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WebUntis API Doc

Kurt S edited this page Sep 1, 2023 · 8 revisions

Only works if you send valid session cookie. Returns JWT object containing the following structure:

  "tenant_id": "0",  // School ID?
  "sub": "Displayname", // Displayname
  "roles": "STUDENT",  // Roles
  "iss": "webuntis",
  "locale": "de",
  "sc": "de",
  "user_type": "USER",  // user type
  "user_id": 0, // user id
  "host": "", // host the api uses
  "sn": "OSZ IMT", // capitalized school name
  "scopes": "",
  "exp": 1689078736,  //session expire time
  "per": [],
  "iat": 1689077836,  //session expire time?
  "username": "user_name",
  "sr": "DE-BE",
  "person_id": 0 // person ID


  • elementType int (usually 5 for classes)
  • elementId int


    "calendarEntries": [
            "absenceReasonId": null,
            "booking": null,
            "color": null,
            "endDateTime": "2023-07-11T15:00:00",
            "exam": null,
            "homeworks": [],
            "id": 0, // ID of the calendar event
            "integrationsSection": [],
            "klasses": [
                    "displayName": "Klasse", // Display name of the klass
                    "hasTimetable": true,
                    "id": 0, // KlassenID
                    "longName": "", // Long name of the Klass
                    "shortName": "Klasse" // Short name of the Klass
            "lesson": {
                "lessonId": 0, // ID of the lesson
                "lessonNumber": 0 // number of the lesson
            "lessonInfo": null,
            "mainStudentGroup": null,
            "messengerChannel": null,
            "notesAll": "wir treffen uns an der Sporthalle", // notes about the lesson
            "notesAllFiles": [],
            "notesStaff": null,
            "notesStaffFiles": [],
            "originalCalendarEntry": null,
            "permissions": [
            "resources": [],
            "rooms": [
                    "displayName": "Raum 1", // Display name of room
                    "hasTimetable": false,
                    "id": 0, // room id
                    "longName": "Raum Eins", // Long name of room
                    "shortName": "Raum 1", // Short name of room
                    "status": "REGULAR"
            "singleEntries": [],
            "startDateTime": "2023-07-11T13:30:00",
            "status": "TAKING_PLACE",
            "students": [],
            "subType": {
                "displayInPeriodDetails": false,
                "displayName": "Unterricht",
                "id": 1
            "subject": {
                "displayName": "Fach", // Display name of the subject
                "hasTimetable": false,
                "id": 0, // Subject ID
                "longName": "Fachname", // Long subject name
                "shortName": "Fach" // Short subject name
            "substText": null,
            "teachers": [
                    "displayName": "Teach1", // Teacher Display name 
                    "hasTimetable": false,
                    "id": 0, // Teacher ID
                    "imageUrl": null,
                    "longName": "Teacher Eins", // Long Teacher name
                    "shortName": "Tea1", // Short Teacher Name
                    "status": "REGULAR"
                    "displayName": "Teach2",
                    "hasTimetable": false,
                    "id": 0,
                    "imageUrl": null,
                    "longName": "Teacher Zwei",
                    "shortName": "Tea2",
                    "status": "REGULAR"
            "teachingContent": "Unterrichtsinhalt der Stunde", // Teaching content of this lesson
            "teachingContentFiles": [],
            "type": "NORMAL_TEACHING_PERIOD",
            "videoCall": null


  • startDate string
  • endDate string Note: All Dates are in a special time format to webuntis. The first 4 digits are the year, the next two are the month (00 (January) to 11 (December)) and the last 2 digits are the day of the month (01 to 31).


    "data": {
        "records": [
            // Homework records for different assignments
            { "homeworkId": XXXX, "teacherId": XX, "elementIds": [XXXX] }
        "homeworks": [
            // Homework details
                "id": XXXX, // Homework ID
                "lessonId": XXXXX, // Lesson ID related to this homework
                "date": XXXXXXXX, // Date when the homework was assigned (YYYYMMDD)
                "dueDate": XXXXXXXX, // Due date for the homework (YYYYMMDD)
                "text": "", // Homework description
                "remark": "", // Any additional remark for the homework
                "completed": false, // Flag indicating if the homework is completed (false for incomplete, true for completed)
                "attachments": [] // Array of attachments associated with the homework
        "teachers": [
            // Teacher details
            { "id": XXX, "name": "XXX" }
        "lessons": [
            // Lesson details
            { "id": XXXXX, "subject": "XXX", "lessonType": "Unterricht" }


  • startDate string
  • endDate string
  • studentId
  • excuseStatusId


  "data": {
    "absences": [
      // Absence records
        "id": XXXXXX, // Absence ID
        "startDate": XXXXXXXX, // Start date of the absence
        "endDate": XXXXXXXX, // End date of the absence
        "startTime": XXXX, // Start time of the absence
        "endTime": XXXX, // End time of the absence
        "createDate": XXXXXXXXXXXXX, // Timestamp when the absence record was created
        "lastUpdate": XXXXXXXXXXXXX, // Timestamp when the absence record was last updated
        "createdUser": "", // User who created the absence record
        "updatedUser": "", // User who last updated the absence record
        "reasonId": X, // ID of the absence reason
        "reason": "", // Description of the absence reason
        "text": "", // Additional information about the absence
        "interruptions": [], // Array of interruptions during the absence
        "canEdit": false, // Flag indicating if the absence record can be edited
        "studentName": "", // Name of the student associated with the absence
        "excuseStatus": "", // Status of the excuse
        "isExcused": true, // Flag indicating if the absence is excused
        "excuse": {
          "id": XXXXXX, // ID of the excuse
          "text": "", // Additional information about the excuse
          "excuseDate": XXXXXXXX, // Date when the excuse was provided
          "excuseStatus": "", // Status of the excuse
          "isExcused": true, // Flag indicating if the excuse is valid
          "userId": XXXX, // ID of the user associated with the excuse
          "username": "" // Username of the user associated with the excuse
    "absenceReasons": [], // Array of possible absence reasons
    "excuseStatuses": null, // List of possible excuse statuses
    "showAbsenceReasonChange": false, // Flag indicating if absence reasons can be changed
    "showCreateAbsence": false // Flag indicating if creating a new absence is allowed


  • startDate
  • endDate
  • studentId
  • withGrades
  • klasseId/classId


    "data": {
        "exams": [
            // List of exams