WeatherApp 🌦️ ☀️ 🌪️
WeatherApp uses data pulled from Apple's WeatherKit to display current and future weather to users. The app updates the background as well as other UI elements based on the user's location and the current weather forecaset.
SwiftUI Programming Language
Shows the user weather for their current location 🌍
Updates background image based on weather ☀️
Shows the weather forecast for next few days ⛅
Shows min and max temperature for today ❄️ 🔥
Download, install, and launch the latest version of Xcode
Visit the Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles section of the developer Apple website.
Select Identifiers and click the Add button to create a new App ID for the App. Follow the steps until you reach the Register an App ID page.
For the Bundle ID, select Explicit, and enter a unique bundle identifier. Use a reverse-DNS format for your identifier, as Preparing Your App for Distribution describes.
Click the App Services tab, and select the WeatherKit checkbox.
Complete the App ID creation process.
Wait 30 minutes while the service registers your app’s bundle ID.
In Xcode, from the Project navigator, select the WeatherApp project and click the Signing & Capabilities tab.
Enter the unique bundle ID from step 4 in the Bundle Identifier field of the FlightPlanner target.
If necessary, you may need to register your device on the Signing & Capabilities tab to create the provisioning profile.