Weatherify is a Python web application built using Flask that provides current weather information and forecasts for any city. By leveraging the OpenWeatherMap API, users can search for cities and view detailed weather data including temperature (in Celsius and Fahrenheit), humidity, and wind speed. The app also supports theme switching between light and dark modes.
- Current Weather Information: Displays current temperature, humidity, and wind speed for a specified city.
- Weekly Forecast: Shows a 7-day forecast with temperature and weather descriptions for each day.
- Theme Switching: Toggle between light and dark themes for improved user experience.
- Responsive Design: The app is designed to be usable on both desktop and mobile devices.
Technologies Used
- Flask: A lightweight web framework for Python.
- OpenWeatherMap API: Provides weather data.
- HTML: Structure of the web pages.
- CSS: Styling of the web pages.
Future Enhancements
- Implement JavaScript for city search autocomplete feature.
- Display weather icons for better visual representation.
- Add functionality to detect and display weather based on the user's current location using geolocation APIs.
- Provide extended weather forecasts beyond 7 days, including hourly forecasts and severe weather alerts.