Terra Draw provides a number of ways to style the drawing experience. This guide will cover how to style features for the following Modes:
You can also style specific features if required.
Modes can be styled by passing a styles
object to the constructor of the mode. For example, to style the TerraDrawPolygonMode
// Create Terra Draw
const draw = new TerraDraw({
// Create Adapter
adapter: new TerraDrawMapboxGLAdapter({ map, lib }),
// Create Modes
modes: [
// Polygon Mode
new TerraDrawPolygonMode({
// Pass styles to the constructor
styles: {
// Fill colour (a string containing a 6 digit Hex color)
fillColor: "#00FFFF",
// Fill opacity (0 - 1)
fillOpacity: 0.7,
// Outline colour (Hex color)
outlineColor: "#00FF00",
//Outline width (Integer)
outlineWidth: 2,
Colors in Terra Draw are modelled as 6 digit Hex colors (e.g., #00FFFF). This is to ensure consistency across different mapping libraries.
Each Mode has a different set of styles that can be passed to the constructor:
The TerraDrawPointMode
is styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
pointColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the point |
pointWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The width of the point |
pointOutlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The outline color of the point |
pointOutlineWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The outline width of the point |
The TerraDrawLineStringMode
is styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
lineStringColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The color of the line |
lineStringWidth |
Integer | 3 |
The width of the line |
The TerraDrawPolygonMode
is styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
fillColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the polygon |
fillOpacity |
Number (0-1) | 0.7 |
The fill opacity of the polygon |
outlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The outline color of the polygon |
outlineWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The outline width of the polygon |
closingPointColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the closing point |
closingPointWidth |
Integer | 1 |
The width of the closing point |
closingPointOutlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FF00 |
The outline color of the closing point |
closingPointOutlineWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The outline width of the closing point |
The TerraDrawFreehandMode
is styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
fillColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the polygon |
fillOpacity |
Number (0-1) | 0.7 |
The fill opacity of the polygon |
outlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The outline color of the polygon |
outlineWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The outline width of the polygon |
closingPointColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the closing point |
closingPointWidth |
Integer | 1 |
The width of the closing point |
closingPointOutlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FF00 |
The outline color of the closing point |
closingPointOutlineWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The outline width of the closing point |
The TerraDrawCircleMode
is styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
fillColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the circle |
outlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The outline color of the circle |
outlineWidth |
Integer | 1 |
The outline width of the circle |
fillOpacity |
Number (0-1) | 0.34 |
The fill opacity of the circle |
The TerraDrawRectangleMode
is styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
fillColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the rectangle |
outlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The outline color of the rectangle |
outlineWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The outline width of the rectangle |
fillOpacity |
Number (0-1) | 0.9 |
The fill opacity of the rectangle |
The TerraDrawAngledRectangleMode
is styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
fillColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the rectangle |
outlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The outline color of the rectangle |
outlineWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The outline width of the rectangle |
fillOpacity |
Number (0-1) | 0.9 |
The fill opacity of the rectangle |
The TerraDrawSectorMode
is styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
fillColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the sector |
outlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The outline color of the sector |
outlineWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The outline width of the sector |
fillOpacity |
Number (0-1) | 0.9 |
The fill opacity of the sector |
The TerraDrawSensorMode
is styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
centerPointColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the center point |
centerPointWidth |
Integer | 3 |
The fill width of the center point |
centerPointOutlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the center point outline |
centerPointOutlineWidth |
Integer | 1 |
The fill width of the center point outline |
fillColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the sensor |
outlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The outline color of the sensor |
outlineWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The outline width of the sensor |
fillOpacity |
Number (0-1) | 0.9 |
The fill opacity of the sensor |
You can update styles after a mode has been initialised using the updateModeOptions
method, which takes a styles
object. This can be done like so:
const draw = new TerraDraw({
adapter: new TerraDrawMapboxGLAdapter({ map, lib }),
modes: [
new TerraDrawPolygonMode({
// Pass styles to the constructor
styles: {
fillColor: "#00FFFF",
fillOpacity: 0.7,
outlineColor: "#00FF00",
outlineWidth: 2,
// Later on...
