A random small game (engine?) made with the Java Processing visual library
I made this when I was bored of doing Minecraft coding.
- Add enemies
- Fix an enemy spawning for everytime you visit an area (Fixed by adding "destroy" function)
- Fix going to non-existent area causing the player the get stuck
- Fix sprite tree clipping (Might not fix)
- Keep one time boxes through sessions (Fixed through player data)
- Add game scaling feature (already added in non-pushed commit, but must be optimized) (Added cuz I'm cool)
- Fix issue with moving sprite at the end of sword animation (tf is going on?) (Fixed, I feel like an idiot lmao)
- See combining PImage and custom Image class (NOPE, not doing!)
Most of this engine (I'm calling it an engine idrc) runs off of a yml system (except collisions) taken from the Spigot Java API.
There are 3 parts of each "area" that makes it work, the collisions, top half, and bottom half.
Collisons is the main area with an NPC overlayed that will automatically generate the neccessary txt file that makes collisions work.
Everything on this layer goes behind the Player
Everything on this layer goes in front of the Player
NPCs exist and sometimes have textboxes, with the file format shown below:
sprite: 1
x: 10
y: 12
areaX: 0
areaY: 2
objActivate: 2
overCounter: true
hasSword: true
- Sprite
- 0 through 1, chooses what sprite is displayed
- Defaults to 0
- X
- The X tile where NPC is
- Y
- The Y tile where NPC is
- areaX
- The X area where the NPC is (Start area is X: 0 Y: 0)
- areaY
- The Y area where the NPC is (Start area is X: 0 Y: 0)
- textboxes
- initial
- Corresponds to box in textboxes.yml
- This box will only show on first interaction (per save)
- normal
- Corresponds to box in textboxes.yml
- This box will show every time after the first
- initial
- objActivate
- Argument takes int corresponding to obj in objectives.yml
- Upon first interaction, the obj corresponding activates
- overCounter
- Default: true
- For stuff like shops, increases downward interact range
- extraTags
- Anything here corresponds to a boolean in Player class
- Will set to true on activate