A Better explorator and search file on Windows with TAG
There are several solutions for file exploration but I couldn't find anything simple.
Especially a way to quickly search by name or tags in a specific folder.
Of course this project needs a lot of improvement. But it's perfect for creating tags and searching for files.
This project is built with python and flask for the server side. For a more modern interface, it uses HTMLX and TailwindCSS for styling.
You can simply go to the dist folder and copy ExploApp.exe, then paste it into the folder you want.
Alternatively, copy the files
Prerequisites python 3.9
Create env python -m venv .venv
Enabled env .venv\Scripts\activate
pip install Flask pip install flaskwebgui pip install psutil pip install -U pyinstaller
The Build command is pyinstaller --name="ExploApp" --noconsole --onefile --path=env\lib\site-packages --add-data="static;static" --add-data="templates;templates" main.py
To continue the development. Go to main.py and go to if name == "main":
add comment FlaskUI(app=app, server="flask",width=1400, height=1000).run() and remove comment app.run(debug=True)
You can copy and paste ExploAPP.exe into any folder. It's designed to be portable
The application will list every file in the current folder or subfolder.
When you launch the application for the first time, a new folder will be created, a new ExploApp folder. The sole purpose of this folder is to create a JSON file containing a list of your files, in order to reduce storage (read) usage.
You can add tags to your files to facilitate searching and sorting. When you add a tag, the name of your files changes and adds [your tag]. This decision is made in order to preserve tags even if your file changes folder.
When you add or move folders, click on reset data in the application so that the program updates the file list.