#RDF-CH ###RDF-CH is a collection of commandhelper scripts used on the RDF build server.
- Aliases+Funstuff
- Derps
- DomainNameForcer
- NameSystem
- Online_Players
- Personal_Schematic_Folders
- PlayerIPRelationships
- RDF_CH_Commons
- RSW_Tools
- Temperature_Converter
- Worldedit_Restrictor
- Commands:
- /ra - Reloads all aliases
- /afk - returns message telling users to not go AFK while in-game
- /expr - allows you to have the server return solutions to mathmatical expressions
- Example: /expr (1+2)*3 would return "9"
- /expression - returns message telling users to use /expr instead
- /hat - puts the currently held item into user's "hat" slot, making them wear it.
- (all of these are commands)
- lemur, moo, oink, click, bark, baa, brains, sss,confused,nope,lag,huzza,me,join
- all return some comedic response
- /fast - apply a "speed 100" potion to player running command
- /fixme - removes all potion effects from player running command
- /save - allows admins to force a world save
- /day & /night - allows users to change their personal time to "noon" or "midnight" respectively
- /c - returns chat colors as their "color code" - displayed as their represented colors
- /fixlag - runs several commands that may help improve server performance
- Authored by: Jessassin
- Commands:
- /derp <optional>
- Returns a random inside-joke, or a specific one if a number is givem
- /derp <optional>
- Authored by: Jessassin
- Contributions by: RDF community
(the following will be added at a later date: ##DomainNameForcer