draw.updateModeOptions<typeof TerraDrawPolygonMode>('polygon', {
// We can pass in a partial styles object and it will just update the fields passed
styles: {
fillColor: "#b3250a",
fillOpacity: 0.85
This will trigger a styling
change event, which can be listened to like so:
draw.on('change', (ids, type) => {
if (type === 'styling') {
console.log('styling has changed');
To style selected data, pass the styles
property to the TerraDrawSelectMode
constructor. For example, to style the selected polygon:
const draw = new TerraDraw({
adapter: new TerraDrawMapboxGLAdapter({ map, lib }),
modes: [
new TerraDrawPolygonMode(),
new TerraDrawSelectMode({
styles: {
// Fill colour
selectedPolygonColor: "#00FFFF",
// Fill opacity
selectedPolygonFillOpacity: 0.7,
// Outline colour
selectedPolygonOutlineColor: "#00FF00",
//Outline width
selectedPolygonOutlineWidth: 2,
flags: {
polygon: {
feature: {
draggable: true,
Different selection styles can be applied to different geometry types.
Selected Points are styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
selectedPointColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the point |
selectedPointWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The width of the point |
selectedPointOutlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The outline color of the point |
selectedPointOutlineWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The outline width of the point |
Selected Lines are styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
selectedLineStringColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The color of the line |
selectedLineStringWidth |
Integer | 3 |
The width of the line |
Selected Polygons are styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
selectedPolygonColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the polygon |
selectedPolygonFillOpacity |
Number (0-1) | 0.7 |
The fill opacity of the polygon |
selectedPolygonOutlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The outline color of the polygon |
selectedPolygonOutlineWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The outline width of the polygon |
Lines and Polygons have selection points that allow you to move existing points in the geometry. These can be styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
selectionPointColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the selection point |
selectionPointOutlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FF00 |
The outline color of the selection point |
selectionPointWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The width of the selection point |
selectionPointOutlineWidth |
Integer | 3 |
The width of the selection point |
Lines and Polygons have mid points that allow you to add new points to the geometry. These can be styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
midPointColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the mid point |
midPointOutlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The outline color of the mid point |
midPointWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The width of the mid point |
midPointOutlineWidth |
Integer | 3 |
The width of the mid point |
The TerraDrawRenderMode
is used to render uneditable features, like contextual data.
For example, to style a Point rendered using the TerraDrawRenderMode
// Create Terra Draw
const draw = new TerraDraw({
adapter: new TerraDrawMapboxGLAdapter({ map, lib }),
modes: [
// Create a Render Mode
new TerraDrawRenderMode({
// Provide a unique name
modeName: "contextual",
// Your styles
styles: {
// Fill colour
pointColor: "#00FFFF",
// Outline colour
pointOutlineColor: "#00FF00",
// Add a Point to the Render Mode (accepts Array)
The following styles can be applied to different geometry types displayed using the TerraDrawRenderMode
Points added to the TerraDrawRenderMode
are styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
pointColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the point |
pointWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The width of the point |
pointOutlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The outline color of the point |
pointOutlineWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The outline width of the point |
Lines added to the TerraDrawRenderMode
are styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
lineStringColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The color of the line |
lineStringWidth |
Integer | 3 |
The width of the line |
Polygons added to the TerraDrawRenderMode
are styled using the following properties:
Property | Type | Example Value | Description |
polygonFillColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The fill color of the polygon |
polygonFillOpacity |
Number (0-1) | 0.7 |
The fill opacity of the polygon |
polygonOutlineColor |
Hex Color | #00FFFF |
The outline color of the polygon |
polygonOutlineWidth |
Integer | 2 |
The outline width of the polygon |
Multiple Render Modes can be added to the Terra Draw instance. This allows you to style individual Render Modes differently.
Terra Draw supports styling overrides of individual features if required. This can be achieved by providing a styling function rather than a string or a number to a feature. As an example here we can style each polygon feature as a random color:
// Function to generate a random hex color - can adjust as needed
function getRandomColor() {
const letters = "0123456789ABCDEF";
let color = "#";
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
color += letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)];
return color;
// Cache for each feature id mapped to a hex color string
const colorCache: Record<string, HexColor> = {};
const draw = new TerraDraw({
adapter: new TerraDrawMapboxGLAdapter({
map, // Assume this is defined further up
coordinatePrecision: 9,
modes: [
new TerraDrawPolygonMode({
styles: {
fillColor: ({ id }) => {
// Get the color from the cache or generate a new one
colorCache[id] = colorCache[id] || getRandomColor();
return colorCache[id];
// Ensure the color cache is cleaned up on deletion of features
draw.on("delete", (ids) => ids.forEach((id) => delete cache[id]));