Process after submission: Clear out the codes and sort out Code model update
Check GPU temperature in case
nvidia-smi -q
device = torch.device('cuda:0')
import rlkit.torch.pytorch_util as ptu
RAM check
sar -r 1
sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/skc/
Used : PyBullet, Pytorch
python = 3.8 version
Anaconda env = conda create -n murm python=3.8
Need at least 240GB space / 200GB=demos
For Computer2: sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/skc/
Using 2TB HDD (+ 1TB SSD)
path: /media/jang/jang/0ubuntu/
demos_dataset, image_dataset , images , presampled_goals, Video_Check , Vae_Model
RandomBox, SingleView, Wall, z_Running_test
800 / 800 / 400
2100 episodes of images(900,600,600) = 577.5K, same for 64 images
Panda Robot env settings
-Control with end-effector's XYZ coordinate (7DOF using quaternions possible as well)
-Gripper Control with Distance and Robot finger's Contact
-RL: Give action with POS
MURMENV- 9 Boxes as goals, Holding the object at start + cube + Random color(rgb)
MURMENV_v2- Randomly positioned goal-box
MURMENV_v3- Picking up random shaped and randomly positioned object
Our prime goal is to compare prior methods(Only single views) with MURM in solving GCRL.
Plus, Multi-views can tackle more complicated tasks that prior methods cannot solve.
GCRL components:
- Diversity in shapes(cube, rectangular prism, tetris shapes) and colors of objects
- Fixed 9 goal boxes VS Random 1 goal box
- Random Action POS in demos
*With Demo and VQVAE, train in offline RL
*Check whether increading demos, noisy demos have meaningful effect as further work
*Use Robot state information as further work
3/30 Analysis
48*48 version...
Main computer
Training time offline = 100 e ( 1 hour / MURM version)
Training time online = 50 e ( ? hours)
Training time offline = 100 e ( 2.5 hours )
Training time online = 50 e ( ? hours)
Get images and demos
*GCRL implementation complete
- Added Q-functions modification and Dropout modification
*More updated model with HRL
In Low-level policy: Active-view and Global-view can be considered more suitably and efficiently
-Finding and detection of the object: Considering a more variety of initial state in terms of active-view camera
-Pick & Placing in Multi-view task: More organized reward function and structure of MURM
Furthermore, Hierarchical multi-scale latent maps can deal with high-resolution images needed necessarily for complicated tasks.
Possible implementation of VQVAE2:
Parameters of VQVAE2:
Beta = 0.25
weight decay = 0
latent_loss_weight = 0.25
batch = 128
Training time offline = maybe 300 (14 hours), 500 (22 hours)
Training time online = maybe 250 (24 hours), 100 (9 hours)