A fully functioning backend API for managing a restaurant system, including menu items, orders, and user roles (Manager, Delivery crew, and Customers). This API allows role-based access to ensure only authorized users can perform certain actions, like assigning delivery crew to orders or placing orders.
- Role-based access control: Manager, Delivery crew, and Customer roles with different access levels.
- Menu management: View and update menu items.
- Order management: Customers can create orders, managers can assign delivery crew, and delivery crew can update order status.
- JWT Authentication: Secure API endpoints using Djoser for authentication and role management.
- Filtering and Pagination: Efficient data retrieval with filtering and pagination features.
- Deployed on AWS EC2: The API is hosted on an AWS EC2 instance with Nginx and Gunicorn for production readiness.
- Backend Framework: Django, Django REST Framework
- Authentication: Djoser, JWT
- Database: SQLite
- Deployment: AWS EC2, Nginx, Gunicorn
- Tools: Postman, pipenv, Git
- Installation and Setup
git clone https://github.com/LucaXYB/LittleLemonBackendAPI.git
- Navigate to the project directory
cd LittleLemonBackendAPI
- Install dependencies using pipenv:
pipenv install
- Apply migrations to set up the database
python manage.py migrate
- Create a superuser for accessing the Django admin panel
python manage.py createsuperuser
- Run the development server:
python manage.py runserver
- Access the API locally at
Here are some of the key API endpoints:
- User Registration: /api/users/
- User Login: /api/token/login/
- Menu Items:
- GET /api/menu-items/: List all menu items (customers and managers).
- POST /api/menu-items/: Create a new menu item (managers only).
- GET /api/orders/: List all orders for customers or managers.
- POST /api/orders/: Create a new order (customers).
- PATCH /api/orders/{order_id}/: Update order status (delivery crew or manager).
- User Role Management (managers only):
- GET /api/groups/manager/users/: List all managers.
- POST /api/groups/manager/users/: Assign user to the manager group.
You can test the API using Postman or Insomnia. Here’s an example of how to retrieve all menu items:
- In Postman, make a GET request to:
- Use the token from the login endpoint to authorize the request.