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🌻 The Open Source app Petals aims to help its users to either quit weed, reduce usage or simply know how much they're using.


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The Open Source app Petals aims to help its users to either quit weed, reduce usage or simply know how much they're using.

Get it on GitHub Get it on F-Droid Get it on IzzyOnDroid Get it on Play Store

⚠️ The Google Play Store version contains advertisements

For an ad free experience download the app either from F-Droid or from the Releases Page.

🌐 Contributing Translations

Translation status

Petals welcomes community contributions for translations! To contribute translations, please follow these guidelines:

  • ✨ New Languages: If you are adding a new language, translations must be 100% complete before submission.
  • ⚠️ Minimum Completion: Translations that fall below 60% completion will be removed to maintain quality.
  • 🀝 Contribution Methods:
    • 🌍 Non-programmers are encouraged to collaborate via Weblate.
    • πŸ–₯️ Programmers may contribute translations via pull requests directly on GitHub.

Translation Status

Translations are hosted at Weblate. You can contribute to your language here.


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You can assemble both debug and release versions of the app for different variants (F-Droid, Playstore, GitHub) using the corresponding Gradle tasks. Here's how to do that:

Debug Version

  • F-Droid: ./gradlew assembleFdroidDebug
  • PlayStore: ./gradlew assemblePlaystoreDebug
  • GitHub: ./gradlew assembleGithubDebug

Release Version

For the release version, you must first decrypt secrets using git secret reveal. The release version can be assembled as follows:

  • F-Droid: ./gradlew assembleFdroidRelease
  • PlayStore: ./gradlew assemblePlaystoreRelease
  • GitHub: ./gradlew assembleGithubRelease

Git Secrets

The Keystore, Keystore Properties, and Google Play deploy json files are included in the repository using git secret. The current secret owners are:

  • Leonardo Colman Lopes

    • Fingerprint B3A5 9909 9ECC 4DB4 FD40 896F 7706 1922 C587 2792
    • Original Author
  • GitHub Actions

    • Fingerprint 882E 409C 71F4 565B 1698 B947 A992 5FF4 75B3 5E07
    • Auto-publishing signed app to GitHub
    • Expires on 2027-04-05
    • Available on environment secret GPG_KEY


Release to all our channels is made automatically after a tag is released. The workflow responsible for doing this is release.main.kts.

Google Play Store

  1. Decrypt all git secrets
  2. Run ./gradlew bundlePlaystoreRelease
  3. Publish to playstore by running cd fastlane && bundle config path vendor/bundle && bundle install --jobs 4 --retry 3 && bundle exec fastlane playstore


F-Droid builds automatically from the repository whenever a new tag is published. The definitions for how to build the app are in F-Droid's data repository. If modifications are required, the place to change is there.

Releases Page

  1. Decrypt all git secrets
  2. Run ./gradlew assembleGithubRelease