- Let us consider a population of N agents
- Each agent belong to one of M sets or groups
- Agents interact through 2-player games of cooperation
- A strategy is defined by a pair (p,q) where:
- p denotes the probability to cooperate with an agent of the same set
- q denotes the probability to cooperate with someone of another set
- All individuals may potentially interact ith all other individuals (well-mixed population), yet with a bias.
- Let us define alpha_in as the rate of interaction within a group and alpha_out the rate of interaction with members of other groups. For simplicity let us assume alpha_in = 1 and alpha_out = alpha_interaction
- Interaction
- Agent has one strategy and one set, can play based on same_group or not, update strategy with one
- Set have agents
- Strategys
- Interaction (3 types: PD, SH, SD)
- Interactions
- Strategy_Update