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This repository contains Kuadrant testsuite pipeline objects


  1. Install the openshift-pipelines Openshift operator on the cluster
  2. Create required pipelines and their resources
    • Apply main pipeline kubectl apply -k main/ -n ${PIPELINE_NAMESPACE}
    • Apply nightly pipeline kubectl apply -k nightly/ -n ${PIPELINE_NAMESPACE}
    • Apply helm-deploy pipelines kubectl apply -k deploy/ -n ${PIPELINE_NAMESPACE}
    • Apply infrastructure pipelines kubectl apply -k infra/ -n ${PIPELINE_NAMESPACE}


Prior to the running of the pipeline, the following resources must be created in the pipeline namespace:

  • Opaque Secret (pipelines expect openshift-pipelines-credentials name by default but custom name can be specified via cluster-credentials input parameter) containing KUBE_PASSWORD and KUBE_USER keys with the credentials to access the testing cluster. E.g.
kubectl create secret generic openshift-pipelines-credentials --from-literal=KUBE_USER="admin" --from-literal=KUBE_PASSWORD="admin" -n ${PIPELINE_NAMESPACE}
  • Opaque Secret named rp-credentials containing RP_URL key with the URL of the ReportPortal instance and RP_TOKEN key with the ReportPortal user access token. E.g.
kubectl create secret generic rp-credentials --from-literal=RP_URL="" --from-literal=RP_TOKEN="api-token" -n ${PIPELINE_NAMESPACE}
  • ConfigMap named rp-ca-bundle containing the certificates trusted by the ReportPortal instance under the tls-ca-bundle.pem key. E.g.
kubectl create cm rp-ca-bundle --from-file=tls-ca-bundle.pem=./tls-ca-bundle.pem -n ${PIPELINE_NAMESPACE}
  • ConfigMap with testsuite settings under the settings.local.yaml key. Just copy the default testsuite settings if you don't need anything else. E.g.
kubectl create cm pipeline-settings --from-file=settings.local.yaml=./settings.local.yaml -n ${PIPELINE_NAMESPACE}
kubectl create -n ${PIPELINE_NAMESPACE} secret generic values-additional-manifests --from-file=additionalManifests.yaml=${ADDITIONAL_MANIFESTS.yaml}

Resources required for infrastructure pipelines:

  • Opaque secret containing AWS credentials for osdCcsAdmin IAM user (pipelines provisioning clusters in AWS only). E.g.
kubectl create secret generic kua-aws-credentials --from-literal=AWS_ACCOUNT_ID="xxx" --from-literal=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="xxx" --from-literal=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="xxx" -n ${PIPELINE_NAMESPACE}
  • Opaque secret containing HCC client credentials (pipelines provisioning clusters via HCC (OCM) only). E.g.
kubectl create secret generic kua-ocm-stage-client-credentials --from-literal=CLIENT_ID="xxx" --from-literal=CLIENT_SECRET="xxx" -n ${PIPELINE_NAMESPACE}
  • Opaque secret containing GCP credentials for osd-ccs-admin IAM user (pipelines provisioning clusters in GCP only). E.g.
kubectl create secret generic kua-gcp-credentials --from-file=gcp-osd-ccs-admin-sa-security-key.json -n ${PIPELINE_NAMESPACE}

Pipeline execution

  1. Through the OpenShift Web Console
    • Navigate to the Pipelines section in the OpenShift Web Console
    • Click on the Pipeline object to be executed
    • Click on the Start button
    • Fill in the required parameters
    • Click on the Start button
  2. Apply the PipelineRun resource directly
    • Create the new PipelineRun resource directly in the namespace with pipeline
    • PipelineRun resource should contain all required parameters
  3. Using the tkn CLI
    • Install the tkn CLI tool
    • Execute the tkn pipeline start command with the required parameters

Trigger nightly pipeline manually

kubectl create job --from=cronjob/trigger-nightly-pipeline trigger-nightly-pipeline-$(date +%d.%m)-$(whoami)-manual -n ${PIPELINE_NAMESPACE}

Setup automatic cleanup of old PipelineRun's every week

kubectl patch tektonconfig config --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"pruner":{"disabled":false,"keep":7,"resources":["pipelinerun"],"schedule":"0 0 * * 0"}}}'


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