No due date
14% complete
Templates (maybe will be changed):
- ERC20
- ERC721
- crowdsale
- open/save/save as/save all/new *sol files
- tmp files
- highlighting
- search
- error/warnings show in code and in separate list
- multi file system (active sol project, list of all open files)
Solidity compilers (using solc):
-add manually new solc compiler
-download solc compilers …
Templates (maybe will be changed):
- ERC20
- ERC721
- crowdsale
- open/save/save as/save all/new *sol files
- tmp files
- highlighting
- search
- error/warnings show in code and in separate list
- multi file system (active sol project, list of all open files)
Solidity compilers (using solc):
-add manually new solc compiler
-download solc compilers from offisial site
Compiler result widget