Installs Apache and does basic configuration, can use lihas_dehydrated to request letsencrpt ssl certificates
- local_pages: Makro to direct a domain to a local document root
- external_redirect_domains: Makro to redirect a domain to some other domain
- reverse_proxy: Makro to create reverse proxy for a domain
To run solo:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-playbook -i localhost, apache.yml
method: https, httpok, default https
# httpok: http stays http, https stays https
documentroot: DOCUMENTROOT, default: /var/www/html/DOMAINNAME
phpfpmsocket: Path to PHP-Socket, default /run/php/php-fpm.sock
pre: []
array of lines to include in apache configuration before default config
post: []
array of lines to include in apache configuration after default config
target_ip: IP of real host, will de added to /etc/hosts as IP DOMAINNAME
method: http, https, httpok, default https
http: target does http only, external rewrite http->https
https: target does https only, external rewrite http->https
httpok: http stays http, https stays https
port: target port for http, default 80, currently only for method http
pre: []
array of lines to include in apache configuration before default ProxyPass
post: []
array of lines to include in apache configuration after default ProxyPass
%.config.apache.conf.enabled: []
%.config.apache.conf.disabled: []
%.config.apache.module.enabled: []
%.config.apache.module.disabled: []
LIHASVARS.apache.features.httpsrewrite: boolean
default: true
This role can be called to only enable a few modules from other modules. To do this, call it like this:
- name: enable apache modules
name: lihas_apache
tasks_from: enable_modules.yml
name: lihas_apache
apache_modules_enabled: []
This role can be called to only enable a few config files from other modules. To do this, call it like this:
- name: enable apache conf
name: lihas_apache
tasks_from: enable_conf.yml
name: lihas_apache
apache_conf_enabled: []
This role can be called to only enable a few sites from other modules. To do this, call it like this:
- name: enable apache site
name: lihas_apache
tasks_from: enable_site.yml
name: lihas_apache
apache_site_enabled: []