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[WIP] MatrixAlgebraKit decompositions #230

wants to merge 14 commits into
base: master
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -6,8 +6,11 @@ version = "0.14.5"
LRUCache = "8ac3fa9e-de4c-5943-b1dc-09c6b5f20637"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
MatrixAlgebraKit = "6c742aac-3347-4629-af66-fc926824e5e4"
OhMyThreads = "67456a42-1dca-4109-a031-0a68de7e3ad5"
PackageExtensionCompat = "65ce6f38-6b18-4e1d-a461-8949797d7930"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
ScopedValues = "7e506255-f358-4e82-b7e4-beb19740aa63"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
Strided = "5e0ebb24-38b0-5f93-81fe-25c709ecae67"
TensorKitSectors = "13a9c161-d5da-41f0-bcbd-e1a08ae0647f"
@@ -31,8 +34,11 @@ Combinatorics = "1"
FiniteDifferences = "0.12"
LRUCache = "1.0.2"
LinearAlgebra = "1"
MatrixAlgebraKit = "0.1.1"
OhMyThreads = "0.8.0"
PackageExtensionCompat = "1"
Random = "1"
ScopedValues = "1.3.0"
SparseArrays = "1"
Strided = "2"
TensorKitSectors = "0.1"
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/TensorKit.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -100,7 +100,11 @@ using TensorOperations: TensorOperations, @tensor, @tensoropt, @ncon, ncon
using TensorOperations: IndexTuple, Index2Tuple, linearize, AbstractBackend
const TO = TensorOperations

using MatrixAlgebraKit: MatrixAlgebraKit as MAK

using LRUCache
using OhMyThreads
using ScopedValues

using TensorKitSectors
import TensorKitSectors: dim, BraidingStyle, FusionStyle, ⊠, ⊗
@@ -113,14 +117,15 @@ using Base: @boundscheck, @propagate_inbounds, @constprop,
SizeUnknown, HasLength, HasShape, IsInfinite, EltypeUnknown, HasEltype
using Base.Iterators: product, filter

using LinearAlgebra: LinearAlgebra
using LinearAlgebra: LinearAlgebra, BlasFloat
using LinearAlgebra: norm, dot, normalize, normalize!, tr,
axpy!, axpby!, lmul!, rmul!, mul!, ldiv!, rdiv!,
adjoint, adjoint!, transpose, transpose!,
lu, pinv, sylvester,
eigen, eigen!, svd, svd!,
isposdef, isposdef!, ishermitian, rank, cond,
Diagonal, Hermitian
using MatrixAlgebraKit

using SparseArrays: SparseMatrixCSC, sparse, nzrange, rowvals, nonzeros

@@ -184,6 +189,7 @@ include("spaces/vectorspaces.jl")
# general definitions
@@ -194,6 +200,7 @@ include("tensors/treetransformers.jl")

43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions src/tensors/backends.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# Scheduler implementation
# ------------------------
function select_scheduler(scheduler=OhMyThreads.Implementation.NotGiven(); kwargs...)
return if scheduler == OhMyThreads.Implementation.NotGiven() && isempty(kwargs)
Threads.nthreads() > 1 ? SerialScheduler() : DynamicScheduler()

Check warning on line 5 in src/tensors/backends.jl

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L3 - L5 were not covered by tests
OhMyThreads.Implementation._scheduler_from_userinput(scheduler; kwargs...)

Check warning on line 7 in src/tensors/backends.jl

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L7 was not covered by tests

const blockscheduler = ScopedValue{Scheduler}(SerialScheduler())

The default scheduler used when looping over different blocks in the matrix representation of a
For controlling this value, see also [`set_blockscheduler`](@ref) and [`with_blockscheduler`](@ref).
const blockscheduler = ScopedValue{Scheduler}(SerialScheduler())

with_blockscheduler(f, [scheduler]; kwargs...)

