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Examples of Authorino AuthConfig custom resources, applications and deployment manifests used in demos and tutorials of Authorino.

Please refer to the Authorino User guides for usage instructions related to most of the resources included in this repo.

Custom apps and deployments

For each application below, you will usually find a *-deploy.yaml file in the corresponding directory of the application. This file contains the required manifests to deploy the application to a Kubernetes cluster.

Talker API

Just another echo API that responds as JSON whatever attributes it gets in the original HTTP request.


News API

The News Agency API ("News API" for short) is a REST API to manage news articles (Create, Read, Delete), with no embedded concept of authentication or authorization. Records are stored in memory (default) or in a Redis database (by supplying a REDIS_URL environment variable).

HTTP endpoints available:

POST /{category}[/{id}]   Create a news article
GET /{category}           List news articles
GET /{category}/{id}      Read a news article
DELETE /{category}/{id}   Delete a news article

A news article is structured as follows:

  "id": <string: auto-generated if not provided>,
  "title": <string>,
  "body": <string>,
  "date": <string: ISO 8601>,
  "author": <string>,
  "user_id": <string>

In the requests to POST /{category}, author and user_id can be supplied in either of 2 supported HTTP headers:

  • X-Ext-Auth-Data: stringified JSON containing at least the author and the user_id properties;
  • X-Ext-Auth-Wristband: an Authorino Festival Wrisband token whose name and sub claims map respectively to author and the user_id.


Kubernetes manifests to deploy Envoy proxy – ConfigMap, Deployment, Service and Ingress.

The ConfigMap contains an Envoy configuration to put the Talker API (http://*:8000/ → talker-api:3000) and the Talker Web (http://*:8000/web → http://talker-web:888) apps behind the reverse-proxy. It also sets up Authorino (authorino-authorino-authorization:50051) and Limitador (limitador:8081), respectively, in the external authorization and rate limiting HTTP filters.

The config is provided in two flavors (kustomize overlays): TLS and no-TLS enabled in the Authorino endpoints (gRPC ext-authz and Wirstband OIDC discovery). When TLS is enabled, the deployment expects the Authorino certificates to be stored in an authorino-ca-cert Secret.

The rate limit configuration has failure_mode_deny: false, which means that requests will only be rate limited when Limitador is running. If Authorino cannot be reached, on the other hand, requests will be rejected with a 403 Forbidden response.

The external authorization filter is disabled for the endpoints of the Talker Web app.

Image: envoyproxy/envoy:v1.25-latest


A bundle with Kubernetes manifests to deploy a Keycloak server, preloaded with the following realm setup:

  • Admin console: http://localhost:8080/admin (admin/p)
  • Preloaded realm: kuadrant
  • Preloaded clients:
    • demo: to which API consumers delegate access and therefore the one which access tokens are issued to
    • talker-api: used by Authorino to fetch UMA-protected resource data associated with the Talker API (Client secret: 523b92b6-625d-4e1e-a313-77e7a8ae4e88)
  • Preloaded resources (talker-api client):
    • /hello
    • /greetings/1 (owned by user jonh)
    • /greetings/2 (owned by user jane)
    • /goodbye
  • Preloaded authorization scopes (talker-api client):
    • get
    • post
    • put
    • delete
  • Realm roles:
    • member (default to all users)
    • admin
  • Preloaded users:
    • john/p (member)
    • jane/p (admin)
    • peter/p (member, email not verified)


A bundle with Kubernetes manifests to deploy a Dex server, preloaded with the following setup:

  • Preloaded clients:
    • demo: to which API consumers delegate access and therefore the one which access tokens are issued to (Client secret: aaf88e0e-d41d-4325-a068-57c4b0d61d8e)
  • Preloaded users:
    • marta@localhost/password


A bundle with Kubernetes manifests to deploy a a12n-server server and corresponding MySQL database, preloaded with the following setup:

  • Admin console: http://a12n-server:8531 (admin@demo/123456)
  • Preloaded clients:
    • service-account-1: to obtain access tokens via client_credentials OAuth2 grant type, to consume the Talker API (Client secret: DbgXROi3uhWYCxNUq_U1ZXjGfLHOIM8X3C2bJLpeEdE); includes metadata privilege: { "talker-api": ["read"] } that can be used to write authorization policies
    • talker-api: to authenticate to the token introspect endpoint (Client secret: V6g-2Eq2ALB1_WHAswzoeZofJ_e86RI4tdjClDDDb4g)

Talker Web

Node.js Single Page Application (SPA) that consumes resources of the Talker API from a web browser.

URL behind Envoy:


Matrix Quotes

Node.js web application that gathers quotes from characters of the film The Matrix (1999).

If you haven't watched The Matrix yet, stop what you are doing, go watch it now, and then come back 🙂


API consumer

Simple script that curls a given endpoint in a loop, every X seconds. It only sends GET requests.


  • --endpoint: the endpoint to send requests to;
  • --token: the value of the authentication token;
  • --token-path: path to an authentication token file monted in the file system;
  • --credentials-in: where the authentication token must fly in the request (options: authorization_header, custom_header, cookie, query; default: authorization_header);
  • --credentials-key: additional value to --credentials-in – the authorization header prefix, name of custom header, cookie id or query string parameter (default: Bearer);
  • --interval: interval (in seconds) between requests.

IP Location

Simple service to resolve an IPv4 address into geo location info.



Kubernetes manifests to deploy Limitador, pre-configured in the reverse-proxy to rate-limit the Talker API app to 5 hits per minute per user_id.


Tracing (OpenTelemetry and Jaeger)

Kubernetes manifests to deploy Jaeger and OpenTelemetry Collector (with the Jaeger exporter configured).

Images: jaegertracing/all-in-one:1.22
otel/opentelemetry-collector:0.74.0 otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.74.0