Library structure:
-> Database declaration
-> Query builder
-> (todo)Database drivers/dialects
Define the structure of the database form the point of view of the program and stored in the metadata class.
The definition is done with the class Table,Column and generator funtion table,column.
Using the schema delared in metadata or passed as parameters keep the necesary structures for generate the SQL. (the SQL is generated by the class Compiled)
Transform the Compiled class into string for every SQL engine
The library suport multiple engines, for compatibility and easy develop (most of the engines are done in C)
i keep that part in C (a connection is not a class and not require OOP)
Engines suported: (in progres)
-> SQLite
-> Postgresql
The base of the engine part is the struct engine, with is a "interface to multiple methods" that should be declared in a engine
Long list Firstly reestructurate the namespace in expression/orm or core Separate drivers for engine
- [email protected]:JohnnyVM/libdict.git (C++ ordered map wrapper)
- [email protected]:JohnnyVM/dynamic_storage.git (Helper for allocating array of elements continiously)