This is a matrix calculator application based on Java. It can be used to solve several linear algebra problems
- Matrix addition and subtraction
- Matrix multiplication
- Get the Row Echelon Form and Reduced Row Echelon Form from a given matrix
- Matrix solving, Ax = b
- Determinant
- Markov Matrix ( which will be a subclass of, inheriting all of its basic method and has its own unique methods)
- The inverse of of a given matrix
- Eigenvalues of a matrix ( 2 by 2 only )
- Users must have the jdk in their computers. That is the only requirement.
- Download the file "Matrix-Calculator-Pro.jar"
- At this same direcotory, create a .exe/.bat/.sh file, click to edit it, paste the following line:
" java --module-path "Your jdk \lib location" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,java.desktop -jar Matrix-Calculator-Pro.jar"
- I provide a JUnit test to test the functionality of this matrix calculator. Feel free to comment under this repository if you think my tests are not comprehensive enough and more edge cases are needed.
For more information on how to run it, this youtube video may help
Really appreciate the help of the contributor of that video!