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Add new grouping method: AttractorsViaPairwiseComparison #97

merged 10 commits into from
Oct 5, 2023
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
# v1.12
- New algorithm `GroupViaPairwiseComparison` to group features in `AttractorsViaFeaturizing`. Simpler, typically faster and using less memory than DBSCAN, it can be useful in well-behaved systems.

# v1.11
- New algorithm `subdivision_based_grid`. Allows user to automatically constuct the grid which simulates subdivision into regions with different discretization levels in accordance with state space flow speed.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ name = "Attractors"
uuid = "f3fd9213-ca85-4dba-9dfd-7fc91308fec7"
authors = ["George Datseris <[email protected]>", "Kalel Rossi", "Alexandre Wagemakers"]
repo = ""
version = "1.11.1"
version = "1.12.0"

BlackBoxOptim = "a134a8b2-14d6-55f6-9291-3336d3ab0209"
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/mapping/grouping/all_grouping_configs.jl
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Currently available grouping configurations are:
- [`GroupViaClustering`](@ref)
- [`GroupViaNearestFeature`](@ref)
- [`GroupViaHistogram`](@ref)
- [`GroupViaPairwiseComparison`](@ref)

`GroupingConfig` defines an extendable interface.
The only thing necessary for a new grouping configuration is to:
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115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions src/mapping/grouping/pairwise_comparison.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
export GroupViaPairwiseComparison

GroupViaPairwiseComparison(; threshold::Real, kwargs...)

Initialize a struct that contains instructions on how to group features in
[`AttractorsViaFeaturizing`](@ref). `GroupViaPairwiseComparison` groups features and
identifies clusters by considering the pairwise distance between features. It can be used
as an alternative to the clustering method in `GroupViaClustering`, having the
advantage that it is simpler, typically faster and uses less memory.

## Keyword arguments

* `threshold` (mandatory): A real number defining the maximum distance two features can be to
be considered in the same cluster - above the threshold, features are different. This
value simply needs to be large enough to differentiate clusters.
* `metric = Euclidean()`: A function `metric(a, b)` that returns the distance between two
features `a` and `b`, outputs of `featurizer`. Any `Metric` from Distances.jl can be used
* `rescale_features = true`: if true, rescale each dimension of the extracted features
separately into the range `[0,1]`. This typically leads to more accurate grouping.

## Description
This algorithm assumes that the features are well-separated into distinct clouds, with the
maximum radius of the cloud controlled by `threshold`. Since the systems are
deterministic, this is achievable with a good-enough `featurizer` function, by removing
transients, and running the trajectories for sufficiently long. It then considers that
features belong to the same attractor when their pairwise distance, computed using
`metric`, is smaller than or equal to `threshold`, and that they belong
to different attractors when the distance is bigger. Attractors correspond to each
grouping of similar features. In this way, the key parameter `threshold` is
basically the amount of variation permissible in the features belonging to the same
attractor. If they are well-chosen, the value can be relatively small and does not need to
be fine tuned.

The `threshold` should achieve a balance: one one hand, it should be large enough
to account for variations in the features from the same attractor - if it's not large
enough, the algorithm will find duplicate attractors. On the other hand, it should be
small enough to not group together features from distinct attractors. This requires some
knowledge of how spread the features are. If it's too big, the algorithm will miss some
attractors, as it groups 2+ distinct attractors together. Therefore, as a rule of thumb,
one can repeat the procedure a few times, starting with a relatively large value and
reducing it until no more attractors are found and no duplicates appear.

The method uses relatively little memory, as it only stores vectors whose size is on order
of the number of attractors of the system.
struct GroupViaPairwiseComparison{R<:Real, M} <: GroupingConfig

function GroupViaPairwiseComparison(;
threshold, #impossible to set a good default value, depends on the features
metric=Euclidean(), rescale_features=false,
return GroupViaPairwiseComparison(
metric, rescale_features,

function group_features(
features, config::GroupViaPairwiseComparison;
if config.rescale_features
features = _rescale_to_01(features)

labels = _cluster_features_into_labels(features, config, config.threshold; kwargs...)
return labels

# TODO: add support for par_weight,plength and spp in the computation of the distance metric?
function _cluster_features_into_labels(features, config::GroupViaPairwiseComparison, threshold::Real; kwargs...)
labels_features = Vector{Int64}(undef, length(features)) #labels of all features
metric = config.metric

