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@KryptonCaptain KryptonCaptain released this 28 Sep 01:04

1.4.18 (27/09/18)
Node Modifier can now remove Tainted/Pure from nodes
Resolved longstanding issues with TB AAF that caused it to get "stuck" and not output essentia
Reworked renderers for Brazier and Campfire. They don't look as bad anymore.

Reworked fake research nodes, and unified them across WG/Dyes/Bases
Base entries modified by something like Modtweaker will reflect changes in fake entries

Adjusted block hardness of quicksilver so they don't break if you lean on them too hard
Tweaked Brazier/Campfire entries, hitboxes, and some minor render things
Advanced Alchemy Furnace now has sided fire particles when burning
Pyrofluid doesn't take up quite as much space in the tab/NEI now. Cut it from 8>2

Alch restoration for chiseled stone bricks only uses basic stone bricks now, not wildcard meta. No longer will chiseled stone bricks craft...less chiseled stone bricks than I started with. This was actually really annoying, and I should have fixed it sooner.

Fixed Rosa fragments consuming 2 when used instead of only 1

Altered internals for some decorative blocks so WG will no longer try and assign the stabilisation tooltip to them, causing everyone confusion

Changed textures:
Crystal blocks
Thauminite block
Quicksilver blocks

Tweaked build script for optimised laziness
Changed planting parameters for Rosa seeds from =Blocks.air to world.isAirBlock Closes #6

Changed versioning scheme because I've been doing it wrong

Tweaks to Overchanter:
Items can be shift-clicked in and out now.
Item in internal inventory will drop when block is broken instead of being deleted.
Both were driving me insane
Some minor render changes for stuff. Not perfect, but does a thing

Changed textures:
Adv Alch Furnace now has a similar texture to the TC5 thaumium furnace. 10x cooler now
Void block changed to TC5 texture for consistency. Doing the same with WG fork next update

1.4.9-0 (1.4.1-9 1.7.10)
Fixed an issue with the Elder Wisdom enchant trying to send aspects to a FakePlayer (#5)
Updated enchant descriptions

1.4.8-0 (1.4.1-8 1.7.10)
Fixed tobacco NPE on servers causing client crash. (#3) Backported Modbder@2e7c69b

1.4.7-0 (1.4.1-7 1.7.10)
Fixed Rosa seeds being eaten by crystal blocks if one was already planted on it
Possibly fixed server d/c on eating last rosa fragment in a stack
Fixed Thaumic Nature research progression issue
Minor lang file changes for Tainted enchant. No, you can't just throw it in a node and get the enchant
Altered progression for bracelets slightly
Phased out config for entity deconstructor now that it doesn't crash

1.4.4-0 (1.4.1-4 1.7.10)
Fixed mod still having the Example Mod file. Somehow.
That's all.

1.4.3-0 (1.4.1-3 1.7.10)
Fixed a research progression link for thaumium bracelets

1.4.2-0 (1.4.1-2 1.7.10)
Fixed a long-standing issue related to the entity deconstructor. It now has a fixed range, and will not warp the player (primary cause of crash) unless they are standing directly on it. Changed config slightly to reflect update
Changed rendering of deconstructor slightly
Temp fixed a bug (#2) related to scanning if flora was disabled in the config. Not particularly sure what causes it, but solution works. Items will be registered (prev wasn't), but research and recipes will not exist
Ran the lang file through a spell check. It needed it. Not rewriting it just yet
Added research prereq of voidmetal for void bracelets, since apparently that wasn't a thing. Did same for thaumium bracelet