4.12.3 - The Collection & Selection Update [Patch 3]
Added skin preset for the "Creaking"
Changed vector inputs to update ratio from current numbers when enabling linked ratio
Condensed Ignore Axis options of Vertex Snap tool into one line
Limited height of placeholder variable buttons list
Added support for three.js vector as argument in V3_set
Fixed directions of new faces when extruding edge loop
Fixed amend edit not working when extruding edges
Fixed invalid selection after mirror modeling mesh
Ignore box UV cubes with face rotation value when determining format version for bedrock geo
Fixed #1334 Mesh wireframes sometimes do not update
Fixed #2665 tiny numbers not rounded in minified bbmodel
Fixed per group texture not being saved in custom formats
Fixed #2661 dragging multiple groups in outliner can causes recursive structure
Fixed material instances in face properties editor not applying to all selected cubes
Made minimum reference image size scale with zoom level
Fixed issue where undoing a selection of a deleted element would create invalid state
Made tool config API match type
Fixed #1851 default actions cannot be removed from toolbars in some cases
Fixed texture not updating when moving cube into group in per group texture format
Fixed #2644 selecting collections with invalid state can lock interface
Fixed issue in edit session when undo selections is enabled
Fixed edit sessions not snycing correctly
Fixed bbmodels saving as .bbmodel.txt on some android devices
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