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Create Script to extract UnitMeasures
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Kamran-ov authored Feb 24, 2020
0 parents commit a08b670
Showing 1 changed file with 296 additions and 0 deletions.
296 changes: 296 additions & 0 deletions Script to extract UnitMeasures
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
import pandas as pd
import re

def get_unit(string):
string = string.strip()
if ' ' in string or re.findall(r'[A-Z]+\.?([0-9]+)',string):
string_stripped ='([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)\s?[A-Z]+', string).group()
string_stripped = string
string_stripped = re.sub(r'[A-Z]+', '', string_stripped).strip()
string_stripped = re.sub(r'[A-Z]+', '', string).strip()
return string_stripped

def get_digits(string):
string_stripped = re.sub(r'-', '', string)
string_stripped = re.sub(r'^\.', '', string_stripped)
string_stripped = re.sub(r'X', '*', string_stripped)
string_stripped = re.sub(r',', '.', string_stripped)
string_stripped = re.sub(r'\(', '', string_stripped)
string_stripped = re.sub(r'\.$', '', string_stripped)

if '*' in string_stripped and '+' in string_stripped:
calc = 1
string_stripped = string_stripped.split('*')
for n in string_stripped:
if '+' in n:
calc_plus = 0
n_split = n.split('+')
for i in n_split:
i = get_unit(i)
if i:
calc_plus += float(i)

calc = calc * calc_plus
n = get_unit(n)
if n:
calc = calc * float(n)

elif '*' in string_stripped:
calc = 1
string_stripped = string_stripped.split('*')
for n in string_stripped:
n = get_unit(n)
if n:
calc = calc * float(n)

elif '+' in string_stripped:
calc = 0
string_stripped = string_stripped.split('+')
for n in string_stripped:
n = get_unit(n)
if n:
calc += float(n)
calc = get_unit(string_stripped)
if calc:
calc = float(calc)
return calc

def extract_unitmeasure(row):
inputdata = row['Art MGB description'].upper()
#handling stuks/piceces
st = re.findall(r'([0-9]*X?\+?[0-9]+\s?ST[A-Z]*)', inputdata)
pc = re.findall(r'([0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?\-?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?\-?PIECES?)', inputdata)
pack = re.findall(r'([0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?\-?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?\-?PACKS?)', inputdata)
per = re.findall(r'(PER\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+)', inputdata)

if st:
unitpiece = st[0].strip()
unitpiece = re.sub(r'UKS?', '', unitpiece)
if re.findall(r'^\+', unitpiece) or re.findall(r'ST([A-Z]+)', unitpiece):
unitpiece = None
unitp = None
piece = None
unitp = get_digits(unitpiece)
piece = 'Stuk'
elif pc:
unitpiece = pc[0].strip()
unitp = get_digits(unitpiece)
piece = 'Piece'
elif per:
unitpiece = per[0].strip()
unitp = get_digits(unitpiece)
piece = 'Per'
elif pack:
unitpiece = pack[0].strip()
unitp = get_digits(unitpiece)
piece = 'Pack'
unitpiece = None
unitp = None
piece = None

#handling Unitmeasures
lt = re.findall(r'([0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?\(?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?\-?L[A-Z]*\.?\s?(X\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\s?S?T?)*)', inputdata)
kg = re.findall(r'([0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?\(?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?\-?K[A-Z]*\.?\s?(X?\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\s?S?T?)*)', inputdata)
gr = re.findall(r'([0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?\(?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?\-?G[A-Z]*\.?\s?(X?\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\s?S?T?)*)', inputdata)
ml = re.findall(r'([0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?\(?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?\-?ML[A-Z]*\.?\s?(X?\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\s?S?T?)*)', inputdata)
mm = re.findall(r'([0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?\(?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?\-?MM[A-Z]*\.?\s?(X?\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\s?S?T?)*)', inputdata)
m = re.findall(r'([0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?\(?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?\-?M[A-Z]*\.?\s?(X?\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\s?S?T?)*)', inputdata)
cc = re.findall(r'([0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?\(?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?\-?CC[A-Z]*\.?\s?(X?\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\s?S?T?)*)', inputdata)
cl = re.findall(r'([0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?\(?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?\-?CL[A-Z]*\.?\s?(X?\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\s?S?T?)*)', inputdata)
cm = re.findall(r'([0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?\(?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?\-?CM[A-Z]*\.?\s?(X?\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\s?S?T?)*)', inputdata)
pl = re.findall(r'([0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?\(?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?\-?PL[A-Z]*\.?\s?(X?\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\s?S?T?)*)', inputdata)
pm = re.findall(r'([0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?\(?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?\-?PM[A-Z]*\.?\s?(X?\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\s?S?T?)*)', inputdata)
pk = re.findall(r'([0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?\(?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\'?X?\+?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?\-?PK[A-Z]*\.?\s?(X?\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]*\s?S?T?)*)', inputdata)

