View this app LIVE on my website:
Here's your weekly forecast! Use the search bar to grab weather data about your city. It will give you the current weather and a 5-day forecast.
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- OpenWeatherMap API
- Bootstrap
- It was fairly easy to use jQuery to target the DOM and manipulate it
- Bootstrap made quick styling for a rough design easy without having to use any CSS
- AJAX requests to OpenWeatherMap API provided data that was easy to manupulate using JavaScript methods
- JavaScript can convert dates to Day names
- If I messed up with calling data from the API then I would be blocked for some time from doing so
- jQuery...
- doesn't like allowing generated buttons to have onClick functions
- has some weird events with enter refreshing the page (I disabled the enter key so it wouldn't)
If I were to finish this project, I would...
- Utilize the local store so that data from API calls are saved from recent searches.
- Add pictures for cloudy, sunny, rainy
- Convert time from 24hr to 12hr
- Start page with your location weather data filled out when arriving
- Remove the year and only have mm/dd shown on 5-day forecast
This project was an assignment in the UCF Full Stack Coding Boot Camp.