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Incremental Delaunay triangulation

Terms and definitions

A triangulation connects a given set of points leading to number of triangles in a way that no edges are crossing each other.

A Delaunay triangulation requires each triangle in a triangulation to fulfil the Delaunay condition. To fulfill the Delaunay condition the point of a neighbouring triangle that is not point of the separating edge must be outside of the circum-circle of the triangle. The circum-circle goes through all three points of a triangle.


If the point is inside the circum-circle a flip of the separating edge leads to a fulfillment of the Delaunay-condition.


incremental_delaunay implements two approaches of incremental Delaunay triangulations:

  • starting with a bounding structure containing all points, that is removed afterwards.
  • starting with three points of the set of points that are not lying on one line


Both of the above mentioned Implementations work similarly. Therefore, the following points work exemplary.

point_1 = 0.0, 0.0
point_2 = 1.0, 0.0
point_3 = 0.0, 1.0
points = [point_1, point_2, point_3]

Incremental Delaunay with bounding box

from incremental_delaunay import DelaunayTriangulationIncrementalWithBoundingBox

delaunay = DelaunayTriangulationIncrementalWithBoundingBox(points)

Incremental Delaunay

from incremental_delaunay import DelaunayTriangulationIncremental

delaunay = DelaunayTriangulationIncremental(points)

Using the triangles

For both implementations the instances have the attribute delaunay.triangles. That gives you a set of triangles. To look for a point within the triangles you may iterate over the triangles as follows.

point = 0.3, 0.3
for triangle in delaunay.triangles: 
    if triangle.is_inside(point): 

Plotting the triangles

For plotting the triangles in the triangulated mesh you may use the following script using matplotlib as follows.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot_mesh(
    triangles: set[Triangle] | list[Triangle], 
    halfplanes: set[Triangle] | list[Triangle] = [], 
    points:list[tuple[float, float]] = None,
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    if not isinstance(triangles, set): 
        triangles = set(Triangles)
    if not isinstance(halfplanes, set)
        halfplanes = set(halfplanes)
    triangles = triangles.update(halfplanes)
    for triangle in triangles: 
        triangle_points = list(triangle.points)
        x = [values[0] for values in triangle_points]
        y = [values[1] for values in triangle_points]
        if triangle in halfplanes: 
            line_style = "dashed"
            color = 'gray'
            line_style = "solid"
            color = 'black'
        ax.plot(x, y, linewidth=.5, linestyle=line_style, color=color)
    if points is not None: 
        x = [point[0] for point in points]
        y = [point[1] for point in points]
        ax.scatter(x, y, marker='+')

To plot the mesh you only have to pass your triangles to the function.


In case you use DelaunayTriangulationIncremental for triangulation you may also pass the halfplanes as follows.



The following set of points may be triangulated.

points = [
    (0.07092164560897417, 0.0),
    (0.017112718875810836, 0.0),
    (0.04368081778528715, 0.0),
    (0.0019914537568356126, 1599523.0516000006),
    (0.0557740946375556, 0.0),
    (-0.0, -0.0),
    (0.0007794542880783402, 626052.8855962341),
    (0.0006552638255870223, 0.0),
    (0.006952534477383593, 0.0),
    (0.0, 2186719.193349065),
    (0.08556008688854429, 0.0),
    (0.0, 2161363.834659677),
    (0.0, 1029329.0652537956),
    (0.0, 2196771.511936398),
    (0.0, 1568852.9374282872),

For triangulation you only have to pass the created points-list to DelaunayTriangulationIncrementalWithBoundingBox or DelaunayTriangulationIncremental.

from incremental_delaunay import DelaunayTriangulationIncremental
delaunay = DelaunayTriangulationIncremental(points)

Using plot_mesh plots you the triangles and the halfplanes. The blue +-signs indicate the positions of the points. The dashed lines show the halfplanes, whereas the solid lines show the triangles.



If you only want to show the triangles you must skip passing the halfplanes to plot_mesh. This produces the same figure as above, but without halfplanes (dashed triangles on the border).

    # halfplanes=delaunay.halfplanes, 


As shown in the plotted figures the points are the corners of the triangles. There is no point without at least one triangle and no triangle with at least three corner points.

Development history

Within m-n-kappa I looked for a way to interpolate values in a set of points. As bilinear Interpolation did not work the way as expected, I decided to build a mesh of triangles from the given set of points. A triangulation considering the Delaunay-conditions produces triangles that are optimal conditioned for interpolation.

The Delaunay-implementation with a bounding box did also not work as expected for the given problem as some points were deleted due to their connection to the bounding box. The bounding box is removed at the end of the triangulation.

Therefore, I implemented the Delaunay triangulation without a bounding box, but with half-planes at the borders of the mesh. Some publications call these half-planes 'ghost triangles' as the implemented algorithms work similarly.

In m_n_kappa you may find the Delaunay-implementation not starting with a bounding structure.


Incremental Delaunay Triangulation implemented in python






