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Add --debug-asm-symex-first
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This flag results in running symex on the asm side first, resulting in
easier debugging when there is an error in symbolically executing the
assembly at all.
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JasonGross committed Mar 6, 2025
1 parent efc121c commit eafb105
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Showing 3 changed files with 63 additions and 16 deletions.
63 changes: 47 additions & 16 deletions src/Assembly/Equivalence.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1452,30 +1452,61 @@ Section check_equivalence.
Local Notation map_err_None v := (ErrorT.map_error (fun e => (None, e)) v).
Local Notation map_err_Some label v := (ErrorT.map_error (fun e => (Some label, e)) v).

Definition check_equivalence : ErrorT (option (string (* fname *) * Lines (* asm lines *)) * EquivalenceCheckingError) unit :=
Definition map_symex_asm (inputs : list (idx + list idx)) (output_types : type_spec) (d : dag)
: ErrorT
(option (string (* fname *) * Lines (* asm lines *)) * EquivalenceCheckingError)
(list ((string (* fname *) * Lines (* asm lines *)) * (list (idx + list idx) * symbolic_state))) :=
let reg_available := assembly_calling_registers (* registers available for calling conventions *) in
(ls <-- (
(fun '((fname, asm) as label)
=> (asm <- map_err_Some label (strip_ret asm);
let stack_size : nat := N.to_nat (assembly_stack_size asm) in
symevaled_asm <- map_err_Some label (symex_asm_func (dereference_output_scalars:=false) d assembly_callee_saved_registers output_types stack_size inputs reg_available asm);
Success (label, symevaled_asm)))
Success ls)%error.

Definition check_equivalence : ErrorT (option (string (* fname *) * Lines (* asm lines *)) * EquivalenceCheckingError) unit :=
let d := dag.empty in
input_types <- map_err_None (simplify_input_type t arg_bounds);
output_types <- map_err_None (simplify_base_type (type.final_codomain t) out_bounds);
let '(inputs, d) := build_inputs (descr:=Build_description "build_inputs" true ) input_types d in
let '(inputs, d) := build_inputs (descr:=Build_description "build_inputs" true) input_types d in

PHOAS_output <- map_err_None (symex_PHOAS expr inputs d);
let '(PHOAS_output, d) := PHOAS_output in
ls <- (
if negb debug_symex_asm_first then (
PHOAS_output <- map_err_None (symex_PHOAS expr inputs d);
let '(PHOAS_output, d) := PHOAS_output in

let first_new_idx_after_all_old_idxs : option idx := Some (dag.size d) in
let first_new_idx_after_all_old_idxs : option idx := Some (dag.size d) in

_ <-- (
(fun '((fname, asm) as label)
=> (asm <- map_err_Some label (strip_ret asm);
let stack_size : nat := N.to_nat (assembly_stack_size asm) in
symevaled_asm <- map_err_Some label (symex_asm_func (dereference_output_scalars:=false) d assembly_callee_saved_registers output_types stack_size inputs reg_available asm);
let '(asm_output, s) := symevaled_asm in
asm_output <- map_symex_asm inputs output_types d;

let ls := (fun '(lbl, (asm_output, s)) => (lbl, asm_output, PHOAS_output, s, first_new_idx_after_all_old_idxs)) asm_output in
Success ls
) else ( (* debug version, do asm first *)
asm_output <- map_symex_asm inputs output_types d;

ls <-- ( (fun '(lbl, (asm_output, s)) =>
let d := s.(dag_state) in
let first_new_idx_after_all_old_idxs : option idx := Some (dag.size d) in

PHOAS_output <- map_err_None (symex_PHOAS expr inputs d);
let '(PHOAS_output, d) := PHOAS_output in

let s := {| dag_state := d; symbolic_reg_state := s.(symbolic_reg_state); symbolic_flag_state := s.(symbolic_flag_state); symbolic_mem_state := s.(symbolic_mem_state) |} in

Success (lbl, asm_output, PHOAS_output, s, first_new_idx_after_all_old_idxs))
Success ls

_ <-- (fun '(lbl, asm_output, PHOAS_output, s, first_new_idx_after_all_old_idxs) =>
if list_beq _ (sum_beq _ _ N.eqb (list_beq _ N.eqb)) asm_output PHOAS_output
then Success tt
else Error (Some lbl, Unable_to_unify asm_output PHOAS_output first_new_idx_after_all_old_idxs s))
Success tt.

if list_beq _ (sum_beq _ _ N.eqb (list_beq _ N.eqb)) asm_output PHOAS_output
then Success tt
else Error (Some label, Unable_to_unify asm_output PHOAS_output first_new_idx_after_all_old_idxs s)))
Success tt.

