Terra Draw has a number of ways to interact with it, including:
- Responding to native mouse/pointer Events
- Responding to Terra Draw Events
Getting features at a given mouse event can be done like so:
document.addEventListener("mousemove", (event) => {
const featuresAtMouseEvent = draw.getFeaturesAtPointerEvent(event, {
// The number pixels to search around input point
pointerDistance: 40,
// Ignore features that have been selected
ignoreSelectFeatures: true,
// Do something with the features...
console.log({ featuresAtMouseEvent });
Getting features at a given longitude and latitude can be done like so:
map.on("mousemove", (event) => {
const { lng, lat } = event.lngLat;
const featuresAtLngLat = draw.getFeaturesAtLngLat(
{ lng, lat },
// The number pixels to search around input point
pointerDistance: 40,
// Ignore features that have been selected
ignoreSelectFeatures: true,
console.log({ featuresAtLngLat });
The second argument is optional for both getFeaturesAtPointerEvent
and getFeaturesAtLngLat
, with defaults set to ignoreSelectFeatures: false
and pointerDistance: 30
There are a number of Terra Draw events that you can listen to. For example, you can add a callback function that is invoked when Terra Draw has completed editing a Feature:
draw.on("change", (ids, type) => {
//Done editing
if (type === "delete") {
// Get the Store snapshot
const snapshot = draw.getSnapshot();
// Do something
The other Terra Draw events are:
draw.on("finish", (id: string, context: { action: string, mode: string }) => {
if (context.action === 'draw') {
// Do something for draw finish event
} else if (context.action === 'dragFeature') {
// Do something for a drag finish event
} else if (context.action === 'dragCoordinate') {
}else if (context.action === 'dragCoordinateResize') {
draw.on("change", (ids: string[], type: string) => {
// Possible type values:
// 'create'
// 'update'
// 'delete'
// 'styling'
// Do something
draw.on("select", (id: string) => {
// Do something
draw.on("deselect", () => {
// Do something