- SDK .NET 5.0
- Visual Studio with
.NET desktop development
andUniversal Windows Platform development
- InnoSetup to create an installer
- Download/Clone the Repo
- Run the
with PowerShell
- You found a bug or have a feature request? Feel free to create a new issue.
- General questions can be discussed in the GitHub discussions.
- If you contribute to the code, documentation or translation, you can add your name to the contributors list with a pull request.
- If you want to fix a bug or implement a new features, let me know in the issues that you are work on it.
- Fork the repo, do your changes and send me a pull request.
- The documentation is based on Just the docs, hosted on GitHub Pages and published here.
- You can help improve the documentation by cloning the repo, switch to the gh-pages branch, do your improvements and send me a pull request.
- Translation is hosted on Transifex.
- If you want to join the language team as translator or reviewer, you need to have a Transifex account and join the team on Transifex.
- You can request a new language via Transifex (or with a new issue).
This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3.
The licenses for the libraries used in the program can be found here.