Imageshop is a complete Digital Asset Management system (DAM system) for organizing and sharing images, videos and documents. This plugin integrates Imageshop image picker neatly into Sanity, so that you can access all your company's images inside Sanity CMS with only one click. You can also upload photos to Imageshop without leaving Sanity.
NOTE: This is a Sanity Studio v2 legacy plugin and will no longer receive updates. If you are on the latest version of Sanity, see the V3 plugin here
sanity install @labs-tech/sanity-plugin-asset-source-imageshop
Edit the config file found in your sanity project ./config/@labs-tech/sanity-plugin-asset-source-imageshop.json
with your Image shop token ("IMAGESHOPTOKEN").
You can find the credentials in the ImageShop Admin.
There are many ways to configure the interface for image selection.
All configuration can be found within ./config/@labs-tech/asset-source-imageshop.json
Configuration key | Description | Type | Default value |
IMAGESHOPTOKEN | Required. Token to communicate with imageshop. | string | |
IMAGE_MAX_SIZE | Max size of the image returned from imageshop to sanity. Format: WxH | string | 2048x2048 |
IMAGE_ALIAS | Imageshop alias for permalink of image | string | "Large" |
IMAGESHOPINTERFACENAME | Standard interface used when searching images. | string | |
IMAGESHOPDOCUMENTPREFIX | Standrad document code prefix used when uploading images. | string | |
CULTURE | Language for the client. Supports en-US and nb-NO. Norwegian is default (nb-NO) | string | "nb-NO" |
PROFILEID | Name of a profile, which has to be created by Screentek, which will return several different sizes and aspect ratios. IMAGESHOPSIZE can not be used together with a profile, and showing size dialogue or crop dialogue doens't make sence when using profiles. | string | |
REQUIREDUPLOADFIELDS | String indicating upload fields which are required, separated by komma. Possible values: name, description, rights, credits, tags | string | |
UPLOADFIELDLANGUAGES | List of languages which should be shown for name, description etc. Default = no,en. | string | |
SANITY_ASSET_TEXT_LANGUAGE | What language to store in sanity, from the title, description and credit fields | string | "no" |
IMAGE_FIELDS_MAPPING | A mapping of IMAGE_SHOP_FIELD_NAME: SANITY_FIELD_NAME. Example: {"description": "altText", "credits": "credits"} . Fields will be imported on the image object as extra fields. Useful for e.g. altText. |
object:{ string: string } | {} |
If you have an array of type image
, you can enable multi batch upload like this with the options.batchUpload
set to true
If batchUpload is enabled, another button will appear, which allows you to select multiple images and add them to the array.
const imagesField = {
name: 'images',
title: 'Images',
type: 'array',
options: {
batchUpload: true
of: [
name: 'image',
type: 'image',
title: 'Image',
options: {
hotspot: true
validation: Rule => [Rule.required().error('Image is required')],
If your sanity have multiple language you need to implement a language resolver, we need to know where to get the texts from in imageshop.
In your project add this:
add to parts:
"name": "part:sanity-imageshop-test/language-resolver",
"implements": "part:@labs-tech/sanity-plugin-asset-source-imageshop/language-resolver",
"path": "./languageResolver.js"
const languageResolver = () => {
// This really depdends on how you have implemented some kind of language context in sanity, where user
// can switch language based on a select menu.
// Here you can get the current language in .e.g localstorage in your sanity client.
// Then you return a valid imageshop language based on this.
// example:
const currentLanguage = "nb"; // get from localstorage ?
if (currentLanguage == "nb) return "no";
// Default return some language that is valid.
return "no";
export default languageResolver
If you want to assign custom fields
on the image object, you can create a custom field-mapper, which you can get texts from imageshop and then transfer the texts to the sanity image objects fields.
add to parts:
"name": "part:sanity-imageshop-test/field-mapper",
"implements": "part:@labs-tech/sanity-plugin-asset-source-imageshop/field-mapper",
"path": "./fieldMapper.js"
// Should return the asset after its transformed.
const fieldMapper = (asset, texts) => {
// texts = data from imageshop.
// asset = the sanity image object.
// Do custom mapping of fields here. Example:
console.log({ asset, texts })
asset.altText =
asset.credits =
return asset
export default fieldMapper
If you need to customize available asset sources, the plugin part name for this asset source is:
To simulate using your development version as a real module inside a studio, you can do the following:
- Run
npm install && npm link
from the root of this repository. - Run
npm run watch
to start developing and build the module when changes are made.
With the mono-repo's test-studio
- Bootstrap the monorepo:
npm run bootstrap
- Add
with the current version number topackage.json
in thetest-studio
root folder (but don't runnpm install
afterwards) - Run
npm link @labs-tech/sanity-plugin-asset-source-imageshop
inside the mono-repo's root. - Add
to the list of the studios plugins insanity.json
. - Restart the
With a regular Sanity Studio:
- Run
npm install
- Add
with the current version number topackage.json
. - Run
npm link @labs-tech/sanity-plugin-asset-source-imageshop
- Add
to the list of the studios plugins insanity.json
. - Start the studio
When you are done and have published your new version, you can run npm unlink
inside this repo, and npm unlink @labs-tech/sanity-plugin-asset-source-imageshop
inside the mono-repo or studio to get back to the normal state. Then run npm run bootstrap
for the mono-repo or npm install
inside the regular studio to use the published version.