A sophisticated iOS stock market and investment portfolio tracking application built with SwiftUI.
Aurelius is a modern iOS application that provides comprehensive stock market tracking, portfolio management, and AI-assisted market analysis. The app is designed with a clean, intuitive interface using SwiftUI.
- Dashboard: View market indices, your watchlist, and latest market news at a glance
- Stock Search: Find and research stocks with detailed information and charts
- Portfolio Tracking: Manage your investments and track performance
- AI Assistant: Get AI-powered market insights and answer investment questions
- Customizable Settings: Configure notifications, chart preferences, and data providers
(Screenshots to be added)
- Built with SwiftUI
- Uses Combine framework for reactive programming
- Supports iOS 14.0+
- Implements MVVM architecture pattern
- AureliusApp.swift: Main app entry point and tab view structure
- Views.swift: Core UI components and chart implementations
- DetailViews.swift: Detailed views for stocks, news, and portfolio items
- SettingsViews.swift: All settings and configuration views
- Models.swift: Data models and manager classes
- Clone the repository
- Open the project in Xcode 12 or later
- Build and run on an iOS 14.0+ device or simulator
- Real-time stock price updates
- Advanced technical analysis tools
- Cryptocurrency tracking
- Social sharing features
- Dark mode enhancements
This project is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.