pi),

// Difference in x, difference in y
let (dx, dy) = (cx - x, cy - y);

// If Follow::Mirror (left mouse button), other control point (handle) will do mirror
// image action of currently selected control point. Perhaps pivoting around central
// point is better?
macro_rules! move_mirror {
($cur:ident, $mirror:ident) => {
get_outline_mut!(v)[ci][pi].$cur = Handle::At(x, y);
let h = get_outline!(v)[ci][pi].$mirror;
match h {
Handle::At(hx, hy) => {
if follow == Follow::Mirror {
get_outline_mut!(v)[ci][pi].$mirror = Handle::At(hx + dx, hy + dy);
} else if follow == Follow::ForceLine {
let (cx, cy) =
(get_outline!(v)[ci][pi].x, get_outline!(v)[ci][pi].y);
let (dx, dy) = (cx - x, cy - y);
get_outline_mut!(v)[ci][pi].$mirror = Handle::At(cx + dx, cy + dy);
Handle::Colocated => (),

match wh {
WhichHandle::A => { move_mirror!(a, b); },
WhichHandle::B => { move_mirror!(b, a); },
WhichHandle::Neither => unreachable!("Should've been matched by above?!"),

_ => false,

if !single_point {
v.borrow_mut().corner_two = Some(mposition);

// Placeholder
pub fn mouse_button<T>(
position: PhysicalPosition<f64>,
v: &RefCell<state::State<T>>,
button: MouseButton,
meta: MouseMeta,
) -> bool {

pub fn mouse_pressed<T>(
/// Transform mouse click position into indexes into STATE.glyph.glif.outline and the handle if
/// applicable, and store it in TOOL_DATA.
fn clicked_point_or_handle(
position: PhysicalPosition<f64>,
v: &RefCell<state::State<T>>,
button: MouseButton,
v: &RefCell<state::State<Option<state::PointData>>>,
) -> Option<(usize, usize, WhichHandle)> {
let factor = v.borrow().factor;
let mposition = update_mousepos(position, &v, true);
let mut contour_idx = 0;
let mut point_idx = 0;

// How we do this is quite naïve. For each click, we just iterate all points and check the
// point and both handles. It's just a bunch of floating point comparisons in a compiled
// language, so I'm not too concerned about it, and even in the TT2020 case doesn't seem to
// slow anything down.
for (contour_idx, contour) in get_outline!(v).iter().enumerate() {
for (point_idx, point) in contour.iter().enumerate() {
let size = ((POINT_RADIUS * 2.) + (POINT_STROKE_THICKNESS * 2.)) * (1. / factor);
// Topleft corner of point
let point_tl = SkPoint::new(
calc_x(point.x as f32) - (size / 2.),
calc_y(point.y as f32) - (size / 2.),
let point_rect = SkRect::from_point_and_size(point_tl, (size, size));
// Topleft corner of handle a
let a = point.handle_or_colocated(WhichHandle::A, |f| f, |f| f);
let a_tl = SkPoint::new(calc_x(a.0) - (size / 2.), calc_y(a.1) - (size / 2.));
let a_rect = SkRect::from_point_and_size(a_tl, (size, size));
// Topleft corner of handle b
let b = point.handle_or_colocated(WhichHandle::B, |f| f, |f| f);
let b_tl = SkPoint::new(calc_x(b.0) - (size / 2.), calc_y(b.1) - (size / 2.));
let b_rect = SkRect::from_point_and_size(b_tl, (size, size));

// winit::PhysicalPosition as an SkPoint
let sk_mpos = SkPoint::new(mposition.x as f32, mposition.y as f32);

if point_rect.contains(sk_mpos) {
return Some((contour_idx, point_idx, WhichHandle::Neither));
} else if a_rect.contains(sk_mpos) {
return Some((contour_idx, point_idx, WhichHandle::A));
} else if b_rect.contains(sk_mpos) {
return Some((contour_idx, point_idx, WhichHandle::B));

pub fn mouse_pressed(
position: PhysicalPosition<f64>,
v: &RefCell<state::State<Option<state::PointData>>>,
meta: MouseMeta,
) -> bool {
v.borrow_mut().show_sel_box = true;
let position = v.borrow().mousepos;
let mposition = PhysicalPosition::from((position.x, position.y));
v.borrow_mut().mousepos = mposition;
if v.borrow().show_sel_box {
v.borrow_mut().corner_one = Some(mposition);
let single_point = match clicked_point_or_handle(position, v) {
Some((ci, pi, wh)) => TOOL_DATA.with(|p| {
let follow: Follow = meta.into();
"Clicked point: {:?} {:?}. Follow behavior: {}",
p.borrow_mut().contour = Some(ci);
p.borrow_mut().cur_point = Some(pi);
p.borrow_mut().follow = follow;
p.borrow_mut().handle = wh;
None => TOOL_DATA.with(|p| {
p.borrow_mut().contour = None;
p.borrow_mut().cur_point = None;
p.borrow_mut().handle = WhichHandle::Neither;

if !single_point {
v.borrow_mut().show_sel_box = true;
let position = v.borrow().mousepos;
let mposition = PhysicalPosition::from((position.x, position.y));
v.borrow_mut().mousepos = mposition;
if v.borrow().show_sel_box {
v.borrow_mut().corner_one = Some(mposition);
v.borrow_mut().corner_two = Some(mposition);

pub fn mouse_released<T>(
position: PhysicalPosition<f64>,
v: &RefCell<state::State<T>>,
button: MouseButton,
meta: MouseMeta,
) -> bool {
v.borrow_mut().show_sel_box = false;
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Expand Up @@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ pub fn mouse_moved<T>(position: PhysicalPosition<f64>, v: &RefCell<state::State<
pub fn mouse_released<T>(
position: PhysicalPosition<f64>,
v: &RefCell<state::State<T>>,
button: MouseButton,
meta: MouseMeta,
) -> bool {
let mut scale = v.borrow().factor;
match button {
match meta.button {
MouseButton::Left => {
scale = zoom_in_factor(scale, &v);
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