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Open Source Research

Joshua Bell edited this page Feb 4, 2023 · 3 revisions

This section of the wiki contains studies which have been open-sourced or have publicly released some/all of their assets. For the moment, all such studies will be included on this page. Once the collection reaches a size that makes this approach unwieldy, they will be categorized based on some characteristic, such as the software platform. If you would like a study to be included, feel free to reach out or post an issue (preferably with this template filled out).



Transferring paradigms from physical to virtual reality: Can reaction time effects be replicated in a virtual setting?

  • Tags: vision, real-virtual-comparison, RT
  • Authors: Michael Wiesing, Hendrik Steinkönig, Simone Vossel, Gereon R. Fink, Ralph Weidner
  • Date: 10-2022
  • Method Summary: Presented paired visual stimuli (horizontally-aligned gratings of varying color, orientation and spatial frequency) to participants on both a physical and virtual monitor, with participants identifying the stimuli as either "same" or "different" in terms of spatial frequency using a pair of NataTech buttons. Recorded reaction time and accuracy.
  • Software Platform: UE4 (4.22)
    • Framework: Custom
  • Hardware Platform(s): OpenVR, NataTech
    • HMD: HTC Vive
    • Tracking/Response hardware: 2x Vive controllers, 2x Natatech button pads
  • Assets Available: A fully textured 3D lab scene with baked lighting (video). A set of scripts that handle the controlled presentation of visual stimuli and data collection. Collected data and analysis scripts.
  • Relevant Links: