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This repository was archived by the owner on Aug 18, 2023. It is now read-only.
Atmosfearful edited this page Feb 2, 2023 · 5 revisions

This private repo is a fork of the KlimaDAO/klimadao monorepo. The bezos-main branch in this repo is rebased on top of staging daily.

"production" is currently on

Add this repo as a remote

# add a new remote named "bezos" pointing at this repo's url
git remote add bezos [email protected]:Atmosfearful/bezos-frontend.git

When you run git remote -v you should see bezos listed.

Rebase your working branches every day!

git pull --rebase bezos bezos-main

Be careful when pushing new branches

Don't push a bezos branch to our public remote.

# creating a fresh working branch off of bezos-main
git checkout bezos-main && git pull
git checkout -b myname/issuenumber-mybranchname

# ⚠️ ⚠️ make sure you are setting upstream to BEZOS and NOT ORIGIN
git push --set-upstream bezos myname/issuenumber-mybranchname

# run this command to double check and see which remote each working branch is pointed at.
git branch -r

After that, you can git push and git pull safely and open PRs in this private repo!

Clone this wiki locally