A gui application to map game controller inputs to midi outputs
You can clone or download the repository and use a python virtual envirnoment to run. I prefer Miniconda (info here: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html). For any environment you use you will need to pip install mido (https://mido.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html), PyQt6, and pygame if not already installed. I plan on adding a setup.py soon to aid with this process. Current developemnet is using python 3.9! When setup, just run main.py within your python environment.
Nice! There is currently a release on the releases page that has an exe file to wrong the program. You will likely need Tobias Erichsen's loopMidi (https://www.tobias-erichsen.de/software/loopmidi.html) to use make a usable port. Default Windows ports have a lot of latency and can frequently crash. Make sure to plug in your game controllers before loading the software so it detects them! Hoping to add more functionality in the future and will also post a demo/ tutorial soon.
Here's a quick walkthrough/tutorial of Midi-Joy, I will hopefully redo this soon as it's a little rough, just wanted to get something out there though!