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Logviewer plugin

Jerrie edited this page Aug 9, 2023 · 1 revision


Represents Logviewer plugin, with this plugin you no longer need to host your logviewer separately.

This plugin is a modified version of kyb3r's logviewer. Any credits must go to original developers.


A few things to check before you install this plugin:

  • Bot version 4.0.0 or higher.
  • Cannot be used with the keepalive plugin or any other form of keepalive that is used to receive HTTP request to ping your bot (if you are hosting on Replit). In fact this plugin itself is a keepalive, you can make a HEAD request (ping) to the web server it creates.
  • Your host must be able to run the web server and able to receive incoming HTTP requests.
  • Heroku currently is not compatible.

(Tested on Koyeb, Replit and Railway)

How to install

Use command:

?plugin install Jerrie-Aries/modmail-plugins/logviewer

By default this plugin would start the web server on startup.

However if you want to change that behavior, you can add and set the environment config variable LOGVIEWER_AUTOSTART to False. Then it can manually be started with ?logviewer start command.

Note: On the first run, you need to open the logviewer web page and copy the link and paste it in LOG_URL in your bot's config variable and restart your bot.


  • Jinja2 - This library is used to render the templates for html.

Reporting bugs and errors

If you encounter any bugs or errors, just open a new issue here and report it.


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