Run `f` in a scope where the `blockscheduler` is determined by `scheduler' and `kwargs...`.
@inline function with_blockscheduler(f, scheduler=OhMyThreads.Implementation.NotGiven();

Check warning on line 25 in src/tensors/backends.jl

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L25 was not covered by tests
@with blockscheduler => select_scheduler(scheduler; kwargs...) f()

Check warning on line 27 in src/tensors/backends.jl

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L27 was not covered by tests

# TODO: disable for trivial symmetry or small tensors?
default_blockscheduler(t::AbstractTensorMap) = blockscheduler[]

# MatrixAlgebraKit
# ----------------
BlockAlgorithm{A,S}(alg, scheduler)

Generic wrapper for implementing block-wise algorithms.
struct BlockAlgorithm{A,S} <: MatrixAlgebraKit.AbstractAlgorithm
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions src/tensors/blockiterator.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -13,3 +13,28 @@ Base.IteratorEltype(::BlockIterator) = Base.HasEltype()
Base.eltype(::Type{<:BlockIterator{T}}) where {T} = blocktype(T)
Base.length(iter::BlockIterator) = length(iter.structure)
Base.isdone(iter::BlockIterator, state...) = Base.isdone(iter.structure, state...)

# TODO: fast-path when structures are the same?
# TODO: do we want f(c, bs...) or f(c, bs)?
# TODO: implement scheduler
# TODO: do we prefer `blocks(t, ts...)` instead or as well?
foreachblock(f, t::AbstractTensorMap, ts::AbstractTensorMap...; [scheduler])

Apply `f` to each block of `t` and the corresponding blocks of `ts`.
Optionally, `scheduler` can be used to parallelize the computation.
This function is equivalent to the following loop:

for (c, b) in blocks(t)
bs = (b, block.(ts, c)...)
f(c, bs)
function foreachblock(f, t::AbstractTensorMap, ts::AbstractTensorMap...; scheduler=nothing)
foreach(blocks(t)) do (c, b)
return f(c, (b, map(Base.Fix2(block, c), ts)...))
return nothing
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/tensors/diagonal.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -37,6 +37,16 @@

Construct a `DiagonalTensorMap` with uninitialized data.
function DiagonalTensorMap{T}(::UndefInitializer, V::TensorMapSpace) where {T}
(numin(V) == numout(V) == 1 && domain(V) == codomain(V)) ||

Check warning on line 41 in src/tensors/diagonal.jl

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L40 - L41 were not covered by tests
throw(SpaceMismatch("DiagonalTensorMap requires a space with equal domain and codomain and 2 indices"))
return DiagonalTensorMap{T}(undef, domain(V))

Check warning on line 43 in src/tensors/diagonal.jl

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L43 was not covered by tests
function DiagonalTensorMap{T}(::UndefInitializer, V::ProductSpace) where {T}
length(V) == 1 ||

Check warning on line 46 in src/tensors/diagonal.jl

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L45 - L46 were not covered by tests
throw(DimensionMismatch("length(V) = $(length(V)) is not compatible with the space $V"))
return DiagonalTensorMap{T}(undef, only(V))

Check warning on line 48 in src/tensors/diagonal.jl

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L48 was not covered by tests
function DiagonalTensorMap{T}(::UndefInitializer, V::S) where {T,S<:IndexSpace}
return DiagonalTensorMap{T,S,Vector{T}}(undef, V)
98 changes: 54 additions & 44 deletions src/tensors/factorizations.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -531,6 +531,13 @@ function tsvd!(t::AdjointTensorMap; trunc=NoTruncation(), p::Real=2, alg=SDD())