unitmeasure = None
measure_o = None
unitm_o = None
measure = None
unitm = None

if lt:
estimate, x_multi = lt[0]
estimate = re.sub(r'\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?ST?', '', estimate)
estimate = estimate.replace('T', '').replace('ITER', '').replace('ITRE','').strip()
if len(re.findall(r'L([A-W,Y,Z]+)', estimate)) == 0:
unitmeasure = estimate
measure_o = 'L'
unitm_o = get_digits(unitmeasure)
measure = 'Litre'
unitm = unitm_o
lt = []
elif kg:
estimate, x_multi = kg[0]
estimate = re.sub(r'\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?ST?', '', estimate)
estimate = estimate.replace('G', '').replace('ILO', '').strip()
if len(re.findall(r'K([A-W,Y,Z]+)', estimate)) == 0:
unitmeasure = estimate
measure_o = 'KG'
unitm_o = get_digits(unitmeasure)
measure = 'Kilo'
unitm = unitm_o
kg = []
elif gr:
estimate, x_multi = gr[0]
estimate = re.sub(r'\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?ST?', '', estimate)
if 'GRS' not in estimate:
estimate = re.sub(r'RA?M?S?', '', estimate).strip()
if len(re.findall(r'G([A-W,Y,Z]+)', estimate)) == 0:
unitmeasure = estimate
measure_o = 'G'
unitm_o = get_digits(unitmeasure)
measure = 'Kilo'
unitm = unitm_o / 1000
gr = []
gr = []
elif ml:
estimate, x_multi = ml[0]
estimate = re.sub(r'\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?ST?', '', estimate).strip()
if len(re.findall(r'ML([A-W,Y,Z]+)', estimate)) == 0:
unitmeasure = estimate
measure_o = 'ML'
unitm_o = get_digits(unitmeasure)
measure = 'Litre'
unitm = unitm_o / 1000
ml = []
elif mm:
estimate, x_multi = mm[0]
estimate = re.sub(r'\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?ST?', '', estimate).strip()
if len(re.findall(r'MM([A-W,Y,Z]+)', estimate)) == 0:
unitmeasure = estimate
measure_o = 'MM'
unitm_o = get_digits(unitmeasure)
measure = 'Metre'
unitm = unitm_o / 1000
mm = []
elif cc:
estimate, x_multi = cc[0]
estimate = re.sub(r'\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?ST?', '', estimate).strip()
if len(re.findall(r'CC([A-W,Y,Z]+)', estimate)) == 0:
unitmeasure = estimate
measure_o = 'CC'
unitm_o = get_digits(unitmeasure)
measure = 'Litre'
unitm = unitm_o / 100
cc = []
elif cl:
estimate, x_multi = cl[0]
estimate = re.sub(r'\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?ST?', '', estimate).strip()
if len(re.findall(r'CL([A-W,Y,Z]+)', estimate)) == 0:
unitmeasure = estimate
measure_o = 'CL'
unitm_o = get_digits(unitmeasure)
measure = 'Litre'
unitm = unitm_o / 100
cl = []
elif cm:
estimate, x_multi = cm[0]
estimate = re.sub(r'\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?ST?', '', estimate).strip()
if len(re.findall(r'CM([A-W,Y,Z]+)', estimate)) == 0:
unitmeasure = estimate
measure_o = 'CM'
unitm_o = get_digits(unitmeasure)
measure = 'Metre'
unitm = unitm_o / 100
cm = []
elif m:
estimate, x_multi = m[0]
estimate = re.sub(r'\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?ST?', '', estimate).strip()
if len(re.findall(r'M([A-W,Y,Z]+)', estimate)) == 0:
unitmeasure = estimate
measure_o = 'M'
unitm_o = get_digits(unitmeasure)
measure = 'Metre'
unitm = unitm_o
m = []
elif pl:
estimate, x_multi = pl[0]
estimate = re.sub(r'\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?ST?', '', estimate).strip()
if len(re.findall(r'PL([A-W,Y,Z]+)', estimate)) == 0:
unitmeasure = estimate
measure_o = 'PL'
unitm_o = get_digits(unitmeasure)
measure = 'Litre'
unitm = unitm_o
pl = []
elif pm:
estimate, x_multi = pm[0]
estimate = re.sub(r'\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?ST?', '', estimate).strip()
if len(re.findall(r'PM([A-W,Y,Z]+)', estimate)) == 0:
unitmeasure = estimate
measure_o = 'PM'
unitm_o = get_digits(unitmeasure)
measure = 'Metre'
unitm = unitm_o
pm = []
elif pk:
estimate, x_multi = pk[0]
estimate = re.sub(r'\s?[0-9]*\.?\,?[0-9]+\s?ST?', '', estimate).strip()
if len(re.findall(r'PK([A-W,Y,Z]+)', estimate)) == 0:
unitmeasure = estimate
measure_o = 'PK'
unitm_o = get_digits(unitmeasure)
measure = 'Kilo'
unitm = unitm_o
pk = []

if unitm :
if unitm > 10000:
measure_o = None
unitm_o = None
measure = None
unitm = None

if unitmeasure:
if len(re.findall('X', unitmeasure)) > 1 :
doublex = 1
measure = None
unitm = None
doublex = 0
doublex = None

#calculate number of unitmeasures found in description
if ml or mm:
m_len = 0
m_len = len(m)
measure_numb = len(lt)+len(kg)+len(gr)+len(ml)+len(mm)+m_len+len(cc)+len(cl)+len(cm)+len(pl)+len(pm)+len(pk)

return unitmeasure, unitpiece, measure_numb, doublex, unitm_o, measure_o, unitm, measure, unitp, piece

df = pd.read_excel(r'E:\odrive\Box\Makro NL\New_Project\Makro NL.xlsx')

extract_df = df.apply(extract_unitmeasure, axis=1)
df[['Unitmeasure', 'Unitpiece', 'Measure_numb', 'DoubleX', 'UnitM_O', 'Measure_O', 'UnitM', 'Measure', 'UnitP', 'Piece']] = pd.DataFrame(extract_df.tolist(), index=df.index)
except Exception as e:

df.to_excel(r'E:\odrive\Box\Makro NL\New_Project\Makro_extract.xlsx', index=False)

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