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Spatial data management with semantic web technology and Linked Open Data (LOD)

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Spalod Setup Guide


1. Install Miniconda

You will need Miniconda to manage dependencies and set up your environment. Download and install Miniconda by selecting the appropriate installer for your system (Windows, macOS, or Linux) from here.

After installation, confirm that Conda is installed:

conda --version

2. Set Up the Conda Environment

Once Miniconda is installed, use the provided environment.yml file to create the environment. Alternatively, you can manually create the environment and install dependencies.

Method 1: Using environment.yml

To create the environment directly:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Method 2: Manual Environment Creation

To create the environment manually:

conda create -n spalod_env python=3.10
conda activate spalod_env
pip install django djangorestframework dj-rest-auth social-auth-app-django django-allauth pydeck rdflib pyproj folium shapely laspy

3. Activate the Environment

Activate the Conda environment using:

conda activate spalod_env

Make sure to use the exact environment name if specified differently in the environment.yml file.

Project Setup

  1. With the environment activated, navigate to the project directory and run migrations:
python makemigrations spalod_app
python migrate
python createsuperuser
  1. Start the Django development server:
python runserver

GraphDB Configuration

Ensure that GraphDB is running and accessible at:


Authentication and API Usage

1. User Registration

Register a new user:

curl -X POST -d "username=JJ&password1=GNybRXbC563&password2=GNybRXbC563"

2. User Login

Log in to obtain an authentication token:

curl -X POST -d "username=JJ&password=GNybRXbC563"

Expected response:


3. Running a SPARQL Query

Example SPARQL query request:

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Token 9b2b164be957dcfc9dcb399f91acc06d4b0f4228" \
-d '{"query": "SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 10"}'

Ontology Update with Property Mappings

To update ontology mappings with new properties and validation timestamps:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Token 9b2b164be957dcfc9dcb399f91acc06d4b0f4228" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
      "mappings": [
          "new_property": "http://your-ontology/newProperty1",
          "old_property": "http://your-ontology/oldProperty1"
          "new_property": "http://your-ontology/newProperty2",
          "old_property": "http://your-ontology/oldProperty2"

Query Properties

To retrieve properties that have a hasBeenValidatedBy status of "none" or are missing this property:

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Token 9b2b164be957dcfc9dcb399f91acc06d4b0f4228"

File Upload with Metadata

Example file upload with associated metadata:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Token b9208365e4bbd3500888a6deb7dcb3e6d05c05a3" \
-F "file=@/Volumes/poncianoCloud/workspace/2025/data/bkg/test.geojson" \
-F "metadata={\"catalog\": \"catalog_name_TEST-KEV\", \"title\": \"dataset titel \", \"description\": \"des\", \"distribution\": \"distri\", \"publisher\": \"publi\"}"

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Token b9208365e4bbd3500888a6deb7dcb3e6d05c05a3" \
-F "file=@/Volumes/poncianoCloud/workspace/2025/data/bkg/spalod_test_01/query.json " \
-F "metadata={\"catalog\": \"catalog_name_TEST\", \"title\": \"dataset titel \", \"description\": \"des\", \"distribution\": \"distri\", \"publisher\": \"publi\"}"


  "message": "File uploaded and ontology processed successfully.",
  "uuid": "04287a39-053d-435e-8064-a7664604edb9",
  "ontology_url": "/media/uploads/04287a39-053d-435e-8064-a7664604edb9/04287a39-053d-435e-8064-a7664604edb9_ontology.owl",
  "map_url": "/media/uploads/04287a39-053d-435e-8064-a7664604edb9/04287a39-053d-435e-8064-a7664604edb9_map.html"

To download:

curl -O

Uploading a Point Cloud

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Token 9b2b164be957dcfc9dcb399f91acc06d4b0f4228" \
-F "file=@/path/to/pointcloud.las" \
-F "metadata={\"description\": \"Pointcloud\", \"source\": \"BKG\"}"

Running SPARQL Queries

Example SPARQL query:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/api/sparql-query/ \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Token 9b2b164be957dcfc9dcb399f91acc06d4b0f4228" \
-d '{"query": "PREFIX geo: <> PREFIX ns2: <> PREFIX ex: <> SELECT ?feature ?property ?value WHERE { ?feature a geo:Feature ; ?property ?value . }"}'

Miscellaneous Endpoints

Retrieve a Catalog

curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Token 9b2b164be957dcfc9dcb399f91acc06d4b0f4228"

Delete a Catalog

curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Token 9b2b164be957dcfc9dcb399f91acc06d4b0f4228"

Retrieve Feature Information

curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Token 9b2b164be957dcfc9dcb399f91acc06d4b0f4228"

Retrieve WKT of a Feature

curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Token 9b2b164be957dcfc9dcb399f91acc06d4b0f4228"

Retrieve All WKT of All Catalog Features

curl -X GET "

ce20" \
-H "Authorization: Token 9b2b164be957dcfc9dcb399f91acc06d4b0f4228"

Retrieve All Catalogs

curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Token 9b2b164be957dcfc9dcb399f91acc06d4b0f4228"