# implementation dispatches on algorithm
function _tsvd!(t::TensorMap{<:BlasFloat}, alg::Union{SVD,SDD},
::NoTruncation, p::Real=2)
scheduler = default_blockscheduler(t)
svd_alg = alg isa SDD ? LAPACK_DivideAndConquer() : LAPACK_QRIteration()
return MatrixAlgebraKit.svd_compact!(t; alg=BlockAlgorithm(svd_alg, scheduler))...,
function _tsvd!(t::TensorMap{<:RealOrComplexFloat}, alg::Union{SVD,SDD},
trunc::TruncationScheme, p::Real=2)
# early return
@@ -617,50 +624,53 @@ function LinearAlgebra.eigvals!(t::AdjointTensorMap{<:RealOrComplexFloat}; kwarg
for (c, b) in blocks(t))

function eigh!(t::TensorMap{<:RealOrComplexFloat})
InnerProductStyle(t) === EuclideanInnerProduct() || throw_invalid_innerproduct(:eigh!)
domain(t) == codomain(t) ||
throw(SpaceMismatch("`eigh!` requires domain and codomain to be the same"))

T = scalartype(t)
I = sectortype(t)
S = spacetype(t)
dims = SectorDict{I,Int}(c => size(b, 1) for (c, b) in blocks(t))
W = S(dims)

Tr = real(T)
A = similarstoragetype(t, Tr)
D = DiagonalTensorMap{Tr,S,A}(undef, W)
V = similar(t, domain(t) ← W)
for (c, b) in blocks(t)
values, vectors = MatrixAlgebra.eigh!(b)
copy!(block(D, c), Diagonal(values))
copy!(block(V, c), vectors)
return D, V

function eig!(t::TensorMap{<:RealOrComplexFloat}; kwargs...)
domain(t) == codomain(t) ||
throw(SpaceMismatch("`eig!` requires domain and codomain to be the same"))

T = scalartype(t)
I = sectortype(t)
S = spacetype(t)
dims = SectorDict{I,Int}(c => size(b, 1) for (c, b) in blocks(t))
W = S(dims)

Tc = complex(T)
A = similarstoragetype(t, Tc)
D = DiagonalTensorMap{Tc,S,A}(undef, W)
V = similar(t, Tc, domain(t) ← W)
for (c, b) in blocks(t)
values, vectors = MatrixAlgebra.eig!(b; kwargs...)
copy!(block(D, c), Diagonal(values))
copy!(block(V, c), vectors)
return D, V
eigh!(t::TensorMap{<:RealOrComplexFloat}) = eigh_full!(t)
eig!(t::TensorMap{<:RealOrComplexFloat}) = eig_full!(t)

# function eigh!(t::TensorMap{<:RealOrComplexFloat})
# InnerProductStyle(t) === EuclideanInnerProduct() || throw_invalid_innerproduct(:eigh!)
# domain(t) == codomain(t) ||
# throw(SpaceMismatch("`eigh!` requires domain and codomain to be the same"))

# T = scalartype(t)
# I = sectortype(t)
# S = spacetype(t)
# dims = SectorDict{I,Int}(c => size(b, 1) for (c, b) in blocks(t))
# W = S(dims)

# Tr = real(T)
# A = similarstoragetype(t, Tr)
# D = DiagonalTensorMap{Tr,S,A}(undef, W)
# V = similar(t, domain(t) ← W)
# for (c, b) in blocks(t)
# values, vectors = MatrixAlgebra.eigh!(b)
# copy!(block(D, c), Diagonal(values))
# copy!(block(V, c), vectors)
# end
# return D, V
# end

# function eig!(t::TensorMap{<:RealOrComplexFloat}; kwargs...)
# domain(t) == codomain(t) ||
# throw(SpaceMismatch("`eig!` requires domain and codomain to be the same"))

# T = scalartype(t)
# I = sectortype(t)
# S = spacetype(t)
# dims = SectorDict{I,Int}(c => size(b, 1) for (c, b) in blocks(t))
# W = S(dims)

# Tc = complex(T)
# A = similarstoragetype(t, Tc)
# D = DiagonalTensorMap{Tc,S,A}(undef, W)
# V = similar(t, Tc, domain(t) ← W)
# for (c, b) in blocks(t)
# values, vectors = MatrixAlgebra.eig!(b; kwargs...)
# copy!(block(D, c), Diagonal(values))
# copy!(block(V, c), vectors)
# end
# return D, V
# end

# Checks for hermiticity and positive definiteness #