(** We don't actually generate assembly, we just check equivalence and pass assembly through unchanged *)
Definition generate_assembly_of_hinted_expr : ErrorT (option (string (* fname *) * Lines (* asm lines *)) * EquivalenceCheckingError) (list (string * Lines))
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/Assembly/Symbolic.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -401,6 +401,8 @@ Module Export Options.
than every time, because it is (currently) quadratic to compute
in the number of passes *)
Class rewriting_passes_opt := rewriting_passes : list rewrite_pass.
(** Should we symex the assembly first, even though this may be more inefficient? *)
Class debug_symex_asm_first_opt := debug_symex_asm_first : bool.
Definition default_rewriting_passes
{rewriting_pipeline : rewriting_pipeline_opt}
{rewriting_pass_filter : rewriting_pass_filter_opt}
Expand All @@ -410,17 +412,20 @@ Module Export Options.
Class symbolic_options_opt :=
{ asm_rewriting_pipeline : rewriting_pipeline_opt
; asm_rewriting_pass_filter : rewriting_pass_filter_opt
; asm_debug_symex_asm_first : debug_symex_asm_first_opt

(* This holds the list of computed options, which are passed around between methods *)
Class symbolic_options_computed_opt :=
{ asm_rewriting_passes : rewriting_passes_opt
; asm_debug_symex_asm_first_computed : debug_symex_asm_first_opt

(* N.B. The default rewriting pass filter should not be changed here, but instead changed in CLI.v where it is derived from a default string *)
Definition default_symbolic_options : symbolic_options_opt
:= {| asm_rewriting_pipeline := default_rewrite_pass_order
; asm_rewriting_pass_filter := fun _ => true
; asm_debug_symex_asm_first := false
End Options.
Module Export Hints.
Expand All @@ -431,13 +436,17 @@ Module Export Hints.
Hint Cut [
( _ * )
| asm_rewriting_pass_filter
| asm_rewriting_passes
| asm_debug_symex_asm_first
| asm_debug_symex_asm_first_computed
) ( _ * )
| Build_symbolic_options_computed_opt
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/CLI.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -547,6 +547,10 @@ Module ForExtraction.
:= ([Arg.long_key "asm-rewriting-passes"],
["A comma-separated list of rewriting passes to enable. Prefix with - to disable a pass. This list only impacts passes listed in --asm-rewriting-pipeline. Default : " ++ (if default_asm_rewriting_passes =? "" then "(none)" else default_asm_rewriting_passes)]%string ++ describe_flag_options "rewriting pass" "Enable all rewriting passes" special_asm_rewriting_pass_flags known_asm_rewriting_pass_flags_with_spec)%list.
Definition asm_debug_symex_asm_first_spec : named_argT
:= ([Arg.long_key "debug-asm-symex-first"],
["Debug option: If true, the assembly equivalence checker will symex the assembly first, even though this may be more inefficient. This may be useful for having a more concise description of errors in assembly symbolic execution."]).
Definition doc_text_before_function_name_spec : named_argT
:= ([Arg.long_key "doc-text-before-function-name"],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -730,6 +734,7 @@ Module ForExtraction.
; asm_error_on_unique_names_mismatch_spec
; asm_rewriting_pipeline_spec
; asm_rewriting_passes_spec
; asm_debug_symex_asm_first_spec
; doc_text_before_function_name_spec
; doc_text_before_type_name_spec
; doc_newline_before_package_declaration_spec
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -788,6 +793,7 @@ Module ForExtraction.
, asm_error_on_unique_names_mismatchv
, asm_rewriting_pipelinev
, asm_rewriting_passesv
, asm_debug_symex_asm_firstv
, doc_text_before_function_namev
, doc_text_before_type_namev
, doc_newline_before_package_declarationv
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -875,6 +881,7 @@ Module ForExtraction.
; symbolic_options_ :=
{| asm_rewriting_pipeline := to_rewriting_pipeline_list asm_rewriting_pipelinev
; asm_rewriting_pass_filter := fun p => asm_rewriting_pass_filterv (show_rewrite_pass p)
; asm_debug_symex_asm_first := to_bool asm_debug_symex_asm_firstv
; ignore_unique_asm_names := negb (to_bool asm_error_on_unique_names_mismatchv)
Expand Down

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