4.9.3 - The Image Editor Update [Patch 3]
When generating a template with nothing selected, the template will now be generated for the entire model
Added paste option to outliner context menu
Made selecting vertices easier on touch screens (#2153 )
Added back support for older iOS versions pre 16.4
Added new molang validation for ")("
Fixed issue with scaling groups
Fixed #2165 back texture on flat cubes does not appear in regenerated template
Fixed cubes not syncing correctly across edit sessions
Fixed double clicking on amend edit menu selects reference images behind
Fixed export property not being saved on meshes
Fixed export property being ignored when exporting skinned mesh as glTF
Fixed #2159 Cannot use multiple modifier keys for keybind on Mac
Fixed UV matching when merging projects
Fixed Face Properties tint index UI not updating correctly
Stop possibility of most material icons being Google translated in web app
Fixed mesh UV overlay being draggable in paint mode
Fixed deleting texture not working when mesh part is selected
Limited OBJ importer face vertex count to 4 to prevent invalid faces from being created
Locked elements no longer get mirrored in mirror modeling
Fixed #2177 animation list overlap
Slim skins now work correctly on reference models (#2037 )
Fixed creating face not deleting duplicate edges
Fixed unable to extrude single not connected vertex
Fixed #2045 OBJ mtl export can have incorrect texture file name
Center View on Selection no longer works for UVs (#2172 )
Fixed clicking on 2D editor scrollbar counting as paint
You can’t perform that action at this time.