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AppDetails explained

Izzy edited this page Jul 25, 2020 · 9 revisions

App Details explained


First level of organization is pretty clear: System Apps and User Apps are listed in separate files (by default, and Inside each of these files, apps are grouped by the source they came from. At least that's the theory; the next paragraph will explain why reality differs a little.

To determine the source, Adebar uses the package's installer attribute. This is set by the managing app that installed it – usually the apps of Google Play, F-Droid etc. There are three exceptions where Adebar has no chance to determine the „real source“:

  • if you used adb install from your computer
  • if you used pm install from the shell on your Android device
  • if you downloaded/copied an .apk to your device and invoked the package installer directly by „tapping“ the .apk file in your favorite on-device file manager – or the app you've used to install the new app deferred the installation itself to the package manager (e.g. F-Droid running as user app without the help of its „privileged extension“ as system app).

In those three cases, the installer property will either be none or (the package installer itself) – and the generated report will group the apps under those headings.

If you uninstalled some apps (adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 <packageName>) to get rid of unwanted bloatware, and have not disabled the corresponding section in your Adebar config for the device (MK_UNINSTAPPS=0), there will be a third section listing those apps. Pointer: if you're looking for help on debloating, Universal Android Debloater might come in handy. It helps you identifying bloatware on your Android device, from generic ones (Google-provided) over manuafacturer specific (Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei & co) up to carrier specific ones, generating the uninstall commands as well as the ones to restore them in case you want them back (adb shell pm install-existing <packageName>).

Per-App Details

Looking at the app details in either or, not all fields are self-explaining – at least if you're not a developer. So I'll try to shed some light here, going by an example entry and field-by-field, giving you an idea what each line might be about. First, the example entry – taken from an app on an Android Go device running Android 8.1 (more precisely: a Wiko Sunny 3):

  • Smart Assist - Clean & Boost & Security
    • storage used (app/data/cache): 30 MiB / (unknown) / 14 KiB
    • first installed: 2008-12-31 17:00:00
    • last updated: 2008-12-31 17:00:00
    • installed version: (901014)
    • signature scheme: 1
    • IDs: userId=10108
    • CodePath: /system/vital-app/SmartAssist_CA
    • App data: /data/user/0/com.ape.cleanassist
    • Primary CPU ABI: armeabi
    • supported screen sizes: [small, medium, large, xlarge, resizeable, anyDensity]
    • User 0: ceDataInode=-4294966108 installed=true hidden=false suspended=false stopped=true notLaunched=true enabled=0 instant=false virtual=false

The header should be clear: It's the app name (if available, otherwise the app's package name) – if possible linked to a place where it can be obtained from. Where the link goes to depends on where the app was installed from – and which URL you have defined for that source (see APP_MARKET_URL in Configuration).

  • category: the optional attribute appCategory was added with Oreo (Android 8.0), see developer reference. They seem not to show up on all Android 8+ devices, though. Categories are described as:
    • game: Apps which are primarily games
    • audio: Apps which primarily work with audio or music, such as music players
    • video: Apps which primarily work with video or movies, such as streaming video apps
    • image: Apps which primarily work with images or photos, such as camera or gallery apps
    • social: Apps which are primarily social apps, such as messaging, communication, email, or social network apps
    • news: Apps which are primarily news apps, such as newspapers, magazines, or sports apps
    • maps: Apps which are primarily maps apps, such as navigation apps
    • productivity: Apps which are primarily productivity apps, such as cloud storage or workplace apps
  • storage used (app/data/cache): how much storage space an app consumes. These details are not available before Android 7 (Nougat), and are incomplete until Android 8 (Oreo) (on Android Go even with Oreo it seems) – so you might either miss them completely or see (unknown) entries for app data here on older Android versions.
  • first installed: when the app was initially installed. For apps that came pre-installed with the device, this often is a fictive date, as in this example.
  • last updated: when the app was last updated. Again the example gives us a „special case“ – which unfortunately is rather a rule than an exception: not only do pre-installed apps often come with quite serious security issues; Heise also cites a study saying 91% of them are never updated. In this example, the app was removed from Play Store in March 2018 – but came pre-installed on this device which was obtained in mid-2019…
  • last used: some apps also state when they were last used – i.e. when the user actively opened its interface the last time. Obviously empty if that didn't happen at all.
  • installed version: version of the app. In (parenthesis) you will see the „versionCode“: this is an internal number Android uses to tell versions apart. A higher versionCode always means a newer version (and Android usually refuses to „update“ an app to an older version, going by this number). Whereas the other part (called „versionName“) is what is shown to the user, and has no „technical relevance“; two different versions could show the same versionName – and the newer version could even show a name that „looks older“ (though such cases are pretty rare).
    More fun with pre-installed apps: the last version available on Play Store was for this app. But we got here. No idea where from.
  • signature scheme: refers to the APK signing process – which is to ensure nobody tampers with an APK once its developer has released it, and thus to prevent e.g. malware injection. The higher the number here, the harder the protection should be to circumvent. Signing scheme v2 was introduced with Android 7 (aka Nougat), and thus not understood by Android 6 and below; v3 was introduced with Android 9 (Pie). To ensure maximum protection while still maintaining compatibilty with older Android versions, developers can apply multiple signing schemes concurrently; each Android version then would rely on the highest one found that it understands (e.g. a device running Nougat would ignore v3 and v1 and pick v2, even if all 3 are available – but accept v1 if no v2 signature were present).
    Another score against pre-installed apps here: though this device runs Android 8.1 (Oreo) and thus would easily understand a v2 signature, several (luckily not all) of its pre-installed apps are only using v1 signatures.
  • IDs: any IDs associated with this app. Here it's userId – which is the ID used on OS level for access permissions etc. On a shell, if this app is running, you should be able to grab its process(es) via the ps command.
  • CodePath: where the *.apk of the app can be found. Though this app is listed as user app on the device, this path tells us it came pre-installed (apps installed by the user end up below /data, not /system)
  • App data: path where the app stores its (local) data. In general, only the app itself (and of course the Android system / the root user) has access to this.
  • CPU ABI: Application Binary Interface – basically the architecture the app was written for. An app can support multiple ABIs (you might additionally see a „Secondary CPU ABI“ here), and some ABIs are „compatible with others“ (if you e.g. have an ARM64-v8 device, it can also run apps using armeabi-v7a or armeabi).
  • supported screen sizes: as the name says. Some apps are intended for large screens only, in which case they won't show the full list here.
  • flags, privateFlags: the meaning of each flag you can find in the source code of ApplicationInfo.Java, which can e.g. for Android 8 (Oreo) be found here. The PRIVILEGED privateFlag e.g. means an app has access to privileged permissions.
  • mtkFlags: These are flags specific to MTK devices.
  • User X: the status of this app for each user on the device. If you never created any user other than the first, only „User 0“ (the „device owner“) will show up here. In the example we see the app was installed for user0 (installed=true) who never started it at all (notLaunched=true), and some more.
  • disabled components: which parts of an app are disabled (if any). Disabled components often correspond to functionality you deactivated via the app's settings – or, on a rooted device, some advanced auto-start manager.
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