Simple LMS whith authentification, payment and static site with Astro
This project is testing a way to quickly create an LMS at the lowest possible cost.
For the site, we create an Astro JS project. It allows us to create a completely static site with high performance for an SEO strategy.
What's more, a completely static site has extremely low hosting costs.
Videos can be privately hosted on youtube.
Now to manage authentication and a payment system we need a server.
This project used Netlify. Netlify has an authentication system. When someone wants to register, the project launches a script in serverless function that creates a client on stripe, then registers the stripeID and NetlifyID in an external database. FaunaDB
When the person wishes to purchase a training course, a new script in serverless functionis launched. It takes the NetlifyID and searches for the StripeID in the FaunaDB database. Then it creates a stripe payment session and returns it to the customer.
Then stripe sends a webhook which launches another script ( serverless function ) that updates the data in the FaunaDB database.
Astro JS we simply creates 2 roots with the same structure and data, but not the same display.
One for the free version and the other for the pay version.
Example Free: /formation Paid: /formation-pro
Now we just need to protect the paying root.
To do this, we'll use a new script in serverless function as middleware
This script will check that the person is a user with the NetlifyID and, above all, that he's on the paid plan, by checking the database
If not, we'll return him to the free root
Astro v2.9 Neltify FaunaDB Stripe
This project uses the role system of the netlify system to protect the paying root.
It was planned to change to faunaDB verification.
Unfortunately, FaunaDB wanted to change the GraphQL API to its own system.
So I didn't continue.
Hoping this project will give you some ideas or help you.