These are utility scripts.
depends on path (pip3 install Path
the script is a python3 script that appends to a rolling file with the first argument passed on the command line
to run:
python3 "foo bar baz"
This will output the path to the USER_HOME directory where the .note file that keeps track of these files will reside. The time the note was taken and append to the .note file. The file will now contain a line like the following. [0][Wed Mar 15 17:01:29 2023] - foo bar baz
output format:
[note enumeration][local date time of note] - first argument
On unix like systems, I like to keep an open terminal following the note file so I can see these updates in real time: tail -f ~/.note
Depends on git & find
This shell script is for determining the differing files between 2 github branches. It uses find to take snapshots of all the files recursively in the current directory. You may specify the end of the file names to search for.
Example: If you are only interested in the java files that differ between 2 branches the following call with tell where the files are relative the current directory.
to run:
dbranches mybranch myotherbranch .java
Also provides other smaller one line utilities:
: outputs the name of the current github branch
This can also be passed into the dbranches function
dbranches mybranch $(currentBranch)
running dbranches leaves artifacts of the run for review. These can be cleaned up simply by running dbranchCleanup