I'm a recently graduated PhD researcher from the University of Oxford, with a background in Natural Sciences (University of Exeter) and a specialisation in machine learning and human genetics. I'm experienced in and excited about interdisciplinary scientific work and want to use my knowledge and skills to have a real-world impact. I firmly believe that the better we understand the problems in front of us, the stronger our collective solutions will be. I'm now a Scientific Developer @genomics-dev, creating tools and pipelines to help keep their awesome scientific work going.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on open-source tools for cleaning genetics data, and improving machine learning on DNA sequences
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Rust, and how to make my own graphics in Blender
- 📓 I’m looking to collaborate on projects in Explainable AI and Artificial Life
- 💬 Ask me about novel nature-inspired ways of developing AI, the worlds simplest cookie recipe, and why I'm always running away from zombies!
Stay safe out there!