# Assign feature 1 as a new attractor
labels_features[1] = 1
cluster_idxs = [1] # idxs of the features that define each cluster
cluster_labels = [1] # labels for the clusters, going from 1 : num_clusters
next_cluster_label = 2

for idx_feature = 2:length(features)
feature = features[idx_feature]
dist_to_clusters = _distance_dict(feature, features, cluster_idxs, cluster_labels, metric; kwargs...)
min_dist, closest_cluster_label = findmin(dist_to_clusters)

if min_dist > threshold #bigger than threshold => new attractor
feature_label = next_cluster_label
push!(cluster_idxs, idx_feature)
push!(cluster_labels, next_cluster_label)
# @info "New attractor $next_cluster_label, min dist was $min_dist > $threshold" #TODO: allow this when debugging verbose mode on!
next_cluster_label += 1
else #smaller than threshold => assign to closest cluster
feature_label = closest_cluster_label

labels_features[idx_feature] = feature_label
return labels_features

function _distance_dict(feature, features, cluster_idxs, cluster_labels, metric; kwargs...)
if metric isa Metric
dist_to_clusters = Dict(cluster_label => evaluate(metric, feature, features[cluster_idxs[idx_cluster]]) for (idx_cluster, cluster_label) in enumerate(cluster_labels))
dist_to_clusters = Dict(cluster_label => metric(feature, features[cluster_idxs[idx_cluster]]) for (idx_cluster, cluster_label) in enumerate(cluster_labels))

return dist_to_clusters
43 changes: 35 additions & 8 deletions test/mapping/attractor_mapping.jl
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# If not, a small, but representative subset of mappers and dynamical systems is used.


using Test
using Attractors
using LinearAlgebra
Expand All @@ -16,7 +15,8 @@ using Statistics
# Define generic testing framework
function test_basins(ds, u0s, grid, expected_fs_raw, featurizer;
rerr = 1e-3, ferr = 1e-3, aerr = 1e-15, ε = nothing, max_distance = Inf,
proximity_test = true,
proximity_test = true, pairwise_comparison_matrix_test = false, featurizer_matrix = nothing,
threshold_pairwise = 1,
kwargs... # kwargs are propagated to recurrences
# u0s is Vector{Pair}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,6 +89,29 @@ function test_basins(ds, u0s, grid, expected_fs_raw, featurizer;

@testset "Featurizing, pairwise comparison" begin
config = GroupViaPairwiseComparison(; threshold=threshold_pairwise,
metric=Euclidean(), rescale_features=false)
mapper = AttractorsViaFeaturizing(ds, featurizer, config; Ttr = 500)
err = ferr, single_u_mapping = false, known_ids = [-1, 1, 2, 3]

if pairwise_comparison_matrix_test
@testset "Featurizing, pairwise comparison, matrix features" begin
function metric_hausdorff(A,B)
set_distance(A, B, Hausdorff())
config = GroupViaPairwiseComparison(; threshold=threshold_pairwise,
metric=metric_hausdorff, rescale_features=false)
mapper = AttractorsViaFeaturizing(ds, featurizer_matrix, config; Ttr = 500)
err = ferr, single_u_mapping = false, known_ids = [-1, 1, 2, 3]

@testset "Featurizing, nearest feature" begin
# First generate the templates
function features_from_u(u)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,7 +157,7 @@ end
return any(isinf, x) ? SVector(200.0, 200.0) : x
test_basins(ds, u0s, grid, expected_fs_raw, featurizer;
max_distance = 20, ε = 1e-3, proximity_test = false)
max_distance = 20, ε = 1e-3, proximity_test = false, threshold_pairwise=1)

@testset "Magnetic pendulum: projected system" begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,7 +204,11 @@ end
return SVector(A[end][1], A[end][2])

test_basins(ds, u0s, grid, expected_fs_raw, featurizer; ε = 0.2, Δt = 1.0, ferr=1e-2)
function featurizer_matrix(A, t)
return A

test_basins(ds, u0s, grid, expected_fs_raw, featurizer; ε = 0.2, Δt = 1.0, ferr=1e-2, featurizer_matrix, pairwise_comparison_matrix_test=true, threshold_pairwise=1)

# Okay, all of these aren't fundamentally new tests.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,9 +245,9 @@ if DO_EXTENSIVE_TESTS
g = exp(entropy(Renyi(; q = 0), probs))
return SVector(g, minimum(A[:,1]))

test_basins(ds, u0s, grid, expected_fs_raw, featurizer;
ε = 0.01, ferr=1e-2, Δt = 0.2, mx_chk_att = 20)
ε = 0.01, ferr=1e-2, Δt = 0.2, mx_chk_att = 20, threshold_pairwise=100) #threshold is very high because features haven't really converged yet here

@testset "Duffing oscillator: stroboscopic map" begin
Expand All @@ -247,7 +274,7 @@ if DO_EXTENSIVE_TESTS

test_basins(ds, u0s, grid, expected_fs_raw, featurizer;
ε = 1.0, ferr=1e-2, rerr = 1e-2, aerr = 5e-3)
ε = 1.0, ferr=1e-2, rerr = 1e-2, aerr = 5e-3, threshold_pairwise=1)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,5 +309,5 @@ if DO_EXTENSIVE_TESTS

test_basins(pmap, u0s, grid, expected_fs_raw, thomas_featurizer; ε = 1.0, ferr=1e-2)
